Chapter Eleven: BoBoiBoy Ice

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"HAHAHA! THERE'S NO RUNNING AWAY FROM ME NOW!" the ice monster said then lunged at them.  

Fang, Dark, and Wind made shield domes with their respective elements and waited for the impact. Except that it never came. The three of them dispelled their shields in confusion only to see a sight they never expected.

In front of the ice monster was the fourth member of their expedition. This time, however, instead of wearing a blue long-sleeved vest, he was wearing a hoodie jacket with hints of blue and white. He wore grey pants with hints of white. His cap remained the same, only that it was covered by the hood, which has white fur lining it. He was also wearing a glove on his right hand, while on his bare left hand, he held a bow. His eyes changed from brown to blue. (I based him on Ice in the poster of BBBM2. Look below. )

"I don't think so," Ice said as he notched his bow and fired a dark blue arrow and shot the monster in its chest. The ice monster roared as it starts to melt from where the arrow was shot. It tried to get to the four TAPOPS recruits but fails as it melts completely. (In this story, Ice will have two types of arrows: the Water arrows (dark blue), which will extinguish fires, melt ice, and shoot water; and the Ice arrows (light blue), which will freeze anything it lands on. In this case, Ice used the water arrows.)

"Are you okay?" Ice asked the three as he dispelled his weapon.

"Y-yeah. Only a bit cold," Dark said, shivering a little. "Thanks."

"Nice upgrade," Wind told him. "Suits you." Ice just smiled at him.

"Let's go get the power sphere," Fang said, returning to mission-mode.

The four of them had successfully retrieved IceBot (whose surface was now safe to touch by the others after getting it out from its hiding place) and went back to TAPOPS using their space pod. 

"Well done, the four of y- eh?" CiCiKo said upon seeing Fang, Wind, Dark, and Ice go down from their space pod.

"BoBoiBoy Ice?"

And the four of them explained what happened in Planet Glace.

"Good job on retrieving IceBot. Now,  go get some rest. You all deserve it," Admiral Tarung said.

The four of them saluted and went to find the others, who were very eager to see Ice and listen to their adventure.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

BoBoiBoy Ice is in the house!

So, sorry for the short chapter. I can't really make it longer. Just wait for the next update. We're all excused from classes to improve our research products so I have a lot of time to make stories (unless our teacher decides to watch over us).

I hope you all like it!

Au revoir, readers! See ya!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Fact #8: I always do things in a certain order. For example, I arrange my notebooks by color or by order of subjects.

Fact #9: I can't stay still for a long time. I have to find something to do.

Fact #10: I'm a Science lover. It's my best and favorite subject.

Fact #11: My favorite food is barbeque. And spaghetti. And carbonara. 

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