Chapter Fifteen: Dark and Void

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Who are you? Dark asked the voice in his head.

Oh, Darky-poo, don't you realize who I am? The voice replied.

Dark had a hunch on who it was, but he refuses to admit it.

You cannot escape the truth, Dark. I am here, and will always be here.

Dark remained silent.

Release me, Darky. Like you had released me seven nights ago.

What? Dark was unable to process what it had said.

Don't call me it. I do have a name, you know? it replied.

Who are you? Dark repeated.

My, my Dark. Have you already forgotten? I am Void, your worst nightmare.

*Flashback ends*

Dark and Fire sat by the balcony of TEMPUR-A as the former finished his story.

"That's... problematic," the fire elemental said.

"Indeed it is."

Both boys jumped at the voice, only to turn around seeing Light leaning in the wall.

"How much did you hear?" Dark asked his counterpart.

"Enough to hear about Fire's problems and your dillema."

"So pretty much everything then," Fire said dryly.

Light ignored his comment. "Why didn't you tell anyone about this? We could've helped."

"Well, I was kinda afraid, to be honest," Dark admitted.

Light nodded in understanding then turned to stare at the red-hooded elemental.

"How about you, Fire?" Light asked.


The light elemental didn't believe him but let it slide for now, since there are still more pressing matters to talk about. Fire sighed in relief but he knew he did not escape the questioning, only delayed it.


"Hmm, yes Light?

"You mentioned that Void said 'like you had released me four nights ago'. What does he mean by that?"

Dark looked at him in the eye. "Tell me, Light, what of outmost importance happened last week?"

Light racked his brain for an answer. "Well, we went to investigate the wall of darkness that seemed to appear out of nowhere." Then he caught Dark's knowing look. "You don't mean..."

"That Void was the one who made the wall of darkness? Yes, I do."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (ha ha ha ha ha brought to you by the line break)

Who are you really? Dark asked Void in his head. He had opted to talk to him and get to know him so he knows who he's up against.

My, my, Dark. How many times do I have to tell you? I am Void. Dark could practically feel his irritation. He mentally rolled his eyes.

What I mean is that, who are you? Like what is the description of yourself?

Oh. Dark could almost see the gears turning in Void's head. (Wait, an imaginary head inside a head?)

Well, you could say that I am the darker version of yourself. I am the eternal darkness, void of light. I exist even without the other elements.

And what do you want from me? From us? Dark wished he had not asked the question as he dreaded Void's answer.

My, Dark. I want you to suffer. You and your so-called brothers. I have been trapped in this state for so long and it's time for me to get my revenge.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Salut! I'm alive!

Sorry for the short chapter, everyone. I was writing this in the middle of my training.

Well, I don't  have anything to say anymore, so au revoir!

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