Chapter Thirteen: Light Prevails

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After a while, the whole gang had met up at the control room. They said their farewells to the rest before climbing up a large space pod and zooming away.

"This doesn't feel natural," Fang said as they arrive near the wall of darkness.

They all got their vehicles out (courtesy of MotoBot) and zoomed closer to the wall.

"I feel faint," Solar whispered as he slowed down. Leaf, who was nearest to him, went to his aid, wearing his ever so cute face that made Solar smile despite his weakness. (Comment here for ThoLar supporters!)

Earth, sensing that Leaf and Solar were not following them, had turned back.

"You okay?" he asked.

Solar shook his head. "No, light and darkness don't do well together," he replied.

Earth nodded and had Leaf escort him back to the pod. He then caught up with the rest and explained the situation. They all understood.

"It's so cold," Fire said, shivering.

Ice frowned. He then took off his jacket and gave it to Fire. "Here, better?" (Comment here for BlIce supporters!)

Fire smiled at him "Much."

They continued their journey until they hit the edge of the wall. Or at least, the rest hit the edge of the wall while Dark passed through.

"Dark!" Yaya shouted.

The said person emerged from the wall, hearing his name. "Why didn't you pass through?"

"I don't know," Ying said. "Maybe only dark/shadow manipulators can pass through?"

"Possibly. But I can't pass through," Fang reasoned.

"Then why..." Yaya thought hard.

"What if Dark tries to siphon the wall of darkness?" Wind suggested.

Everyone looked at him weirdly.

"What?!" he exclaimed.

"I didn't know you could be so smart," Thunderstorm muttered.

"Hey, I can be smart!" Wind said defensively.

Thunderstorm chuckled and ruffled Wind's hair. "I know." (Comment here for ThundClone supporters!)

Now everyone looked at Thunderstorm weirdly.

"What? I can be affectionate at times."

Earth shook his head and went back to the task at hand. "Dark, can you do what Wind suggested?"

Dark took a deep breath and imagined the wall of darkness sucked into his hands. Slowly, the darkness disappear into his hands. 

Later on, the wall of darkness fully disappeared and the light seeped through. They would have been blinded by the light if it weren't for their helmets, which adjusts to the light in space.

Dark had fainted in the brightness of the light. Yaya, who was the first to notice, sped to him and caught him. (Comment here for BoYa supporters!)

"That went well," Gopal said for the first time.

"Let's go back to the pod," Earth suggested and everyone agreed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Dark was laying down in the TAPOPS infirmary, unconscious. Earth was sitting next to his bed, being the most concerned one in the group. Solar was also in the room, having been forced by Earth to have a check-up. He didn't immediately leave after being deemed healthy, instead choosing to stay by Earth and Dark.

"How did light and darkness affect the both of you?" Earth asked after a long period of silence.

"We have always been affected by it. Our powers only protect each other. We must stay near or next to each other to get that protection, however," Solar answered.

"Why didn't you do it earlier then?"

"I've only realized it now."


"What do you think is the cause of that wall to appear?" Earth asked again.

"I don't know. As I said earlier, ShadowBot is a possibility. Fang and Dark can also do it in longer periods of time, however, they need the protection from the light in order for their powers to be useful. Or at least, be powerful enough to cast a large amount of darkness in a short time," the light BoBoiBoy said.

Earth was going to ask another question when the door opened to admit Fang inside.

"Leaf was looking for you," he told Solar. Solar then excused himself from the two and went to find Leaf.

There was an awkward silence in the room.

"Is Dark okay?" Fang finally asked.

Earth nodded. "Yeah. He was just weak from the strong exposure to bright light."

"How about you? Are you okay?"

Earth was confused. "Huh?"

Fang blushed a bit and muttered a quick "nevermind" before leaving the room. (Comment here for FaKe supporters!)

He's cute. Earth shook his head to get rid of those thoughts before going out of the room as well.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Have you seen the destruction I've caused, Dark?

'Who are you?!' Dark shouted in his mind.

Oh nothing, Darky-poo. I'm just your worst nightmare.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Aaaaand... another update! Who do you think was the one talking to Dark? The first one to get the correct answer will have a chapter dedicated to him/her.

So what do you think of the hints of ships? As early as now, I will apologize. I'm not really good at writing fluff.

Au revoir, readers! See ya!

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