Chapter Thirty-two: Ceremony and Promotions

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"You sleepwalked."

Dark blinked repeatedly at what the emotion manipulator had told him.

"It doesn't make sense. I don't sleepwalk. It was Fire who does."

"But that's only when he's stressed," Atalanta pointed out. "Maybe you're like that as well?"

"No. I'm good at handling stress." Dark raised an eyebrow at the heroine. "You know more than what you let on."

Atalanta gave the shadow manipulator a pointed look. "I do, but they're only theories. I know no truth as of what's happening right now."

Dark sighed. "Well, you're an official part of TAPOPS now, so I guess it's only right for you to know."

Dark told her everything that they know, the events from the beginning up until before the test, and what they have done to prepare. Atalanta was mostly silent throughout the explanation, only speaking if she has a question.

It was nearing 7 am when they had finished discussing the past events. Dark went to leave when Atalanta stopped him.

"Meet me here after the ceremony. Bring the others with you."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Before everything else, I want to congratulate the nine of you for passing the Toughness Test," Admiral Tarung spoke.

The said test takers smiled at each other and did the TAPOPS salute at the leaders.

"We also would like to take this opportunity to promote certain members of the team for their previous exceptional performances," Commander KoKoCi smiled.

Everyone looked at each other in surprise. They all had expected another mission to be laid out, not a promotion. But they weren't complaining.

"To start off, Kaizo, please step forward." 

Commander KoKoCi stepped closer to the Captain with his both of his hands behind his back. "For your efforts on the last battle with Vargoba, you will be promoted as a Major." 

The commander removed the Captain pin on Kaizo and put the Major pin in its place. The newly-promoted Major saluted and stepped back.

"Private Fang, please step forward." 

"For your efforts executed within the time that you had stayed at TAPOPS, you will be promoted as a Lance Corporal." 

Fang smiled smugly at the others as KoKoCi put the pin on his vest. He saluted then stepped back.

"Lance Corporals Sai and Shielda, please step forward." The twins wore emotionless expressions as they stepped forward.

"For your bravery and skills, you will both be promoted as Corporals."

The shield duo nodded as the commander put on their pins. They saluted at the higher ranks and stepped back.

"Lance Corporals Yaya and Ying, please step forward." The two smiled at each other as they stepped forward at the same time.

"For your bravery and intelligence, both of you will be promoted as Corporals."

The two looked at each other and cheered as KoKoCi put their respective pins. Just like the two before them, they saluted and stepped back. Fang can be seen to be looking enviously.

"Cadet Gopal, please step forward."

The Indian boy stepped forward, feeling anxious and excited.

"For being a dependable ally to your friends, (Fang could be heard coughing in the background but everyone ignored it.) you will be promoted as a Private of TAPOPS."

Gopal whooped in joy after KoKoCi put his new pin. He saluted in thanks as he stepped back.

"And now for the test takers. Cadets Earth, Thunderstorm, and Solar, please step forward."

The three stepped forward, each with a hint of pride on their faces. Especially Solar.

"Due to your exceptional performance on the battle, the test, and for TAPOPS itself, you will all be promoted as Corporals, and will be joining Yaya and Ying."

Earth and Solar smiled at the commander as he put their pins. Thunderstorm only nodded, but there was a hint of a smile on his face. The three saluted then stepped back.

"Cadets Ice and Dark, please step forward."

"Because of your responsibility, both of you will be joining Fang as Lance Corporals."

Both elementals smiled and nodded at each other as the commander put their pins. They saluted and stepped back.

"Cadets Wind, Fire, and Thorn, please step forward."

"Because of your harmony and talents, you will be joining Gopal as Privates."

The troublemaker trio, including Gopal, grinned at each other as the commander put the trio's pins. Earth and Solar were groaning in the background.

"Atalanta, our newest recruit, please step forward."

"Since you don't have any experience yet, you will start off as a Cadet until you prove yourself."

Atalanta only nodded in understanding and saluted as she stepped backward.

Commander KoKoCi went back to his place with Admiral Tarung. "We congratulate you on your promotions." Both of them did the TAPOPS salute at the officers and they saluted back.

"The ceremony is over now. You may go."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Dark watched Atalanta's retreating figure and remembered what she had told him earlier. The newly-promoted Lance Corporal went to Earth and asked him to gather the others.

Albeit confused, the seven BoBoiBoy elements along with the rest of their gang (Yaya, Ying, Fang, Gopal) followed Dark's lead on the way to the balcony. They found Atalanta standing there, eyes glued to the sky.

As if she heard them approaching, she turned around and greeted them.

"What did you call us for?" Dark asked curiously.

Atalanta sighed and looked at him in the eye.

"To talk about the dark element. You may know him as Void. And I think I have an idea on how to subdue him."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

We're nearing the climax, by the way. 

Edit: Just so you know. This is the ranking system in TAPOPS that I'm using. This is from highest to lowest.

Admiral - Tarung
Commander - KoKoCi
Major - Kaizo
Lieutenant - Lahap (Yes, he's gonna be here soon)
Corporal - Yaya, Ying, Earth, Solar, Thunderstorm, Sai, Shielda
Lance Corporal - Ice, Dark, Fang
Private - Gopal, Fire, Wind, Thorn
Cadet - Atalanta

Engineer - Nut

I already planned their promotions till the end. ^_^ As well as the pairings. The pairings will be posted soon in my other BoBoiBoy-related book: My World of BoBoiBoy.

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