Chapter Seventeen: The Game Begins

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So uhm, I got my report card last Saturday and I've got an average of A (when converted to American Grading System). I was afraid that I'm going to get a B or something. I was sad that I didn't get an A+ though.

Well, if you're wondering why I'm worried about this, I was considered as one of the most intelligent students in our class and I can't afford to lose that title.

No one probably cares so let's just get on with the chapter.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Dark sighed for the umpenth time that day. He, his brothers (they had made it official when Leaf insisted. They couldn't resist his innocent eyes, especially Solar), and his friends were trying to find a way to prevent Void from attacking, or at least find out why he was attacking.

"Can't we sleep now? I'm tired."

...well, except for Gopal.

"Shush Gopal. Do you want to die?"


"That's what I thought."

"Stop it, Fang. Let's just focus on figuring out what to do next," Yaya said.

Dark sighed again. "I told you, Yaya, we can't do anything unless he decides to show himself."

"But that doesn't mean we can't do anything," Solar pointed out.

Dark looked at him exasperatedly. "Really, Solar? Who's side are you on?"

("Me!" Leaf said cheerfully.

The gang laughed at their younger brother, cause Yaya, Ying and Gopal adopted him as their younger sibling. Even Fang, though he won't admit it out loud.)

The light elemental raised his hands up in surrender. "I'm just saying what is logical."

"Isn't what I was saying logical?"

"Yes." Solar continued on before Dark could open his mouth. "BUT what I was saying is more logical."

Dark rolled his eyes. "So, it is more logical to try to think about fighting someone we don't even know."

Solar shut his mouth. Dark had a point.

Dark run a hand in his hair. "Let's just do what Gopal had suggested. Good night."

He abruptly stood up and went to their room and slammed the door shut behind him. He sat down on his bed, frustrated. He wasn't frustrated at his brothers, contrary to what they might think. No, he was frustrated cause Void was technically him, but he doesn't know who he really is.

Frustrated, Dark? He heard Void say in his head. Dark was luck Void cannot hear his thoughts unless he will it to.

You're an enigma, Void. And that's what frustrates me. I was usually good at solving problems but I cannot solve you.

Void seemed to be amused by this.  Well, I'll let you solve this enigma, and consider it as a game. I had my turn, and I'll be waiting for yours.

Let the games begin then, Void. Dark said as a parting thought before he cleaned himself up and went to sleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sorry, really. I'm kinda busy with school, and I have no idea on what to do next in the story. I have the general idea, but I don't have the specifics. So I need you guys to help me. Comment or pm me some ideas on how to continue the story.

Also, I'm making my other books on hiatus, except for the BoBoiBoy One-Shot book. Just so you know.

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