Chapter Thirty-One: Late Night Encounters

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Atalanta woke up near midnight despite her tiredness from the recent mission. And just like last night, she went to the balcony.

"You came back."

Atalanta sat down beside the figure. "Of course I did. I promised you, right?"

The figure smiled, however, there was bitterness in his black eyes. "You did. However, not all promises are fulfilled." 

"Sadly, that is the truth."

There was a comfortable silence between them, which was a big change from last night. Atalanta remembered how surprised she was to see Dark's figure last night.


"Dark? What are you doing here?" Atalanta asked, surprised.

The figure turned to look at her and smiled a bit. Atalanta noticed that his eyes weren't the usual purple; it was black. 

"W-wait. Who are you and what have you done to Dark?" Atalanta asked forcefully, fingering her dagger from inside the cloak.

The figure spread his arms. "I don't mean any harm. If you would please sit down, I'll explain what I can."

Atalanta did as she was told, but she made sure that she was a good distance away from him. "First of all, who are you?"

The figure looked at her. "I am Void, Dark's third tier form."

Atalanta sensed no lie from what he said, but she was confused with his answer. "Third tier? I wasn't aware that Dark has a second tier form already, let alone third."

Void laughed humorlessly. "I wasn't supposed to appear yet. However, something happened that forced me out of Dark's consciousness."

"If you don't mind, can you tell me what it is?" For the record, Atalanta was curious as she scooted closer to the elemental.

"Dark came into existence a few weeks ago. And while he was in control, someone named KiKiTa shot her laser at his watch which caused all of the personalities to clash inside the mind of the original BoBoiBoy. Ochobot forced us out of him."

"It should have affected the rest of us, since BoBoiBoy reverted back in his original form after the laser struck the watch," Void finished thoughtfully.

"Who took on the original body?" Atalanta asked, already having a theory in her head.

"Dark. He took over the original body since he was the last one to be in control."

"That makes sense," the heroine mused. "It probably only affected you because Dark's watch was the one that was shot, not the original BoBoiBoy's. Him taking over the original body didn't help either."

"Ah, now I understand it."


"I've heard them talk about you, Void. Something about you waging war against them," Atalanta looked at the elemental. "Do you have any idea about it?"

"Unfortunately, yes." Void stood up and leaned over the balcony, looking up to the night sky. "Due to my early appearance, my powers clash with Dark's, making it consume me. However, it only happens in the morning. I have clarity at night, mostly because of the presence of darkness. And midnight is the time that I'm sanest. However, I don't have my personality as of now because of the absence of the second tier. I still have Dark's personality in my sane moments, and the psychopathic personality when I'm not in control of my mind."

"That's... sad."

Another silence.

"The sun is rising already," Void said. "I can feel Dark waking up in my mind."

"We can talk again tomorrow, if you want," Atalanta offered, surprised that the time had gone so quickly.

"Sure. Let me go in our room so that Dark won't be suspicious."

--Flashback ends--

"Does Dark have any idea on what happened last night?" Atalanta asked after the memory had faded in her mindscape.

"No. He doesn't ask," Void said, looking again at the sky.

"The stars are beautiful, isn't it?" He asked out of the blue.

Atalanta smiled. "Indeed they are. I used to watch them before I go to sleep."

"Used to?"

Her smile faded. "Since the experiment, I've got no time to look peacefully at them."

"Wanna talk about it?"

Atalanta shook her head. "Not now. I'm not yet ready."

Void tapped her hand with his. "Okay. Just remember that you're not alone in all of this."

Atalanta remembered Earth and Dark's reaction to their fears and figured that Void was right. She wasn't alone. No one was.

She squeezed her companion's hand. "Thank you. I'll keep that in mind."

"It's nearing sunrise," Void said to her.

"Stay here and pretend to be asleep. I'll just tell an excuse to Dark."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Yeah, sorry for taking a long time to update. I had exams and a bunch of other things that I did. Also, sorry for the shorter than usual chapter.

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