Chapter Nine: Help

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A/N: Guys...

The Dark Element is now #73 in #boboiboy! Not to mention the 812 views and 136 votes! OMFG! I was so shocked I almost choked on my own spit!

Anyway, I encoded everything (including Author's Notes) on my laptop and it resulted in 47 pages with 8,714 words. Shocked? 'Cause I am.

Anyway, back to the story.

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Previously on The Dark Element...

At exactly 7 am, the gang was in the control room, waiting for Admiral Tarung, Commander CiCiKo, and Captain Kaizo. Upon arriving, Kaizo immediately noticed the eight elements.

"What happened to you?" Kaizo asked.

Now, on with the story.

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Cyclone laughed sheepishly. "Well, there's a little accident that happened early this morning."

"Little seemed to be an understatement," Thunderstorm muttered.

"Explain," Captain Kaizo said. The Admiral and Commander seemed to be content with just letting him speak.

And so the elements, Yaya, Ying, Gopal, and Fang explained.

"So long story short, you were attacked and then KiKiTa fired something on BoBoiBoy's watch which caused it to malfunction then Ochobot separated him into 8, am I correct?" the captain asked.

"Precisely," the shadow BoBoiBoy said.

"And you are?" the energy manipulator asked him.

"BoBoiBoy Dark. Dark for short. I just manifested last night."

No one spoke after that and Dark thought that he did something wrong. He kept his emotionless facade but inside, his thoughts were racing. What if they don't like me? What if I just let them all down? What if- (Sorry for the dark thoughts, but his element is Dark, meaning he is dark. He can be dark as in evil, or dark as in depressed. That's precisely his personality.)

"Tarung, CiCiKo, Kaizo," Ramen (The one with the noodle on the head. I don't know his name so I just made up one.) interrupted Dark's thoughts as he entered the room. He then saw the recruits. "TAPOPS recruits. How did you get so many?"

CiCiKo explained it to the TEMPUR-A Captain (Just pretend he is) briefly.

"So you'll be staying here till your new headquarters is finished?" Ramen asked the three leaders.

"Yes," CiCiKo said, putting on a sunglasses over his sunglasses (and CiCiKo defies logic again). "But we all hope it does not take long, as we do not want to burden you of our presence."

"You are not burdening us. In fact, we are glad that you are here with us."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Commander?" Raven asked upon enetering the control room. "You asked for me?"

"Yes, Captain Raven. I assume our guests are adjusting well?" The commander asked.

"Indeed, I just saw them this morning," the captain said. "There are a few... changes, however." He then explained everything to the commander.

"Understood. Also, it's good to hear that they're adjustinh well. But that's not what I called you here for." The commander opened up a hologram. "This is Planet Glace. There's a rumor that a power sphere is located in here. However, due to its extremely cold temperature, all who ventured here either died of cold or have given up."

"And, you're telling me this because?"

"I was hoping that they would be of help, since it is their job to track down power spheres. It helps that TEMPUR-A and TAPOPS had been allied for a long time," the commander explained.

"How about the cold? You've told me what happened to all who ventured there," Raven said.

"You've just told me earlier about BoBoiBoy, and how he became permanently split into 8, with different elements. I was hoping that he could be of great help."

Raven understood. "I shall rely the message to the Admiral, commander." With that, he went to where their guests are resting.

The commander laid back in his chair. "I just hope I made the right choice."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hey! Hehehe. We have no classes today. Our classes were suspended because of the upcoming typhoon. So I have time to update this! I just hope you like it.

Sneak peak for Chapter 10:

"Water!" Wind shouted as he watched his fellow element get blasted by the magical ice. He went to him and tried to wake him up. Wind was afraid as his friend's body becomes colder by the minute. And he knew that without Waterm they would not survive the monster they're fighting, much less their expedition.

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