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A new morning in the lives of the residents of the town. Mesmerizing outlook of the mountains could seen from all across the town. Deers and elephants can be seen drinking water from the river. Tweeting of the Aves could be heard all across the town. Monkeys can be seen swinging on the trees. Howbeit the ambience of the town was outright tense. Their was a huge crowd gathered in front of Mr Sharma's house. Everything was so obstreperous that it felt as if it is a fish market. Inspector Parag and the sub inspectors including the constables were present inside Mr Sharma's house. Mr Sharma's neighbors were endeavouring to console him and his wife as they both were crying as if it was the end of the world. Yesterday Mr Sharma's three sons went missing. Till previous night he wasn't worried at all as he knew his sons were jerks and must be roaming around the town like jokers which they were. But the problem arised when they didn't came even in the twilight which was their accustomed groove. He searched for them in the whole town but couldn't find them. So in the forenoon he resoluted to report a missing case of his sons.

Town people were equally worried and happy. Worried because it was the first case of missing in so many years and they were worried for their own kids. Happy because the whole town knew that the sons of Mr Sharma were the biggest problem of the town. The kids were jerks and ill mannered. The only thing those 20 year olds use to do was roam here and there like a jock in the whole town. Three of them were beaten countless times by the mob for eve teasing the girls. Not only the mob, three of them had a record that they had been slapped by each and every girl of the town. Not only slapped, sometimes girls used to throw their sandals on their faces. But even after all this the boys didn't changed rather they now began to vexe the old people. Yet the town people were worried for the boys, no matter how they were, they were kids after all. With time people get mature and the boys would have too. However their were two people in the town who knew where the boys were but they knew no one would believe them. The two man were Mr Kashyap and the priest and right now they both were standing in the last.
"When did you see them last time." inspector parag said. Inspector parag was a handsome young man in his late 20s. He was single and was the talk of the town before the arrival of the mysterious and devilishly handsome billionaire, obviously. Girls dreamt of him and did I mention the dreams were kind of naughty. But now the ladies and the young girls could only dream of that imperious billionaire. Every girl dreamt to be in his arms, they wanted him to dominate them, which unfortunately for them will never happen as the arrogant man was obsessively in love with the naive girl. And his dreams were way very sinister and scary than the girls.
"I saw them yesterday in the morning when they were having their breakfast. " Mr Sharma said. Inspector parag nodded.
"Do you suspect anyone. " he asked Mr Sharma.
"Inspector my kids had never done a single good thing in their life. I don't know how many people hated them. " Mr Sharma said sobbing. Inspector parag felt pity on him. He was a nice man but his kids were totally opposite. Numerous times they had been locked up inside the lock-up for their ill behavior towards the girls.
"Don't worry Mr Sharma we will find the boys. " inspector parag said patting his shoulder.

Inside the Jaiswal house their was nothing normal. Mrs Jaiswal and her daughter in law were crying. Mr Jaiswal and his son sat on the sofa, they both looked anxious. Previous night their town's billionaire came inside their house carrying their beloved sharanya in his arms. He told them that he found her unconscious in the forest. She was the heart of her family and seeing her like this was extremely painful for her family. They instantly laid her on her bed and called the doctor. Doctor told them that their was nothing to worry as she had got a panic attack and she will wake up in the morning by herself. Her family thanked their neighbor for saving her life. Their neighbor howbeit requested to stay their till she wakes up. They agreed as he had saved their precious sharanya's life. So today they all are sitting inside her room and are waiting for her to wake up. Her father held her little hand in his and caressed her forehead. He loved her so much that it hurted him to see her like this. Mrs Jaiswal and her daughter in law were crying since night. Suddenly they saw her eyebrows furrowed. She was waking up. Her family wiped their tears. The castle owner was just beyond happy to see her gaining conscious. She was his life, he couldn't see her like this. She slowly opened her eyes to find her whole family sitting near her. She slowly sat up.
"Sharanya my princess. I am so happy that you wake up. " her father said as he enclosed her in his arms and kissed her forehead. The man standing in the corner clenched his fist. He cannot see her in any other man's arms, even if it's her father. She should be in his arms.
"Dad. " she said as she rubbed her eyes with her little hands. The man gazed at her with adoration. She was so adorable and innocent. It was so hard for him to not pounce on her and claim her his.
"Oh my baby. I was so scared. Promise me you won't go to the forest ever." her granny said kissing her cheeks. The mention of the forests brought all the last nights events back in her mind. She remembered meeting that monster. She clutched her father's shirt tightly as she was just so scared. Her father immediately sensed that she is scared.
"What happened my princess. " he asked cupping her face. Tears formed in her eyes making her family more worried. The man standing in the corner desperately wanted to cage her in his arms and wipe her tears.
"Dad......I.....saw...a monster. He was so big and so....." she couldn't complete as she started crying. Her father wiped her tears.
"Princess their is no monster. You must have had a nightmare." her father said as he enclosed her beloved daughter in his arms once again.
"No Dad I saw a monster. He scared me. He was very big. He was so bad. " she said crying shattering the heart of the man standing in the corner into million pieces. He never wanted to frighten her, he just wanted to spend some time with her. He wanted to show her his love.

Meantime Inspector Parag came inside. Inspector Parag fell in love with sharanya when he saw her for the first time in the party at the castle. He was just speechless when he saw her. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. At that moment he knew he had to marry her. But he knew the girl was very innocent, so he had decided to talk to her parents for their marriage. However right now he didn't came to talk about his marriage as he was on his duty and he was an honest police officer. He always kept his duty before anything, perhaps that's why he was loved by everyone across the town.
"Good morning Mr Jaiswal. " he greeted as he came inside. He looked in front to see the girl of his dreams hugging her father tightly as her eyes were filled with tears. He knew something was wrong.
"Is everything okay. " he asked as he kept looking at the scared girl not realizing that a certain someone was watching him with hatred. He had already planned how he will kill this man as he was not at all ready to let anyone else look at his sharanya.
"Inspector parag actually yesterday Mr Singhala brought sharanya home in unconscious state and now when she regain her conscious back, she is saying that she saw a monster. " Mr Jaiswal explained. Inspector Parag gazed at the other side of the room to see the beastly castle owner standing there glaring at him. If looks could kill than Inspector Parag would already had reached to heaven. Inspector Parag was a bit scared of him, he will concur to that. The day he first saw him when he was taking a tour of the whole town, he knew something was off with him. He not at all appeared like an ordinary human. He looked at him to find him deep in thought.

Inspector Parag detested him. The reason for his hatred was his impertinent and conceited comportment. He treated the inhabitants of the town like shit. Except for the Jaiswal family. The whole town knew that only Jaiswals are the ones he talks to properly. Not only that, the imperious man literally behaves like a puppy in front of sharanya. Inspector Parag was a clever man, he knew that he was interested in sharanya and inspector found it gross and disgusting as the man looked no less than 36 and sharanya was merely 18 years old. The man was a pedophile if you ask Inspector Parag. But he cannot snub the fact that his eyes manifested something strange when he looks at sharanya. Something like....obsession. And he was scared of those eyes and the eyes owner.
"Inspector Parag where are you lost. " Mrs Jaiswal asked. He smiled.
"Umm nowhere. So sharanya was saying she saw a monster. Well you see Mr Jaiswal, sharanya is not the only one who has seen the monster. Actually there are a number of town people who have seen it as well. Remember Manohar the cobbler who thinks he is the hottest man alive, he saw the monster and he is still in the hospital. Not only him Shikhar Tandon too has, and today in the morning itself my cook told me he saw a monster too. " Inspector parag said as he sat on a chair. Sharanya buried her face deeper in her father's chest as she was beyond scared.
"Are you talking about the Dark King. " Mrs jaiswal said as she rose up from her seat. The man standing in the corner smirked.
"Mom their is no dark king. I am sure it must be a man who is doing all this. " her father said patting her head.
"Mr Singhala you live in the castle and as far as I know, everyone has seen the monster on the castle roof. Have you seen him too.??? " Inspector Parag asked raising his brow.
"No I haven't. " the man said with a smirk. Fool. That's what he thinks about Inspector parag. He was the monster and this barmy man can never find him.
"Mr Jaiswal do you know Mr Sharma's sons disappeared mysteriously yesterday. " inspector parag told them.
"But how. " Mr Jaiswal asked anxiously.
"I don't know, you see the boys were jerks and I don't know how many enemies they had. " inspector parag said. The man in the corner now realized that the three boys he had tied up in his torture room were Mr Sharma's sons. He knew Mr Sharma, as he was the one who helped him to take a tour of the whole town.
"Sharanya no need to get scared. I will find that monster. Ok. Don't cry. " inspector parag said softly as he didn't wanted to scare the innocent girl. Sharanya nodded.

Sounds of giggling of the girls could be heard outside Mr Sharma's house as the handsome billionaire was standing there, his hands clasped together at the back. He looked like a beast as he towered over every man standing beside him. His height was a new topic for the girls, some say he is 6'6 while some said he is 6'8. So they came on a conclusion that he is 7 feet. He stood their like a king and waited for Mr Sharma to come out. Though he didn't wanted to meet him but his sweet little mate asked him to go to him and he can never say no to her. Even though she didn't particularly asked him, she asked her family too to visit Mr Sharma as he is going through a rough time. She is so innocent and kind hearted, he thought. Howbeit he didn't wanted her to show her kindness to everyone, he wanted her to shower all her kindness and love to him alone. He was so consumed in her thoughts that he didn't realize that he was right now surrounded by girls who looked like they will faint any time as they couldn't handle how handsome he is.
"Hii handsome. " his thoughts broke by a high pitched voice. He looked at his side to find himself surrounded by girls.
"What. " he said impertinently. The girls went awe.
"This anger will take my life one day I swear. " a girl who was wearing at least 2kgs of makeup said. He gave her a disgusting look.
"Don't you have any work to do. " he asked rudely looking away. He hated them.
"Oh his voice. Somebody please kill me. " the girl said in a way as if she was about to faint.
"Don't bother anyone. I will kill you by myself. " he said with gritted teeth. The girls kept looking at him as if he was a Greek god.
"Please kill me. " the girls said flirtatiously. He mentally puked. How shameless these girls are. He remembered the time when he was the king, no girl even used to talk to any strange man. Besides it was the boys who troubled girls but now it's the opposite.
"Mr Singhala. " a familiar soft voice said. He turned back to look his love standing at the back looking as adorable as ever. He was controlling himself to not forcefully take her to his castle and lock her up in his bedroom only for him to see.
"Yes." he said happily as he approached her throwing a girl away in the process.
"You forgot this at my home. " she said as she directed his sunglasses to him. He gently took his sunglasses from her little hands. She waved her bye and went away giving him a fantastic view of her back.
"I look more beautiful than her right. " one girl said twirling her locks.
"Even a chimpanzee looks better than you. " he said insulting her as he went inside Mr Sharma's house leaving the girls equally angry and frustrated.

Sharanya sat on her bed in the night wearing her pink night dress.

She was happily watching TV when abruptly the lights went off. She clutched her bedsheet tightly. She couldn't see anything as it was really dark. She saw outside the window, thunder and lightning was the only thing she saw. Suddenly she saw something in the corner of her room. She couldn't see it clearly but then the lightning striked and she saw that it was that monster.

Tears started to roll down her eyes. She backed away on her bed as the monster started coming towards her. She wanted to shout but couldn't as fear consumed her. Besides the sound of thunder was scaring her even more. He took predatory steps towards her scaring the poor girl in the process. She kept on crying like a baby. The monster stood near her.
"Mate. " it said. She couldn't understand what he meant. She kept her little hands on her face and prayed to god for him to vanish.
"Mate is so beautiful. " it said and she realized that he was partially sitting on the bed. He was so big that she looked like a tiny rabbit in front of him. His fingers lightly touched her face but he immediately retreated his hands back as if was afraid that he would hurt his beautiful and fragile mate.
"You are scared of us. " he asked in his scary voice scaring the innocent girl more. He came towards her and trapped her in his beastly arms. She started to free herself by hitting him with her tiny fists, but he was a beast. She was no match for him.
"We love you. We will never hurt you. " he said as he traced her face with his beastly fingers. He looked so ugly and scary.
"You are ours. " he said taking strands of her hairs in his hands. She looked at him with fear.
"Mom Dad please help. " she begged for help as tears continuously streamed down her eyes. The monster growled tightening his grip on her.
"Mate should not need anyone else. Mate should only need us. " he growled scaring her even more. She was so scared that she felt she was going to pass out. The monster sensed that as he loosened his grip on her.
"Mate needs to sleep. " he said as he brought her close to his chest ignoring her little fight. He kept on patting her head and her eyes started to feel heavy. She yawned and started to drifted off to slumber. He gently laid her on her bed and placed her in the middle so she wouldn't fall. He covered her with a blanket and kissed her on her soft lips. He wanted more but than he realized it was not the right time as she was already so scared of him. He looked to see dried tears on her face. He gently wiped them. He gave his beloved queen one last look before vanishing into the darkness vowing to make her his very soon.

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