Chapter Eighteen: Back to Earth

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Dark was confused.

He remembers falling asleep in the room he shared with his brothers, but the next thing he knew, he was in a dark room, completely void of light. He only knew it was a room because he had walked around and bumped himself in what seemed like walls.

Hello, Dark.

The voice seemed to echo in his head and around the room. It was deep, whole and smooth, and Dark instantly knew whose voice it was.

Void, he said smoothly. Show yourself.

The instant he had finished talking, the room brightened a bit, just enough to see.

On the other side of the room, he saw someone with characteristics which are mostly similar to him. The only notable difference is the eyes, which was pitch black; and his color scheme, which was black and gray.


Dark nodded and looked around. The room seems to be empty except for the two of them, with only two chairs in the middle.

Where are we?

We are in the part of your mind where our consciousness intersects with each other. This way, we can communicate easier.

Dark nodded. And I assume that you have summoned me here to talk about something.

Indeed. Our fight is drawing near. Something flickered in Void's eyes, but Dark didn't notice in his worry.

Void sighed. Dark, I am not unlike you. We are more alike than you think.

Why are you even telling this to me?

Void looked away. There's so much that you need to know, Dark. For now, you need to wake up before your brothers worry.

Dark didn't want to. He has a lot of unanswered questions, yet Void has a point. He willed himself out of the room and forced himself to wake up.

I just hope you find that out before it's too late. Void muttered before willing himself out of the room.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

When Dark woke up, the first thing he noticed was Solar shaking him.

"I'm up, I'm up," Dark said. He looked at the clock which read 6:50 am. He turned to his brother.

"Thanks for waking me up."

Solar smiled in appreciation. "You're welcome. The others are waiting in the control room."

"I'll be there soon."

Solar nodded then went out of the room. Dark then prepared himself for the day then went to the control room with five minutes to spare.

He decided to tell his brothers about his dream when they had time, because a few moments after he arrived, Commander KoKoCi entered the room.

KoKoCi smiled at them. "Good morning, everyone. I just want to tell you a good job completing the last missions. Now, I have good news for you. Please don't interrupt me until I am done. Understood?"

"Yes, commander!"

"Good. Admiral Tarung and I were talking and we had decided to let you go back to Earth, this time with the rest of the TAPOPS members. We will be making Earth as our temporary headquarters. However, since we will be lacking security measures there, all of the collected power spheres, bar Ochobot and Motobot, will be staying here at TEMPUR-A until our new headquarters is completed."

To say everyone was happy was an understatement.

"But commander, how are we going back to Earth? From what I remember, all of the TAPOPS ships were destroyed by Captain Vargoba," Solar pointed out.

"Short of borrowing a ship from TEMPUR-A, Motobot made a spaceship for us. We will be leaving tomorrow after the ship was stacked."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thenext day found the TAPOPS members moving their things up to their newly-made ship.

"All aboard?" Captain Papa Zola shouted from his seat in the contol room.

When everyone answered in affirmative, they thanked TEMPUR-A for their hospitality and said their goodbyes as Papa Zola started their trek to Earth.

"I just remembered. How about Tok Aba?" Yaya asked as they left the station.

"What about him?" Gopal asked as the brothers looked at each other,

"We're going to have a lot of explaining to do," the earth elemental said.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Yes! Finally!

Based on the result of the poll I made in the last part, I will be putting my OC here, but will not partner it with anyone (unless you want it, of course. Kaizo's still single *insert lenny face*). Sorry, @KittyWhiteCat.

Atalanta will probably appear in either Chapter 19, 20 or 21.

Well, that's all for this chapter. Au revoir! Peace out.

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