Chapter Seven: BoBoiBoy Dark

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BoBoiBoy was tired. They've all been trying to take out BoBoiBoy Dark. They've tried everything that they could, and yet they weren't successful. They haven't even managed to at least get a glimpse of Dark. Even Ochobot was helping, but all they managed to do was split into three, five, or seven with varying elements.

Yaya, seeing that his friend was tired, said. "It's okay, BoBoiBoy. We can continue it again tomorrow. I might even bake you a new version of cookies."

BoBoiBoy smiled, wider when she mentioned her 'new' cookies, while the others cringed. The others haven't been able to taste Yaya's new cookies last night since they all fled the room at the mention of her cookies while BoBoiBoy stayed. It was absolutely delicious.

"Sure, Yaya. Thanks."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

"Boss, they're all asleep now."

"Good. Now, get to the plan."

"Aye, boss!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

BoBoiBoy got up abruptly, dreading something. He couldn't quite put a finger on what it was, he just knew he needed to get out of his bed. And so he did. When he went to wake up Gopal, however, he didn't see him on his bed, which was rare seeing his friend was a heavy sleeper, not to mention the fact that it was just 3 am. He then made his way to Yaya and Ying but they were both gone as well. He also went to Fang's with the same result. But when he went to the others (quietly as to not disturb them), they were still there. BoBoiBoy started to panic. His friends are nowhere to be seen. He tried to find them anywhere with zero luck. That was, until he went to the basement (just pretend that there's one) and saw his friends unconscious, gagged and tied up. He tried to make his way to them but was stopped by a female voice.

"BoBoiBoy, we've been waiting for you."

BoBoiBoy spun around to see his enemy but he saw nothing but darkness.

"Who are you?!" BoBoiBoy shouted.

The voice chuckled humorlessly. "Me? I am no one. I'm just a mere servant ready to follow boss' orders in a heartbeat."

"Who is your boss? And what do you want?" BoBoiBoy said, stalling time while his Solar perspective was making a battle plan.

"My boss will remain secret for now, but he sends a message. He said that he'll meet you again, BoBoiBoy, and this time, he'll be stronger and will be able to defeat you. As for what I want, I want to follow my boss' orders. And my boss' order was to get you, BoBoiBoy."

I can't get myself captured, BoBoiBoy thought. He sneaked a glance at his friends who were now wide awake, which didn't go unnoticed by the villain.

"If you won't be willing to come peacefully, we will destroy one of your friends."

"You wouldn't dare," the element manipulator growled.

"Yes, I would," the voice said, appearing before BoBoiBoy. She was wearing a black cloak that hides her identity. She then snapped her fingers and one of the guards (which BoBoiBoy was unaware of) had taken Yaya from the rest and gave her to the cloaked villain, with Yaya struggling hard.

"I won't do that if I were you, girl. That bind's strong, you can't escape it even with your powers."

The figure then turned to BoBoiBoy. "Surrender now, BoBoiBoy. Or else this girl dies," she said, a laser gun pointed at Yaya.

BoBoiBoy growled, but it was a lot darker than usual. His eyes turned purple and there seems to be an aura of darkness around him. He was enveloped by darkness and disappeared. 

The figure growled. "Find hi-"

What she was saying was interrupted as she was knocked down by someone. He was wearing a black short-sleeved vest with purple linings. He was wearing slacks with the same pattern and black boots. His cap was facing the front, but angled a bit to the right, opposite to how Light wears it. 

"No one messes with my friends," BoBoiBoy Dark said.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sorry for not updating this story for so long. I can't get any idea on my head on how to continue this. So I made this chapter a bit longer than the rest to make it up to you.

Any idea on who's the villain? Hint: it's going to be an old villain. I'll dedicate the next chapter to the first one who answers correctly.  

But I just want to ask you guys: Is there really elements Galaxy and Dark/Shadow in BBB The Movie 2? My neighbor said so and I just can't help but think that he's bluffing.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Author: So, I've decided on who will be paired with BBB Dark.

The gang: Who?!

Author: It will be... drumroll, please.

Gopal: *pulls out drums out of nowhere* *drumrolls*

Author: *gestures for Gopal to stop* YAYA!

BBB and Yaya: What?! Why?!

Author: Hehehe. It's because, well, as @GoldieandBears said, "BOYA WILL SAIL!"

Author: And since FaYi must happen...

Fang and Ying: What?!

Author: *ignores Fang and Ying* Quake will be paired with Kaizo :3

Kaizo: How did I even get involved in the story?

Author: Well, you're part of the characters, and Quake will get you out of your shell. You really need to loosen up.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

So, pairings are finally chosen! Hehehe...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Fact #7: I have an unnatural fascination with sharp objects. Don't ask why, 'cause I don't even know.

Have any questions about me? Comment below! I'll be answering a question each chapter along with posting a fact about me.    

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