Beast's passion....

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The Sun dazzled in the clear blue cloudless sky. The day was pretty balmy. The credit for this pleasantly warm weather goes to the Surya Dev who had literally showed himself after so many days. Contrary to the other days today the Sun wasn't hiding behind the clouds hence blessing the townsfolk with it's pleasant warmth. The rare balmy days are always celebrated by the townsfolk in the town. Perhaps because not always they are fortunate enough to relish the warmth of the Sun as majority of the time they face the harsh cold weather. Besides the frequent snowfall on the mountain peaks only brings more discomfort to the people of the town. Inside the town's committee office, a group of angry females surrounded Mr Suri and Mr Murli who were sitting in the middle scared like a rabbit. The reason for the fury of the females was that the heartthrob of the town's females i.e. The Dark King, hadn't stepped in the carnival ground even for once and the carnival was already on the verge of ending. So now when their heart stealer didn't attend the carnival, the females are beyond enraged and hence will grapple the collars of Mr Suri and Murli. Poor man will have to face the rage of the angry females.

Sharanya slept peacefully on her bed when abruptly sunrays fell on her face. She furrowed her brows as she fluttered her eyes open. As soon as she opened her eyes the dazzling sunlight literally blinded her for a moment. Howbeit that was short lived as the castle king stood in front of her protecting her pretty eyes from the dazzling light of the big ball of fire. She rubbed her eyes with her little fingers before adjusting her eyes to the surroundings. A smile formed on her pretty lips as her eyes landed on the castle king standing in front of her shielding her from the sunlight.
"Happy Birthday to you. " he said with a smile as he came towards her with a delicious looking chocolate cake in his hands. Her lips slightly parted as she realised she has forgotten her own birthday. But the castle king remembered. She chuckled as she looked at the castle owner.
"How did you know it's my birthday. I don't remember telling you about it. " she chuckled as the castle king sat near her placing the cake in front of her.
"I know you more than you know about yourself. " he whispered as he gazed at her. She looked into his love filled eyes with a smile resting on her lips. She right now felt like the most luckiest girl on this earth as in the world filled with fake people there was him who loved her truly without any wrong intentions in his heart.
"Thank you. " she whispered as her eyes refused to dart away from his eyes. He chuckled.
"Ne'er ever say thank you to me. You are my queen and you should command me rather than thank me. " he said with a smile as he ran his fingers through her hair strands. She let out a half suppressed laugh.
"Ok.!!! And by the way how did you know that we cut cakes on our birthday. Did people used to celebrate birthdays like this 10,000 years back too. " she asked as she chuckled lowly. He shook his head quickly.
"No not at all. Besides no one celebrated their birthdays that time. And about this, well Dravid told me that humans nowadays celebrate their birthdays by cutting this thing. I think it's called a cake. " he said scratching the back of his neck. She laughed.
"Yes it's called a cake." she said with a smile as she looked at him. Howbeit all of a sudden her eyes landed on her body to find she was wearing a really big, loose shirt which nearly covered half of her body. She sighed as she realised it was his shirt.
"How did I ended up in this shirt.!! " she asked folding her arms. He cleared his throat as his eyes darted here and there in extreme nervousness. She inwardly chuckled as right now he looked like a kid who had broken a vase rather than the feared Dark King. Nevertheless he was a the most feared Dark King, it's just that for her he is like a sweet lovesick man but for the world he was the same cruel and diabolical king.
"Um I.....I covered you with it. " he said nervously.
"And why so. " she asked looking at him. He looked at her with puppy dog eyes.
"Because so many omegas come in the room for cleaning and I didn't wanted anyone to see how beautiful you are." he said with puppy dog eyes making her chuckle.
"Ok but where did the beast go. " she asked as she chuckled. He frowned when she asked about him as he wanted all her attention directed towards him alone. He didn't wanted her to think of anyone else when she is with him even if it is his own form. Besides he had started to feel that she is getting more fond of the beast than him and he wouldn't accept that. He wanted to be the one she loves the most. He didn't had any issues with her loving the beast and the wolf but he wanted her to keep them in 2nd and 3rd place and him in the 1rst place. Perhaps because he loves her the most even though that was outright wrong as the beast and the wolf loved her equally. Besides they were one but foolish enough to fight among themselves just to get more of her attention.
"He left. " he replied quickly with a frown. She furrowed her brows as she knew that her mad lover wouldn't leave like this.
"When and how. " she asked perplexed making him more furious than he already was.
"I.....asked him to leave.....and just don't talk about about me. Just me. " he said like a kid as he turned his face away, folding his muscular arms. She chuckled as she knew he was getting jealous of the beast.
"But you both are same right. Why can't you hear about him. " she asked softly with a smile.
"Yes we are but....but he is a moron....he is always fighting with me to spend more time with you. " he frowned. She giggled.
"But he too wants to spend time with me. What's wrong in that.!! " she asked with a chuckle.
"I don't want you to spend time with anyone else even it's my own forms. " he said like a kid as he leaned towards her before placing a passionate kiss on her lips showing his possessiveness and jealousy. She blushed shyly as she hesitantly pulled away much to the dislike of the castle owner as he wanted to kiss her longer. Nevertheless she knew that even if he keeps on kissing her for a whole day, he still wouldn't get enough of her.
"So cut the cake love. " he said as he gave up the idea to kiss her once more. She sighed as she looked down. He furrowed his brows as he sensed a tinge of sadness in her. He scooted closer to her as he placed his fingers under her chin and tilting her head up to find tears in her eyes. His heart clenched as he saw her crying. Cupping her cheeks he looked at her anxiously.
"What happened my love!! Did I do something wrong.?? " he asked anxiously, wiping her tears with his thumb. She sniffled as she looked at him.
"I have ne'er celebrated my birthday without my family. " she whispered as she softly sniffled. He pulled her to his chest stroking her hairs. She sniffled very softly in his chest. For a few minutes they both sat their hushed, hugging each other. Her sniffles had slowly started to die down howbeit she still was upset. Besides the fact that she won't celebrate her birthday with her family made her more wretched. All of a sudden the castle owner pulled away from the hug and stood up perplexing her. He clasped his hands together behind as he stared at her.
"Baby girl, dress up we're going to meet your family." he said with a smile. She shrieked in happiness as she sprang out of the bed before hugging him tightly. He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her fragile figure.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much. " she whispered burying her head in his chest. He smiled as he kissed her forehead.
"Your happiness is everything to me. " he said leaning his face against hers.

Sharanya and the castle king reached her home. The peculiar thing was that the route they took was empty and it was outright bizarre as the route was always thronged with the people. Howbeit it took her quite a lot of time to realise that it was the Dark King who literally made sure that no one is present during the course of their journey. So that no one can even catch a glimpse of her, obviously. She really wanted to yell on him for being so obsessive and possessive but than she thought he had done so much for him, she shouldn't yell on him.
"Please be nice. You know they don't like you so please, please be nice. " she said as she looked at him. He grinned.
"Of course I'll be nice, if they are to me. " he grinned and she rolled her eyes in frustration.
"Arghhhhhhhh!!!! You are impossible. " she pouted angrily folding her arms. He chuckled.
"I love you too. " he chuckled as she proceeded towards the door before pushing the doorbell switch. The sound of the doorbell ringing was heard by both of them. Few seconds later the door opened revealing her mother standing on the door. She gasped as she saw her beloved daughter standing in front of her. She at once captured her in a hug as tears slipped down her eyes.
"Sharanya my princess. I.....I missed you so much. " her mother said as she cried hugging her daughter. Tears slipped down sharanya's eyes as she hugged her mother after what felt like ages. Meantime her father came rushing outside as he had heard his wife saying sharanya. Tears enveloped his eyes as he saw his daughter standing on the door hugging his wife. He ran towards them before capturing both the women in a bone crushing hug squeezing sharanya in between.
"Papa can't breathe. " she whispered with difficulty. Her father chuckled as he released her before wiping his tears.
"I missed you so much. " he said cupping her cheeks. She smiled.
"I missed you too. " she whispered as her father held her little hands in his. Howbeit the happy family's sweet moment was disturbed when her father's eyes abruptly landed on a handsome masculine man sitting in the car.

The smile on his face was quickly replaced with a frown as his orbs glared at the handsome male sitting in the car.
"What is he doing here.!! " her father asked with gritted teeth. The castle king smirked as he opened the door of his car and came outside.
"Sight seeing. " he smirked as he proceeded towards them. He stopped near sharanya.
"You......" Mr Jaiswal was cut in by her daughter who gently held his hand.
"Papa please. " she said with her innocent eyes melting all the anger of her father. He sighed as he gave up the idea to yell on him. Her mother frowned at her daughter's obsessed lover nevertheless the frown was quickly replaced with a smile as she looked at her beautiful daughter.
"Come inside sharanya. " her mother said with a smile as she kissed her forehead. Sharanya looked up at her father hesitantly.
"Papa can he come too. " she asked softly. Mr Jaiswal breathed a sigh as he knew he will have to invite that cunning geezer too as he was sure that he ain't leaving sharanya nohow.
"Yeah he can. " he frowned folding his arms. She smiled happily as she hugged her father.
"As if, if you had said no than I wouldn't had come. " he smirked as he walked towards him towering the 6ft man with his colossal height. Sharanya bit her lip as she realised that they both are going to get in a verbal fight soon. Howbeit her father ignored her lover and held her hand before entering inside. She entered inside with the castle owner following her like a lost puppy. Reaching the drawing room she found her grandparents sitting on the settee. They both stood up as soon as they saw her. She ran towards them before hugging them tightly.
"Oh my princess, I missed you so much. " Kedar said with tears hugging her beloved granddaughter. She looked up at him with tears.
"I missed you too grandpa and granny. " she sniffled as her granny showered her face with kisses making her giggle softly. The castle owner frowned as he wasn't pleased with the scene in front of her. He just couldn't abide any one kissing her may it be her grandparents.
"Mind telling me what are you doing here. " Kedar muttered angrily as his eyes went to her granddaughter's captor. The castle king rolled his eyes.
"Playing marbles. " he said with a frown folding his muscular arms. Kedar balled his fists as the Dark King was literally messing with him. Sharanya narrowed her lids at him folding her arms.
"Mr Singhala say sorry. " she scolded him shocking her family. The Dark King looked at her with puppy dog eyes.
"As you say love, I am sorry Mr Kedar. " he said the last part with a frown. Her family stared at them dumbfounded. They couldn't trust their eyes and why would they. The feared King of darkness is literally saying sorry just because their daughter asked him too. Besides he looked like a lovesick wolf rather than the Dark King.
"Um, I think we should sit in the dining room while I prepare cake and lunch for all. " her mother said softly receiving a nod from all those in attendance in the drawing room.

They all sat on the dining table except for her mother who was in the kitchen. Her whole family was glaring at the castle owner who was silently watching his love with endearment.
"Do you still sleep on the bed of bones. " her granny asked out of nowhere catching the attention of the Dark King. He looked at her as if she had grown two horns.
"Why would I sleep on the bed of bones.!! Won't they sting me. " he said trying to knock some sense in her granny's head. She looked at him shocked.
"But everyone says that you do. And...and how did you drink the potion of immortality. " she asked agape. He rolled his eyes.
"Why would I.....wait is that one of the stories formed about me by humans. " he asked raising his brow. She nodded. Sharanya listened to their conversation silently.
"How could I not know this.!!! Stupid humans. " he mumbled irritated folding his arms.
"That means you didn't drink the potion of immortality. " her granny asked curiously. He looked at her uninterested.
"Nectar of immortality was only for Gods. And why would I......" sharanya cut in.
"Granny the stories are fallacious. Actually he is the son of the King of hell and Moon Goddess abducted him from hell and brought him here on the earth. " sharanya told her granny. Her granny made an 'o' with her mouth. Meantime her mother entered inside wiping the sweat from her face.
"Please grab that cinnamon box from the first shelf, I can't reach there. " her mother said to her father.
"I will've to get a stool. " her father said as he stood up to grab a stool.
"Mr Singhala can you please help mom. " she said softly. He nodded quickly with a grin.
"Anything for you love. " he replied as he stood up from the chair and advanced towards the kitchen. Kedar watched everything with a smile. His heart said that he wasn't as bad as he seems to be. Besides he can see he is literally wrapped around his granddaughter's little dainty fingers. He had a feeling in his heart that sharanya was happy with him.

It was 9 p.m. in the night when sharanya sat comfortably in her own room. She smiled in contentment as she was finally in her room after so many days and it felt amazing. Needless to say that she had to literally plead to the castle king to let her stay with her family for one night fortunately he listened to her pleas. Howbeit her family didn't permitted him to stay in the house and he was furious with that but when she showed him her innocent eyes, his anger melt away and he agreed to leave the house. Nevertheless she kinda missed him. All of a sudden she felt someone's presence in the room. She furrowed her brows as she turned around only to come face to face with the 7ft beast. She gasped as she saw him standing in front of her, staring at her with his obsession filled eyes. She ran towards him before placing her little hands on his strong muscular chest. He wrapped his beastly arms around her.
"What are you doing here.!!! If Papa will see you than......than you don't know what will happen. " she whispered anxiously as she stared into his turquoise green orbs.
"We have come to give you your birthday present. " he said as he stretched his head towards the side of her face. Turning her head a little she saw a beautiful red coloured ruby ring resting on his hand. She gasped as she looked at him with a smile.
"It's beautiful, is it a ruby. " she asked softly as she pointed her finger at the stone. He shook his head.
"No, it's not a ruby. It's the only precious stone right now on this earth as the others are hidden in the lost serpent temple. Our brother took this before the Gods concealed the serpent temple and gave it to us. It is the most precious stone on this earth. " he said as he slided the ring on her finger. She smiled as she stared at her lovesick beast. She placed her hands on his chest.
"So when you have given me such a precious gift, I too have to give you a return gift. " she chuckled as she leaned forward before quickly pecking his lips. He growled as this short kiss wasn't enough for him.
"More kisses. " he said like a kid as he tightened his grip on her. She laughed.
"More kisses. " she chuckled as she placed two pecks on his lips. He shook his head.
"Not enough more kisses. " he said as he picked her up before placing a passionate kiss on her lips. She moaned as he kissed her harshly staking his claim on her. They both kissed each other for a couple of minutes before she pulled away panting heavily.
"Now that's enough my big beast. " she said teasingly placing a finger on his lips. He growled as he walked towards the bed with her in his arms.
"Not enough. Beast wants more. " he growled before placing her on the bed. She blushed shyly making him growl more in possessiveness.
"Beast can have more. " she whispered as she stretched her hand inviting her to fulfil all his wishes. He growled before climbing up on her. She wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Ours forever. " he said as he placed kisses on her neck making her moan in pleasure.

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