Chapter 11: Secrets Becoming Reality

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Chapter 11: Secrets Becoming Reality

Why did I have a gut wrenching pain tearing at my heart? It kept going through my brain that I was probably a bit too harsh on my father. But I gave him a chance to explain himself but he didn't; why couldn't he be the better person and just admit that he's hiding something from me it would make our whole situation that much easier. Though it had to be understood, that was never going to be case. What hurts the most is how he was able to lie straight to my face. How could he do that to his own daughter, must of been practising real hard to actually accomplish that move. But I knew someone who wouldn't lie to me, especially from the factors of her wanting to tell me from the beginning by the sounds of it. So I set my tracks off to find Yvette, hopefully she hasn't left the castle yet so I wouldn't have to leave to find her. I just wasn't in the mood for that at the moment. So I tracked down every hallway of this place and I couldn't find any sign of her anywhere meaning she must of left after the argument with my father to head home. Who would blame her? Ever since I can remember, she's hated living her or just even stepping foot here yet still never understood why. In failing with my mission I headed back to my room and jumped back on the bed, this life was actually pretty boring, there was nothing to do and even after a while I can't find interest in the training arena. Why did being a princess have to suck so much?

I was lost in my thoughts dwelling over the facts of my life until I heard three knocks on my door before it opened without a reply. A head poked round the corner for me to identify it to be Nathan and a smile plastered upon my face as he entered the room fully. "So we heard what happened with Alex?" I was confused at the word 'we' until Corinne also made her entrance behind Nathan slowly. I gestured them both over to the bed and we resumed the position we took hold of earlier; Nathan was led on the right hand side of the bed while Corinne took refuge on the left while I wrapped both my arms around them individually holding them close. "Do you know what's surprising?" Corinne piped up and said locking eyes with me as I looked down at her. Even though the room was quite dark her emerald eyes did show sparkle and light as well as that, they looked so innocent and happy something that made me realise, it was an emotion that I probably never gave off easily, at least not like her. So looking at her right now actually made me feel happy as did it when I looked at Nathan because what I needed was right here, I didn't need a marriage or adventure to make me happy when happiness was right here with me from the beginning.

"Dad actually agreed with you this time," I let myself think for a moment just as Nathan spoke up to continue Corinne's point "I think that's rare, you should remember that for future reference," from that we couldn't help but laugh slightly. "Yea maybe I will, but I must say, at least getting rid of suitors almost every day isn't boring because now I'm bored," I moaned at them. Complete silence between us and it didn't feel like a good silence either so I led cautiously expecting something to happen. Through this thought of my own I was brought back to reality with the flash of pillow slashed across my face, two in fact. I sat up abruptly and looked round at them both as they held the pillows in their hands, hands clasped round them tightly ready for another throw each sharing their mischievous looks my way. I laughed at them and grabbed a pillow of my own commenting "You guys couldn't beat me when we were kids, but it's so on," immediately all three of us tackled each other into the bed and began thrashing the pillow's at one another with no remorse to how hard the pillow would attack. It went on for what felt like forever, and sooner than later the pillows started rip and the feathers came out and we became tackled up in all of them.

Each one got stuck on our clothes and in our hair, but it didn't seem to bother us as we kept the pillows hitting each of us. At this point though the fun had to come to an end, only because of the feathers were out of each of my pillows and my room looked like a complete wreck. The three of us landed back down on the bed, tired and out of breath from reliving our childhood days. It was probably the best fun that I've had in days, no lie. All I could hear at this point were the pumping of each of hearts banging out of our chests and the heaving breathing released from our lips. It seemed that we were too exhausted now to actually do anything or say anything else because we'd drained our energy from a pillow fight. However, it's immense flare from coming outside from the window opened up my eyes and pulled me away from the bed. I pushed myself away and slowly started to head towards it just as Nathan and Corinne pulled their attention in the same direction I was. I looked back at each of them and Corinne slowly stood to follow my lead to the window while Nathan leant up on his elbow raising his eyebrow at me. Turning back to look at the window I slowly made my way to it, unlatched the lock and opened it wide to only see a complete mass destruction of our villagers home down below.

It was like nothing I'd ever seen, everything was a flame. Each and every home was set on fire as people started invading the homes of our villagers, pulling them out, pushing them to the ground harshly, tearing apart their crops, breaking every feature which made their homes home. They were ruthless and heartless as they tore away at whatever they could get their hands on. It seemed to die down as soon as the guards and warriors of our kingdom started to intervene with the situation. But of course the rampage was on going with more ferocity than before. It was killing me inside watching the entire destruction take place before my eyes, burning them. I couldn't stand to watch it anymore, I just couldn't. I grabbed my belt from the stand next to my bed and wrapped it round my waist and hurried out there before anything else could happen. Corinne had the same idea as me doing the exact same thing and suspected Nathan made his way out of my window due to his ability to fly. Corinne and I rushed outside entering the chaos ignoring our parent's cries out behind us. There was no way we were both going to stand behind and do nothing considering this was our home as well. Immediately we split up from one another and entered the action with our swords raised high with a secure and ready aim. I could see from up above Nathan sore down and take some of the men out with his wings and as he fought he had such delicacy and elegance that you'd never actually pay attention that he was at war with someone. Though at the same time, the ferocity in his face gave the fight more of emphasis.

I swung my own sword high and slashed it across any man that came in my way. The energy which pulsed through me as each strike I took was full of adrenaline and each man fell to the ground. Some started to run from the fight and retreat, particularly because of their wounds as some of their fellow companions stayed on the ground completely motionless. Some part of me felt bad, we were striking these people down without a course of action. We have no idea who they are and why they started attacking, and as payment we fought back without even a thought to the course of what our actions could mean. At the moment, it didn't feel like it mattered to me because at the same time I knew that I was doing the right thing. I was protecting my home from invaders just like anyone else would have done to protect their home so how could that be wrong? The heat from the expanding flames was burning next to me skin as it surrounded every area of the village. The more men who would fall and retreat new ones would just arrive, it was unexplainable to how many men these invaders had on their side whilst the remaining commands on our side fought with everything that had left, ignoring the decreasing numbers it became.

As I took down the men around me, my attention was turned to the screams which came from across the way. My eyes latched onto a family of at least five, they looked scared and lost, with no hope or means of protection. The woman, who I presumed to be the mother, was screaming at the men tearing down their home but mostly on the man in front of her. The man had a strong physique, a mask was pressed over the bottom of his face so all you could see was his eyes, he had blonde hair which fell down slightly across his face and in some way he seemed recognisable to me. That wasn't the problem though, what he was doing was the problem. One of the woman's children was held against him with force with the sharpness of a blade pierced against his neck. I watched as one of the older children intervened, his fist collided with the man's face as the child dropped from his grasp. But immediately afterwards, the men tearing down their home made their presence known, trapping the older boy within their own grasp while the lead man slashed his hand across the boys face channelling him to the ground. From this moment, the gun was raised at his chest, ready to aim and fire.

The fire that burned inside of me at the sight of the events was increasing and I wasn't going to stand by and let this happen, especially considering there was something that I could do about it. I hadn't known that I slowly made my appearance closer to the scene but as the gun was lifted, the speed in my step was increased until I was in a full run. "Hey!" I screamed at the man; I kicked the gun out from his hand, and just as he was in shock my leg lifted again kicking him to the ground. I spun round to the guys behind the boy now on the floor, both my fists shot into their throats making them gasp for air, stumbling backwards until they hit the ground. My full attention turned to the family immediately; I helped the boy off the ground and urged them to run quickly which they did with no hesitation. The woman held all her children close and ran as fast as she could just as I turned back round to watch the blonde man take a slow stand in front of me. "You have no idea what you've just done," his voice was rash and cold which would send a shiver down anybody's spine, but not mine. I've took a lot of wrath from my father, this felt like nothing to me. "I think you have it the other way around." Just as I spoke, his fist was aimed towards me which I duck to the side with, I grabbed arm and twisted it round followed by kicking him in the side.

I stood back as he twisted his arm back into place as if he felt no pain at all as he did so, as he came at me again he had h is fist aimed at me again but I grabbed hold of it, pulling him towards me I jumped round onto his shoulders and crossed my legs around his neck as tightly as I could so you could hear the tiny huffs of breath escaping his lips. The struggle he made trying to gasp for air made it harder for me to hold on; in doing so he tossed me forwards as he landed on the floor and I felt my body roll against the ground away from him. Just as my body started to turn and get back up again, I found his body collide with my own. He pressed his hand against my throat pushing deeper and deeper until the same thing started to happen with my own air and I was gasping feeling the heat in my body rise rapidly from the struggles. Feeling the freeness of legs I used it as an advantage and kick him in the groin throwing his off guard his hand released slowly from my neck so I head butted him making it easy for me to kick him backwards away from me. I stumbled back up off the ground and look towards him as he shared with me a deafening frown of rage. "Your strong...for a girl," he implied the next part laughing slightly as he looked at me "Shut up," my words sounded just as spiteful as the tone to my voice and his eyes jumped to every little move I would make, as if he were analysing me. "Make this simple girl, give us what we want...and we'll leave. No one else has to get hurt."

Yet it threw me off guard because how could we have something that they want when we don't even know them. As it did throw me off guard, I felt his knee collide with my chest, just as his leg swung round from below after I dodged his fist attack it threw me to the ground once again just as he was about to come down with an elbow attack I screamed out "Enough!" automatically I raised my hands out in front of me and something came out of me. The man suddenly flew back away from me as I looked down at my hands and I watched a slow mystical red flame, light or mist evaporated around my hands. It was unclear what this unexplainable creation was, it had never happened before and I'd never seen it in my life. I stumbled up to a sitting position on the ground gazing towards the man away from him. I heard a moan escape his lips as he struggled to sit up but when he could he looked over at me with an expression. The expression wasn't of fright, but of curiosity and explosion as if he'd found what he'd been looking for. From his words it explained everything "It's is that possible?" he was so confident with his words that I didn't understand what they meant releasing a frowned expression on my face. Before I could saying anything, or call out to him he was gone like a flash of lightening and the pounding of fright from my heart was the only sound filling my ears.

Gazing back down at my hands, the red flame had gone and they were back to normal, as if it weren't there at all. "Willow!" I heard my name call out from behind. I spun round slowly to see a horrified expression on my sister and brothers face. At least they did look horrified and their eyes were focused on my hands meaning that saw what happened. Each step they took slowly came towards me but as I stumbled on the ground to stand back up I told them "Stay away from me, don't come near me," just before I ran out of the gates back into the forest before something else bad was about to happen.

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