Chapter 10: The Talk

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Chapter 10: The Talk

My eyes flashed the girl I recognised all too well on the ground to the pig that was laid in the bed. It all made sense now from the moment I entered this room, he wasn't reading a book, all the shifting about in the bed wasn't because of my words it was because he was hiding the girl under his bed. His appearance right now disgusted me, everything about him disgusted me and I couldn't stand the sight of him, his sight just burned my eyes. How could my father let such a disgusting pig into our kingdom, question is does he even know what he's let into our kingdom? "Willow I can explain," he kept repeating himself as I couldn't find the words to even come out of my mouth. I was too astounded by what was in front of me, how could this happen? "Willow this isn't what it looks-," the voice came from down below as the girl in front of me finally opened up her mouth to speak but at this moment in time I didn't want to speak with her, I didn't need to, my quarrel is with Alex. I let my focus land on the girl who was crawled up on the floor and stated at her in the most polite way I could "Get out of here Jane before your dad kills you," she hustled on the ground quickly finding her feet. She grabbed her shoes off the floor as I chucked her clothes at her before she headed to the door. But just before she left she turned back round to me as we made eye contact with each other "You won't tell Taylor will you?" I slammed my eyes at her and huffed "She's your sister, she'll find out either way you know she will, so I'd get running," so immediately she ran out the door, hopefully back home.

With her disappearance gone my eyes landed back on Alex who looked even guiltier than he did before. "The worst part of all this is that I came to talk to you rather than "kill" you, but you know what I think I've settled on actually just killing you now," and before he could do anything about it, my feet had made their way over to his bed with my fist colliding with his nose. The force was of brilliant force that it pushed Alex off the bed. I didn't even laugh at the sight, I just stood there ready to throw another punch if he were to come back and retaliate. His body came back up off the ground slowly, his hand was clutching his nose delicately and when he pulled it away slightly you could see the blood pouring and I knew that I probably went too far. "What the hell?!" he screamed at me clutching his nose as much as he could so he didn't drop any bit of it. "You are disgusting! You are a disgusting pig you know that! I cannot believe the nature of your personality. How dare you come into my kingdom and act all innocent when in reality you are literal scum. I'm not entirely sure what goes on in your kingdom but you aren't bringing that here you understand me?! This is a peaceful kingdom, we don't collide with people out there and they don't collide with us, it's the way it is and has always been and we have peace that way so you are not coming here and jeopardising all of that."

"It was an accident I swear to you, I didn't meant to do it, it sort of just happened." His words were stammering and I couldn't believe a single word which came out his mouth. "You think I'm gonna believe that, you think that I'm gonna believe every other lie you have told me. You are indescribable and I can't stand the sight of you. You pushed the limits, you pushed my limits and I don't ever want to see you in this kingdom ever again you hear me!" I started to make my exit as he spoke up again grabbing my arm in doing so. I looked down at it and then at him as I thrust him off me. "Willow, everything I said was the truth, I do like you I really do this was just a mistake." I pushed him away from me further because his words kept ringing in my ears; I only wished I was deaf right now. "Oh yea and when did you learn that, after you left with her and while you were doing it. I don't care if they were true or not but I'm going on fact that they probably are lies. If you think that this marriage is actually going to happen, you have another thing coming. I want you gone before the day is out; otherwise I'll force you out of here myself." I opened the door and slammed it behind me with no regrets and I sauntered down the hallway with a smile plastered on face, understanding that this time, I wasn't the one who made sure a marriage would not take place.

As I carried on walking I noticed Nathan and Corinne standing outside my room and as I got there each looked at each other then looked back at me with the same expression on their faces. "That isn't a good smile, what did you do?" Nathan questioned me as they both tried scanning my face for the answer. "You know how I said I wouldn't kill Alex...well I didn't kill him, just punched him in the face which caused him a bloody nose," the smile just broadened wider on my face as I entered my room with them at my heels. I really did feel good, I felt a weight off my shoulders be lifted and felt a sense of freedom back in my life. It was great. "Are you insane?! Why did you do that? It's just marriage Willow!" Corinne shouted at me as I jumped on the bed and rested there looking up at the ceiling. "I wasn't going to marry a pig who slept with Taylor's sister, I'll pass thank you very much. Find me someone who isn't a complete jerk and maybe I'll consider it." I tried to say it without laughing but there was a hint of laughter to my voice of which I couldn't contain. Immediately the two came running onto the bed and led down next to me wanting to hear everything that happened which I told them willingly of course. The more I spoke and thought about it, the more humorous I found the situation to be. However Nathan and Corinne thought differently.

We all just sat in silence for the meantime because none of us had anything to say about the matter, at least not anymore. All I could hear was the pounding of each of hearts beating in sync, I feel the adrenaline pulsing through my body from the recent excitement, followed by the soft texture of Nathan's wings which tickled the back of neck due to its soft and memorable texture. All these amazing moments were then ignored as a knock at my door came. Entered Sienna with a nervous look on her face and by that I understood everything I needed to "You father wants you," even her voice was nervous so I automatically knew what the situation was about so it was clear news travelled fast. I followed Sienna down to the throne room where my father was waiting. I walked through the room with stride as he was pacing back and forth. As soon as my presence was known he stopped and looked at me with a huge glare written across his face. Standing far to the side of him was Jacob, Alex's father with Alex himself next to him now with a cloth pressed against his nose. At this point his attitude was back and he acted all innocent through this facade. "Willow, what happened?" I shrugged because I really wanted to see where this was gonna go. I turned between looks from my father to Jacob then to Alex. "You punched me in the face!" Alex screamed at me, I slammed my eyes are him and crossed my eyes, almost pouting at him explaining "Oh I'm sorry does it hurt?!" he screamed back at me "Yes it hurts you idiot!"

"Good!" I screamed back with a smile plastered wider across my face but my father was appalled. "Willow why would you do such a thing?" his appalled look transferred into his voice but I all did was answering truthfully with complete sincerity "Well if you expect me to marry a jerk who sleeps with Taylor's sister then I will deny another suitor and you can send a new one out," my father stumbled back out from his stance and exchanged looks with Jacob and then at Alex "Is this true?" His own father stammered across his words, he too was the one appalled at the situation as Alex glared at me but not denying the cause. "I am dismayed at this, I cannot let your son be the husband of my daughter not a chance," my father exclaimed and Jacob surprisingly didn't deny my fathers statement "James listen to me-." But I cut the man off and for once actually stood up and said something instead of my father for once. "No you listen to me. I will never marry a guy like that, never in my life. You son is disgraceful and it won't me surprise me if this isn't the first time he's done something like this. He slept with my best friend's sister do you know how that feels for me and for Taylor herself; we all share a bond with each other deeply. Worst from that we would never do something like that to anyone in our kingdom; it's appalling if that is what goes on in your own home I must say. But I'm going to say what I said to your pathetic excuse for a son, you have until the day is out to get out of this kingdom and never come back otherwise I'll kick you out myself."

He didn't need to say any words, only nodded at me and left with his son with the doors closing heavily behind him. "Willow, I am sorry this happened," I just shrugged it off, it really didn't matter to me, it was one less problem to worry about; as I turned to face him he carried on "But you handled that well, I'm proud of you," he smiled at me as I gave a small one back but something else came out instead of something good to say. "Yea well at least I told the truth, not a pack of lies," it was clear that my statement was a dig at my father and even he realised it because his eyebrow rose "I'm sorry but are you saying that I've lied to you?" It was out now so I couldn't deny what was going to come next "Well have you?" he regained his positioned and answered with pure confidence "Of course I haven't."

"Dad I heard you and Yvette talking earlier."

"What did you hear?"

"That these dreams are happening for a reason, that you aren't telling me the truth and that I'm 17 years old and it's already starting, you care to explain all that to me." But he was completely silent so I carried on "Dad if there is something you want to tell me, it's best that you do it now because you probably won't get another chance. So look me in the eye and tell me, there isn't anything you are hiding from me." He stood there for a moment seemed to compose himself before answering "There isn't anything I'm hiding from you." I laughed at his face replying "That was your chance, so thank you for using that chance to lie to my face." I turned my back on him and walked out the room.

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