Chapter Fourteen: Waking Up and Decisions

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I realized that I left the last chapter in a little bit of a cliffhanger and stopped updating for a long time. I'm trying to update in the midst of my busy days, and here it is. Enjoy!

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Dark woke up to an empty room, clutching his head. He had a migraine the size of Fang's ego (which was quite big). Looking around, he realized that he was in the TEMPUR-A infirmary. He tried to sit up only to find that his body was not cooperating with his mind. He feels numb, he can't move any part of his body much.

"Woah, Dark. Take it easy. You've been out for three days."

Dark turned his head towards the voice to see Earth looking at him worriedly.

"How do you feel?" Earth asked him.

"Like hell," he retorted, wincing. "And the bright light doesn't help either."

Earth muttered along the lines of "I told them to make the room dimmer" and such before walking to the window and closing the thick curtains, effectively removing most of the light in the room.

Dark's migraine had lessened a little but his head still hurts. He tried sitting up with the help of Earth and was successful after a few attempts.

"What happened after I fainted?" Dark hated being useless and it showed on the way he asked the question.

"Nothing much. We all went back to the pod and reported to CiCiKo about the success of our mission. He was surprised, saying that it was the fastest mission TAPOPS had went into."

Dark nodded. "And the others? How are they?"

Earth sighed. "Light's a bit, well, lightheaded at the early part of the mission, due to too much darkness emitting from the wall, just as Fire's a bit cold from the lack of warmth. Otherwise, they're okay."

Dark frowned. "How is that possible? I mean, they're not usually affected by it."

"Light said that opposites being near each other negates the effect of the outside elements." (Did you get it?)

"Possibly." But Dark thinks there's something else that affects his brothers so much, and it's not just them being exposed to their opposing elements without their brother near them. And he had a feeling that the voice inside of his head has something to do with it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Hey, D."

Dark got out of the infirmary a few days after the mission, and Fire was there to greet him.

"Fire," he acknowledged. "What brings you here?"

"Got ahold of the news that you're coming out of the infirmary and went to see you," Fire said nonchalantly. "So, how are you?"

"Do you know how many times I've heard that question in the past days?" Dark whined and the fire elemental chuckled. 

"Seriously, how are you?"

"I'm fine," the shadow elemental said.

"Bullshit," Fire said. "You can't fool me like you have fooled the others."

Dark looked at Fire questioningly as they walked through the hallways, wondering how on earth Fire knew something was bothering him.

The red-hooded elemental saw Dark's look and replied. "I've had a lot of experience regarding that and you know it, Dark."

Dark did know what he was talking about. Fire carries the burden of the original BoBoiBioy: the stress, the pain, and the longing.

Dark made his choice and turned to look at Fire. "I need to tell you something..."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


I satisfied last chapter's cliffhanger with another cliffhanger! XD

Anyway, this is just a filler chapter and the next major event will happen on either Chapter 15, 16, or 17. Just to spoil you ^_^.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and wish me luck on my upcoming exams and contest!

Au revoir!

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