Chapter Eight: Permanently Split

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This chapter is dedicated to @GoldieandBears (that for some reason I can't tag) whom I still have no idea on how he/she guessed the villain on his/her first try.

"No one messes with my friends," BoBoiBoy Dark said.

The cloaked figure was stunned. (Does anyone know Google Autocorrect? Well, it wanted me to replace stunned with stunning for some reason.) She had witnessed first hand all the seven elements of BoBoiBoy, and she knew how destructive they are individually. But now, she was met with a new variable, one that she knew she had to watch for. On the bright side, she has new information to tell her boss (master).

"Who are you?" She said, hoping to get more information about him.

But it was as if BoBoiBoy Dark was as bright as Light (Hehehe. Bright) and as patient as Lightning. "My name is BoBoiBoy Dark and I don't have time for chitchat," he said. "Shadow Sickle!" ('Cause the sickle is shaped like the crescent moon, y'know?)

The cloaked figure had opened her mouth to talk when suddenly she was thrown and pinned to the wall by a crescent-like weapon.

"Oops. I guess my fingers slipped," Dark had said coolly. "My bad." (Sassiness overload!!!)

Dark went to the figure and removed her hood, revealing a female green square-headed alien with antlers. "KiKiTa," Dark growled.

KiKita knew she won't win this battle, so she settled for the next best thing. She aimed her laser gun to BoBoiBoy's watch and fired. KiKiTa smirked. "My master will know about this," she said then promptly disappeared. (I will dedicate the next chapter to anyone who recognized the reference.)

BoBoiBoy Dark cursed and freed his friends from their tied and gagged positions. 

"Woah, BoBoiBoy Dark!" Gopal said, star-strucked.

"Hmph," Fang humphed. "As if he's any better than me."

Dark 's eyes turned black then suddenly Fang was upside-down in the air. "What did you say?!" he growled.

"I said you're weak! A newbie! You could have saved us earlier, but no! You just have to take your time!"

"Stop now, both of you!" Dark ignored Ying and proceeded to choke Fang with shadows.

"Huhuhuhu! We're doomed!" Gopal cried out in fear.

"Stop, BoBoiBoy! He's your friend!" Yaya said.

For some reason, BoBoiBoy Dark listened to Yaya and let down Fang, but none too gently. Fang then coughed and breathed heavily to gain some air. 

"We need to train him, fast. Before the Tengkotak Gang comes back to get at us," Ying said.

Before anyone else could say anything, BoBoiBoy Dark jerked and went back to normal. He then collapsed and held his head in pain.

"What's happening?!" Gopal asked.

Yaya thought for a moment. "Ying! Go get Ochobot! I think this might be because of KiKiTa's attack."

Ying nodded and went back a few seconds later with Ochobot.

"Why? What happened with BoBoiBoy?" Ochobot asked upon seeing his friend on the floor.

"KiKiTa fired her laser gun at his watch. I think it affected him," Yaya said.

"Let me scan him," the yellow power sphere said before doing as he said.

"You were right, Yaya. The attack did affect him. But differently than what I imagined."

"How so?" Fang asked as he regained his breathing.

"All of the elements' emotions are piling up inside his head equally. It may cause him to have a split personality depending on what element dominates. Look at BoBoiBoy now, for example."

Currently, BoBoiBoy's eyes were orange and was juggling fireballs. A few moments later, he became angry at the 3 friends and a power sphere for watching him unnecessarily, with lightning crackling at the tips of his fingers. All four of them looked away then BoBoiBoy's eyes lit up green and was swinging around the basement with his vines.

"Is there any way to stop it?" Ying asked the yellow power sphere.

"There's one way," Ochobot said. "He needs to split up permanently."

"Oh," Gopal said. 

"Then we need to get him down here now. BoBoiBoy!" Yaya called.

BoBoiBoy, in his Wind form, set down next to her. "Yes?"

"Can you revert back to normal?" the girl with the pink hijab asked.

Wind's face turned from joyful to pain as he reverted to his normal self.

"Now, BoBoiBoy, I'm going to make changes into your power watch then split into eight, okay? After this, you will permanently be split," Ochobot told his friend.

"Okay. Just do it quickly."

Ochobot made modifications in BoBoiBoy's power watch then he split into eight, permanently.

"Woah. It's nice to have a body of my own," BoBoiBoy Fire said. BoBoiBoy Wind nodded his agreement.

"So, what do we call you now?" Gopal asked the eight.

"You can call us by out first-tier names, without the BoBoiBoy prefix. It makes sense cause you will call us based on our powers," Light, being the brightest (Hehehe. Puns.), said. 

"Okay then. What if we go back to sleep? It's already 5 am and we need to get up before 7 am or else Admiral Tarun will go beast on us," Ying suggested.

No one even dared to deny Ying as they were all quite tired, more so the BBB elements. So they all decided to go back to their rooms and call it a night (or day? IDK), with the 8 elements claiming the floor as their own.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

At exactly 7 am, the gang was in the control room, waiting for Admiral Tarung, Commander CiCiKo, and Captain Kaizo. Upon arriving, Kaizo immediately noticed the eight elements.

"What happened to you?" Kaizo asked.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Woah, 865 words. 890 including the above Author's Note and the comments. It's long, I know. I don't want to end it there, so I added a bit of the next chapter on the last part. So, BoBoiBoy now is permanently split into eight! The pairings can happen now!

Anyway, should I make a truth-or-dare book and separate it or I'll just add it on the One-Shot Book? Or maybe perhaps I'll just make it as a convo at every end of each chapter. Your choice. Besides, I can't think of anything for them to talk about anymore. No convo for this chapter.

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Fact #8: I love biting my nails for some reason. And I seem to want my hand to have a cut or two, cause I can't stand seeing it unblemished. I guess it's my unconscious telling me that I'm not perfect.

Have any questions about me? Comment below! I'll be answering a question each chapter along with posting a fact about me. 

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I really need some questions to be answered, guys. I'm running out of ideas.

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Final: 1081 words.

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