Once upon a suprise

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Wills POV

The first time my mom called I said no.
It could only end badly, just like last time.

Then a slightly familiar face came through the coffee shop door.

She had shaved pink hair and dark rich skin.
She had on a bright green skirt and a black band shirt.

"What can I get you today?" I ask.

"Whatever kinda donut looks best and a triple shot mocha." She says.

"Long night?"

"Aren't they all." She shakes her head as she says this. "Do I know you from somewhere?"

I just stare at her blankly.
"Oh my gods I really am going crazy. Wow." Then she snaps here fingers.

"The party! You and you're boyfriend were there."

"Oh yeah. You kicked us out."
"No hard feelings," she leans closer. "My brother is an ass. I'm not exactly out yet but I'm not exactly in either." She gestures at her outfit.
I nod.

"Anyway my name is Chiquita -yes like the banana haha - Smith, I'm 20 ."

She tilted her head to the left and stuck out her hand.
"I-I'm Will Solace, I'm 19."

"Solace? Like the hospital?"

"Yeah that's my dad and his boyfriend."

"Oh. My. Gods. That's amazing! I've always wanted to work there you know! And your dad is a hottie."

Then my phone rings Nicos picture flashes across my screen. "Will you give me a second?" I ask. Chiquita nods and I smiles at her swiping right.
"Hey baby."
"Why is your mom here?" He sounds furious.
"I come home from class and your mom is doing the dishes like it's the most natural thing in the world! Cookies in the oven!"

I glance over at Chiquita. "Listen I don't know. But let me call meg and get some stuff situated I'll be right there."

"Ok ok I'll see you then."

I call meg quickly. "Hey family emergency can you cover?" I ask, as soon as she answers.
"I'm a little busy actually."
"Meg please? Please this is important."
"Ok ok ok ok ok I'll be there in 10." She sounds very upset but I brush it off and hang up.
Then I take off my apron and go into the back room to get my stuff.
When I come back Meg is there

"Thank you so much you're a life saver!" I hug her.

"My doughnut?"

"Fuck I'm so sorry. It's on me." I hand Meg a 10 and then run out the door.

I run down the street hang a left and then I'm there, pounding up the steps and bursting into my home.

My mom is reorganizing the cabinets and I here music blaring from my room.

"Will! Darling how nice to see you." My mother says, turning away from the spices.

I shoot her a look I pray was withering and cross the living room to my room.

I try to open the door but it's been locked. "Nico? Nico is me Will. Baby just open the door please." I hear loud crying and the music stops.

"I'm not coming out until she's gone." He sobs.

"Fine open the door I'll come in." I say.

The door clicks open after a moment and I rush inside and scoop him into my arms.

"Shh shh shh. Oh Nico baby." There's a knife on the floor by my bed and Nico is shaking uncontrollably.

"Let's breath ok? Let's do our exercises." I start breathing deeply and he does the same.

He  buries his head in my shoulder and holds onto my tightly. He's still shaking.

My mom who I forgot was there kneels down.
"Nico sweetie, it's Naomi. Can you look at me?"

And Nico looks up. "Fuck off." He manages to get out.

"I deserve that." She states calmly.

Nico stares at her in utter disbelief.
"I'm not sure if you realize this but I've stood where you're standing right now Nico. I was raped when I was 14. And I believed I was dirty and worthless. I know how you feel."

"You don't know one fucking thing about my feelings you bitch." He snarls.


"I watched my boyfriend go through hell because you wouldn't except him. I went through hell because people like you wouldn't except me. Just because some man left you for another man doesn't give you the right to let your son get the shit beat out of him. Or send him away. Or be such a bitch to him when he finally comes out and is happy that he goes out and gets drunk. You are a grade A asshole and if you weren't a woman I would fucking kill you."
He stands up and it's scary how furious he is. Like he could raise the dead or battle an army.
"So I'm going to kindly ask you to leave my home before I call the police."

My mother laughs. She laughs.

"Oh darling," she says, and hugs him. "I was wrong. I messed up. I'm so so sorry." She's holding him close. "I'm going to try to be better. I want to be there for you and will as best I can. I'm sorry." And then she's crying. And Nicos crying. And I'm sitting on the floor in disbelief.

After a few minutes she lets go of him. "Do you want cookies?" He looks down at me, raising an eyebrow.

"What do you say will?" I nod because what more can I do? My mother hugs us both once more and I feel a sense of relief.

Maybe this will be the start of something good.

That was shitty and I'm so freaking sorry.
Ahhhh I'm sorry
I hope you can forgive me and the next one will be better I hope.
I'm sorry

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