Chapter Ten: The Mission and Planet Glace

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The next day, again at exactly 7 am, Admiral Tarung called everyone to the control room.

"Commander Jjampong (A/N: Laugh all you want) had given me a mission for you to complete. Are you all up to the challenge?" The admiral asked the recruits.

"Yes, Admiral!" 14 voices echoed in the room.

"Good. However, only a few people will be able to go in this mission because of the climate," Tarung said.

"What is the mission, Admiral?" Fang asked.

"The commander had detected a power sphere in Planet Glace. Now, this planet is full of ice, and its weather is always an extreme winter storm. Your job is to retrieve IceBot and calm down Planet Glace enough for its old citizens to go back living there," Admiral Tarung said.

"As the admiral said a while ago, only a few select people will be assigned to go to this mission. Wind, Water, Dark and Fang, you'll go on this mission, as your elements survive the best in this type of climate. The rest of you will stay here, especially Fire," Commander CiCiKo said.

The non-chosen ones breathed a sigh of relief, especially Fire. He knew he won't survive just going out in the snow, as his weaknesses are water and ice. He was worried about Water and Dark though. Water because he's the closest element to him and vice versa (though Water won't admit it out loud) and Dark because of his, well, dark tendencies.

"The four of you will be leaving after lunch. Prepare yourselves." With that, Tarung and CiCiKo walked out of the room, leaving the elements, Fang, Yaya, Ying, Gopal, the twins Sai and Shielda, and Captain Kaizo.

"Good luck on your mission," Kaizo said, putting a hand on his brother's shoulder before following the two.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

After a while, all of them are packed and ready to go. They all had met in the dining hall for lunch and for everyone to say goodbye to the four.

"Good luck on your mission guys," Leaf said with a cute innocent smile.

"Yeah. All of you, stay close to each other as to not get lost in the storm," Earth, the ever motherly type, said.

"Yes, Mother Earth!" Wind said mischievously.

Before Earth could reprimand him for the nickname (that Leaf, Fire, and Wind made up), the cerulean-eyed boy jumped into the space pod.

"Bye, everyone!" Fang and Water said calmly. Dark just nodded and didn't say a word. They all jumped into the space pod in their corresponding seats (Fang and Dark up in the front with Wind and Water bringing up the rear). Everyone watched as the space pod left the station.

"Be safe," Solar whispered in the nothingness.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The four had arrived in Planet Glace and as they were told before, the weather was extremely cold and windy.

They went down the pod and secured it so that it won't go away before setting their way to find IceBot. Fang was in the lead, seeing that he has the data regarding the power sphere.

"It was said here that IceBot is located in the tallest mountain"Let here," Fang said.

"It was just like in  Planet Volcania in which FireBot was located in the largest mountain," Wind muttered in which Fang nodded in agreement.

"I can't even see my surroundings. How on earth will I able to see a mountain much less the tallest one?" Dark asked rhetorically.

"Let's just keep walking," Water said.

The four of them walked in silence until...


"What is that?" Wind asked.

No one knew how to answer him as they as well don't know.


"Quiet!" Fang whispered to the three which happily complied.


"We're doomed," Dark whispered in which he was shushed by Fang.

Wind was poking Water so much that Water became irritated at him. "What?!"

Wind pointed forward. An ice monster appeared in front of them. (A wild Ice Monster appeared)

"NO ONE ENTERS MY DOMAIN AND LEAVES ALIVE!" The monster said before blasting magical ice at them. (Ice Monster used magical ice.)

Everyone dodged and started running away from the monster. (Ice Monster's attack missed.)

"Shadow Fingers!" Fang attacked, hoping to slow down the monster. (Fang used Shadow Fingers.) The monster dodged the attack but it was enough for the four of them to move further. (It's not very effective. Ice Monster's speed decreased!)

"There it is! The tallest mountain!" Water said, rushing forward. The others followed him.

"ROAAAAR!" The ice monster roared in anger as it chased them, getting closer by the minute. (Ice Monster used ROAR. Ice Monster's speed rose!)

"Keep going! I'm going to stop him!" Water yelled at them. They hesitated but after hearing the monster's roar again, they hurried up.

Water and the Ice Monster exchanged blows as the three ran to get the power sphere.

"There!" Dark said upon seeing an icy blue power sphere. "I'm gonna go and get it." He heaved himself up using shadows and went to IceBot. But the moment he touched IceBot, his fingers froze.

"We need Water!" Dark shouted. "We can't touch IceBot without getting frozen. I think only the one with that element can!"

They all ran back to Water to see that he was holding his own, but they could see that he was getting tired.

Water tried to melt the ice below the monster but it proved no effect. (Water used melting! Water's attack missed!) Instead, he got hit by a magical ice and he collapsed. (Ice Monster used Magical Ice! It's super effective. Water fainted.)

"Water!" Wind shouted as he watched his fellow element get blasted by the magical ice. He ran to him and tried to wake him up. Wind was becoming more afraid as his friend's body becomes colder by the minute, and it seems like his whole body was turning into ice. And he knew that without Water they would not survive the monster they're fighting, much less their expedition.

By this moment, the rest had caught up to Wind. "Come on, Water. Wake up," Dark said.

"HAHAHA! THERE'S NO RUNNING AWAY FROM ME NOW!" the ice monster said then lunged at them.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sorry for the little bit of a cliffhanger and the Pokemon reference. *insert lenny face* I just can't help it! *sheepish face*

So, hey! Some of you might know that I've been in a competition last week. It's about journalism. There weren't any winners yet, as the awarding ceremony was postponed. I'll still have to wait for the results within this month.

After that, I'm going to be in another competition next week. This time, it'll be about our own researches/inventions/innovations. I won in the school level of this competition and will proceed to the next level. Our contest will be on Thursday next week.

This Friday, we'll have our Solidarity Night. It's basically a school-wide semi-formal party for all secondary students.

I informed you of my schedule so that you'll know why I won't be posting an update anytime soon.

But I'll be posting whenever I can. I can't just leave you hanging.

Au revoir, readers! See ya!

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