Beast's obsession.....

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A new day in the town of shivalaya. The day was quite ordinary with the sun shining brightly and accustomed chilly breeze gusting across the town. Mountains looked enchanting as always. Tiny puddles could be seen all across the town as it had rain heavily this morning. Howbeit now the sky was quite clear. Farmers and labours could be seen in the meadows toiling tirelessly. The pleasant earthy smell was enshrouded the whole town. Though everything appeared ordinary yet there was something not right in the town. The reason was a fearsome creature. Few people in the town chiefly the ones who work close to the castle have seen a devilish creature. Everyone has their own tale to narrate regarding their encounter with the cruel creature but the thing which was recurring in all of those stories was that each and everyone has seen the creature on the keep of the castle. And trust them, he was the most terrifying creature on earth.

The theory of the castle monster was discarded by some over smart people residing in the town. For them it was mere a cretinous story which was being created by the town people itself. Manohar, the town's only cobbler had seen the creature the other day and after seeing him he got 104° fever. He is still in the hospital and the poor man had not uttered a single thing apart from 'Beast is free ' since the previous day. He was not the only one who has seen the beast, there were few other people too. Chandar the goldsmith, Bhuvan the canteen shop owner and few more. But the most peculiar encounter was with Shikhar Tandon, a 12th grade teacher. He was among those town folks who mocked the town's old people, the people who believed in the myth of the castle beast. So when he himself concede that he saw the beast, the people of the town couldn't help but feel scared. Because they knew shikhar never lies. According to shikhar, he was coming back from his evening walk when he saw someone standing on the keep of the castle. He looked closely to find it wasn't a human but a monster who was standing there gazing at the whole town. His legs turned jelly seeing him, he wanted to run but couldn't. But then the monster looked at him and believe him the monster smiled at him. Some people believed him while some wanted to admit him in the mental hospital.

Low murmurings could be heard inside the castle. The meeting hall was thronged with the alphas and some other prominent people. Slaves were standing on the left corner with their heads down. Everyone was patiently waiting for the evil king to arrive. He was already late but no one could dare to question him. After all no one wants to die. If the Dark King only sticked to killing than also their would have been no issue but they were aware that the cruel monster favors sadistic torture rather than killing. And trust them they would be contented to accept death rather than suffer years of torture from his hands. Besides the Dark Lord was famed for his sadistic torture. His favorite hobby was to torture people, chiefly innocent people. He loved it when they beg for forgiveness, it made him feel powerful. Before he was cursed his first priority was his power and his throne, but after he was curse free his priority was his mate. His sweet, innocent and not to mention extremely beautiful mate. He no doubt desired to conquer the earth once again but at the same time wanted to make her his queen. He wanted to rule the earth but not without her. She was now his utmost priority. She was his love, his madness, his obsession.

And finally the Dark Lord arrived. Marching through the door with power. His most loyal man followed him. He walked inside without even sparing a glance at the people patiently waiting for him. Contrary to the coronation ceremony day, today he was decently dressed. He was wearing a three piece suit, looking like a decent man even though that's far from truth. He sat on his throne like a king. He gazed in the front and beckoned his loyal man to speak.
"The Dark King is here. You can tell him what is troubling you. " his man said. One alpha stood up from his chair.
"Long Live the King. " he said bowing down. The Dark King smirked. He liked it.
"My Lord we all are here to discuss about the rogue problems. From years we are facing this problem. We have tried to track down the rogues but with little success. My Lord only you can help us. " the alpha said keeping his voice low. The King sighed. Rogue problems, it wasn't a major issue for him. He knew his name was ample to freak out those filthy rogues.
"I'll find out about the rogues and will hunt them down. " the Dark King said. The Alpha bowed down once again.
"Anyone else. " his man asked. A man in his early 30s stood up, he wasn't an alpha maybe beta.
"My Lord I don't have any query but I have a news for you instead." he said with a grin. The king raised his brow.
"My Lord I live a few houses away from our queen's house. " he said. The Dark King smiled as his thoughts went to his mate.

"My Lord are you listening." his thoughts were interrupted by the male's voice. He growled, no one should interrupt him while he is dreaming about his mate. He looked at the man, enraged. The man gulped.
" sorry my Lord. But please hear me once. " he pleaded. The King sighed but nodded.
"My Lord yesterday I saw three boys staring at your queen. One of them even tried to touch her but before he could I stopped him. I brought them here for you to punish. " he said. The Dark King rose from his throne furiously. The people sitting in the room knew that those will now be the first guest of the torture room.
"Where are they." The king yelled. The man hastily dashed outside and after 2-3 minutes came inside with three boys who look no more than 20. The man pushed the boys and they fell near to the King's feet. The Dark King yanked the boy's collar.
"How Dare you. Don't you know she belongs to the King. Huh. She belongs to me, The Dark King. She is the queen of the Dark King. " the King yelled scaring each and every soul present inside the hall.
"I'll teach you a lesson. " the king said as he hurled the boy on the ground. He beckoned his man to drag the boys to the torture room. He laughed evily thinking of the ways to punish them. He will torture the boys so badly that even the earth and sky will get scared.

Inside the Jaiswal house everything was perfect. Both Mr and Mrs Jaiswal were peacefully watching TV while their son was working on his laptop and their daughter-in-law was cooking dinner in the kitchen. And their sweet granddaughter was in her room upstairs. Sharanya was standing in her balcony, relishing the beautiful outlook of the mountains. She was busy admiring the scene when her eyes went to a small fawn. The fawn had his feet stuck in the bushes and was making desperate attempts to free itself. Sharanya felt pity on it. She ran from her room and dashed outside. The fawn was still there, she could see some tears in it's eyes. She felt bad for him. She went near him and sat next to him.
"Hey little guy. " she said softly as she tried to free his feet from the bushes. The deer looked at her with fear.
"Don't worry I will help you. " she whispered. After few minutes she was able to free his feet. The deer nuzzled his head on her lap. She patted his head and giggled. The deer gave her one last look before sprinting towards the forest. She was about to make her way back to her home when she saw a figure moving in the forest. She began ambling towards the forest. She walked further inside. When she realized she had came really far from her home she resolved to go back to her house. As soon as she turned back she screamed. In front of her was a terrifying creature. It was really big and ugly.

She started backing away from him. She didn't realize that she was crying by now. The monster started coming towards her and she screamed again.
"Please.........Don't........" she said crying. She kept on moving back but then her back hit the tree trunk and than she realized she is now trapped. The monster came towards her and stood in front of her. Everything was silent, she could only hear her cries and the monster's breaths. She hid behind the tree.
"Sharanya. " the monster said tilting his head. His voice was so dangerous that she couldn't help but get more and more frightened. She kept on sobbing.
"Come in my arms my sharanya. " the beast said stretching his beastly arms scaring the poor girl. She shook her head with tears falling down her pretty eyes. The monster growled.
"Come to me. " he said again but this time grabbing her little hand. She screamed when he grabbed her hands in his ugly hands. He trapped her between him and the tree, giving her no chance to escape. He looked at her, she looked so beautiful. He nuzzled his head in her neck and smelled her. Her scent was so calming to him.
"" she pleaded while crying. He looked at her to see her beautiful eyes filled with tears. He grabbed her waist and pulled her to him. She was so small compared to him, but he liked it.

She freed herself from his grip but before she could run the monster kept his both hands on her either side, caging her between him and the tree. She slumped down the tree and sat there hugging her knees, crying like a little baby. The monster sat next to her and kept staring at her. He placed his fingers under her chin and tilted her head upwards so she could look in his eyes. She looked up to see him staring at her with passion. She cowered into the tree. The monster grabbed her little body and she cried more.
"You are our's." the beast said nuzzling his nose in her hairs as tears fell from her eyes. She tried to push him but he grabbed her hand and kissed it.
"You belong to us. " he repeated again as he kept smelling her. The beast starting moving his ugly hands on her fragile body and she cried more. Her face was now wet with tears. He touched the soft skin of her legs.
"My queen. " he said caressing her face as she cried her eyes out. He started pecking her face, her eyes turned wide and she started to hit him but he was a beast, instead of getting hurt he was enjoying her little fight. For him it was just a playful fight nothing else.
"Why are you crying mate. " he asked capturing her small hands in his big ones. She gazed at him with teary eyes, he is scaring her doesn't he know that. She looked in his eyes and than she realized she had seen these eyes somewhere. She kept on looking at him not realizing that the beast had picked her up and she was now sitting on his lap. She came to her senses when the beast starting kissing her neck.
"" she pleaded with tears. The beast looked at her face again. There was no way he was going to let her go. She is his. Just his. He looked at her lips. He brought his face towards hers and captured her lips with his own. She started hitting him but in vain. The beast kept kissing her but than he realized her body was going limp. He looked at her to find she was losing conscious. The last thing she remembered before she blacked out was that she was in the arms of the beast and he was staring at her obsessively.

If only she knew that she belongs to him. Just him. As she was the queen of the beast.

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