King's bride......

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Sunbeams radiated on the dense canopy of the jungles of the Himalayas. The bees buzzed on the thickets of the evergreens. The natives can be spotted sitting outside their houses or on the rooftops, relishing the warmth of the Sun. The month of June is predominantly quite scorching nevertheless the natives have ne'er felt anything such as scorching heat as rarely the town was warm and sunny. On the contrary it was always pretty chilly and windy. Howbeit the townsfolk seemingly had no issues with the cold weather as majority of the times the weather was quite pleasant. They considered themselves quite lucky as they were living in a valley rather than on the peak as they were blessed with the mild chilly weather contrary to the freezing cold weather of the hill peaks which were majority of the times snow carpeted. Besides the beauty of the valley was so easy on the eye. The carnival was on it's peak nevertheless the carnival organisers were in a state of anxiety. The reason being that, the Lord of darkness has not blessed the carnival with his beastly presence even for once and it's already two days since it's initiation. Mr Suri and Mr Tripathi were in a big threat now as they had promised the females of the town that the diabolical king will come for sure. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to betide anytime soon and it was a reason to bother for them as if he doesn't arrives than the females will murder them positively.

Sharanya slept soundly on the bed when abruptly the rays of sunshine fell on her beautiful face much to her dislike. She groaned as she tossed and turned on the bed to avoid the irking light of the big ball of hydrogen. Howbeit the Surya Dev was obdurate on waking her up as he deliberately radiated the sunbeams through the bay window and diverted the sunrays on the face of the little beauty making her groan in vexation. The persistent falling of the sunrays on her face from practically all the directions flew away her sleep. Nevertheless she kept her eyes closed in a hope that she might fall asleep again. But she sadly wasn't one of those people who can sleep anytime, anywhere and hence the sleep didn't even tried to approach her again. Besides she knew if she kept on laying like that, than her waist will start aching for sure. She huffed as she realised that she doesn't has any other alternative but to open her eyes and bid goodbye to her already gone sleep. She slowly fluttered her eyes open before sitting up on the bed with a frown resting on her beautiful face. She yawned as her eyes darted around the room only to find the castle owner standing near the bed with a smile. His hands were clasped together behind him and his eyes focused only on her. That wasn't new though as his eyes are always on her. He was dressed up in a beige white full sleeve shirt that had initial buttons undone and his muscular chest was on display, and navy blue pants. His navy blue coat was lying like an orphan on his chesterfield chair. His face had a smile as his eyes gazed at his love with pure endearment.
"Good morning my love. " he smiled at her. Nevertheless the poor king didn't receive a smile in return as his queen was pretty furious at him for waking her up.
"Why did you woke me up so early. " she whined as she punched the pillow vexed. The castle king chuckled making her frown at him.
"My love it's already 9:30 am in the morn. " he chuckled as he sat beside her. He gently tucked the loose strands of her hairs behind her ear before placing a loving kiss on her forehead tinting her already rosy cheeks more red. She blushed shyly as his lips trailed down to her face before placing tender pecks on both of her cheeks.
"I love it when you shy away from me. " he whispered as his eyes roamed on her blushing face. She looked down shyly biting her lower lip in the process. She indeed was shy and the reason behind this was his proximity which gave butterflies in her belly. His consistent confession of his mad love for her provided a warm feeling in her heart. Perhaps because she knew he was her crazy lover. Her beast, her fan, her devotee, her obsessed lover and what not. She knew he was bad for the world. For the entire world he was a diabolical and a merciless king but for her he was a lovesick man who just wanted her love. He can blaze the world but won't let any harm even come close to her. His love was dangerous but pure and true. Needless to say that her heart was slowly starting to develop feelings for him. She was slowly falling for the beast, the castle king and the big bad wolf.
"Sharanya. " the castle king whispered with desperation laced voice. She looked up at him to find him eyeing her as if she was not a human but an angel who had accidentally fell on the earth.
"Hm. " she said as she looked into his love fused with obsession and madness, enveloped eyes.
"I love you. " he said before pressing his lips on her. She didn't respond the kiss but didn't protest either as she was way too shy to kiss him back. Perhaps because she felt quite more comfortable with the beast rather than him. Moulding his lips against hers, he poured all his emotions in the kiss. He kissed her as if he was hungry for her lips since the beginning of this earth. Placing his hand on her cheek he deepened the kiss sucking on her lips.
"Ah....." she moaned in between the kiss as her lovesick captor kissed her more harshly and passionately. Her moan increased his libido and as a result his manhood became erect and hard. Without breaking the kiss he climbed up on the bed and she moved back to give him space. Squeezing her little body between his beastly body and the bed, he sucked on her lower lip drinking every bit of her juicy lips. Howbeit she was out of the breath right now and hence needed to breath. She pushed him a little and he understood that she needed air as he had literally sucked the life out of her. He pulled away panting heavily. She gasped as she tried to catch her breath. Taking deep breaths she tried to steady her breaths and after few attempts it did work as her breathing became normal. She looked at the castle king who was lovingly caressing her face.
"I am sorry. " he whispered as he pulled her fragile figure close to his chest. She snuggled into his warm chest closing her eyes as she relished the warmth of his arms.
"It's ok. " she whispered softly as she played with the buttons of his shirt. He looked down at her to find her toying with the buttons of his shirt and he couldn't help but sigh in pride. She loved to play with something that was his and it was a reason to be proud for him. Besides from the past few days she was letting him get close to her. She lets the beast touch and kiss her every night without any protest. Needless to speak of the passionate night they spent together few days back. Even though it was because of her first heat but they made love at last and that's what matters to him. If only she lets him do that every night. Besides he was a horny man, he can have coitus with her day and night without getting tired, he was the Dark King after all and he had 100 times more stamina than an average man so it was pretty obvious. Howbeit he knew if he would have coitus with her day and night than she wouldn't be able to walk for weeks and hence he disregards this idea altogether. Nevertheless if she will ask him to take her than he would certainly do that.

They both sat their cuddling with each other for the next few minutes before the castle king decided to speak up.
"I am sorry if the beast keeps on troubling you. " he said leaning his face against hers.
"How many times do I need to tell you, don't interfere between me and the beast. " she pouted as she inwardly chuckled. She always loved to mess with me. Besides the fact that he ne'er yells or gets irritated with her made her want to vex him more as she knew no matter what he would just listen to her bowing her head down like a slave.
"Ok but we are one. " he chuckled as he kissed her temple. She frowned at him.
"So do you take all the blame of what he did wrong. " she asked raising her brow. He looked at her puzzled.
"I.....Uh......Um......well!!!!!!.....ok fine you won. " he said raising his hands up in the air surrendering to her. She giggled making him go awe.
"Better. " she said flicking her hairs and he chuckled as he gently pecked her lips. He smiled as he saw her giggling. Nevertheless he had a news to tell and he wasn't sure how to say it as he didn't wanted her smile to vanish. But he was helpless as he had to break this news to her.
"Love. " he whispered softly stroking her cheeks. She looked at him with a beautiful smile melting his heart.
"Today is the full moon night. The beast will be out of control tonight. " he spoke up with sadness surrounding his dark green orbs. She looked into his sad and wretched eyes making her heart clench. Keeping her hand on his cheek she smiled at him.
"You don't know how to control him but I know how to. " she whispered cupping his face with her little hands. Tears made their way to his orbs as he heard her. Her words gave her hope that one day she will start loving him and he will patiently wait for that day. He gently held her little hands as he kisses her fingers before looking at her with teary eyes.
"Always remember, the beast will ne'er hurt you. " he whispered pressing his face against hers.
"Don't you think I know that. " she said looking at him making him chuckle. She was getting quite attached with the beast and he couldn't be more happier. Howbeit in the corner of his heart he felt a tiny bit of jealousy too as she was getting more fond of his beast than him. He was overly proprietorial and obsessive when it comes to her. Nevertheless he wasn't the only one who was like that as his beast and wolf were also not behind when it comes to sharanya. They all wanted her. Needless to say three of them have started to fight like kids to spend more time with her.
"I love you. " he said with no scruple as his eyes roamed on her face. She looked down shyly as she snuggled into his warm chest.

It was 9:00 pm in the night when sharanya stood near the huge bay window dressed up as a bride. She looked at her town which was engulfed in the darkness of the night. Howbeit the pale moonlight was the only saviour of the town in the midst of the evil darkness of the night. The stars twinkled in the night sky just like diamonds. The huge mountains looked more heavenly under the pale moonlight. Darting her eyes around, her eyes landed on the huge rides and crowded shops in the carnival ground. The carnival ground was thronged with the townsfolk. She could easily observe the youngsters enjoying the rides and the teenagers and young adults leisurely strolling through the shops and stalls. A smile formed on her lips as she saw the natives merrily enjoying the carnival. She too wanted to join the carnival but knowing that the Dark King was way too possessive and obsessive for her, she doesn't thinks that she would be able to see the carnival ever. Besides he himself wasn't attending the carnival. Needless to say that he hardly leaves the castle as he is more often than not too occupied in roaming around her like a lovesick puppy. He doesn't fancies to go anywhere let alone the town. Howbeit that's another thing that he finds the natives undeniably irritating. Not his fault though as they were indeed quite vexing and aggravating. Owing to the fact that they are literally ready to lick his boots just to be friends with him for their own profitable reasons. And on top of that, the females of the town are always roaming around him which he clearly abhors. She had nothing against the females owing to the fact that she was well clued up with the reality that he would ne'er ever look at any other female apart from her. Everyone knew it except for the stupid females of the town. Abruptly a single knock on the door ended her musing. She furrowed her brows as she knew the beast would ne'er knock. She strolled towards the door before turning on the doorknob resulting in the opening of the door. The door opened and she came face to face with omega 34 who was standing at the door with a smile on her face.
"You look so beautiful today queen. Lord won't be able to take his eyes off you. " she said with a smile making her blush shyly. The omega female chuckled as she looked at the queen's flushed cheeks tinted red.
"Queen I am leaving the castle for tonight as lord had ordered no slave to remain in the castle. I just want to wish you a beautiful night. " she said looking at her. Sharanya smiled at the female as she turned her heels to leave. She closed the door as she left and strolled towards the bay window. Her heart was quite happy and nervous too but she knew that the beast won't ever hurt her so there was no need to worry for her.

Sharanya was gazing outside the window when all of a sudden she felt someone's presence inside the room. A smile spread on her pretty lips as she knew it was her beast. She looked down shyly as she realised he was slowly coming closer to her. Her hearbeat rised as two muscular beastly arms snaked around her waist making her shudder under the rough touch. The beast nuzzled his head into the crook of her neck calming himself down. Her scent was the only thing on this earth which can calm him on the full moon night as the full moon turns him into a ruthless beast. She arched her head back resting it on his shoulder to provide him more access to her neck. She could tell by his heavy breathing that he was pretty aggressive and furious right now for practically no reason. She knew that right now he had this extreme desire to kill and she wouldn't let him do that as she knew how to calm her beast.
"Calm down. I am here. " she whispered placing her hand on his face. He nuzzled his face deeper into her neck.
"We love you. " he said pressing his face against hers. She smiled as she realised he was slowly getting calm. He released her as a took a few steps back to look at her more carefully. His dark green orbs filled with passion and love as he saw how beautiful she looked today.
"You look so beautiful mate. " he whispered breathlessly as his eyes gazed at his beauty. She stepped in front of him as she looked at the humongous beast. Placing her little hands on his muscular chest she looked into turquoise green orbs as he wrapped his arms around her fragile figure.
"I dressed up for you. " she whispered softly with a smile as her soft eyes met his darker ones. He growled in possessiveness making her more shy than she already was. He didn't took more time as he scooped her up in his beastly arms and advanced towards the bed. He gently put her down on the bed as she looked at him with her innocent eyes. He stretched his hand to ask for her permission to take her. She looked down shyly as she placed her hand on his granting him the permission to make her his. He growled as his manhood became hard as a rock before climbing up on the bed and attacking her neck with his lips making her moan in delight as she knew no one can save her from this beast nothing. Not that she was complaining though.

The beast stood near the bay window in the midnight looking at the moon. For the first time in his entire existence his face held no frown or hatred as his eyes stared at the moon. On the contrary, today his eyes hold gratitude for the moon goddess as no matter what she did, she atleast blessed him with his beautiful mate and that's all he cares about. He forgave her for all the wrong she did to him as it didn't matter to him now. The only thing which matters was his mate. His lovely mate who was born just to be his. And he couldn't be more thankful for it. He smiled in contentment and pride as he turned his head to look at his beautiful queen who was laying naked on his bed. Her beautiful body covered in sweat and her innocent eyes looking at him. He walked towards his goddess whose face was red as a tomato as she was a blushing mess. She outstretched her hand inviting him to take her once again. Even though she was pretty sore after their passionate love making yet her body wanted more. Besides she knew even if she wouldn't invite him he would still make love to her at least thrice because he just can't get enough of her nohow. And today being the full moon night, there was no chance he would leave her body as no matter what he would make love to her till the sun comes up.
"Make me yours. " she whispered with a smile making him dance in sheer joy. Sadly he didn't knew how to dance. He was a lovesick horny beast and he would ne'er turn down her demands. Besides he wanted that and even if she would've not invited her he would still make love to her as he can't get enough of her. He can make love to her all day and night yet still he would want more.
"You are ours. " he declared before climbing up on the bed and pinning her hands up. She moaned in pleasure as his lips started to trace her body. Turning her head she looked at the moon as she knew she wasn't getting sleep anytime soon as the beast will keep on claiming her till the Sun comes up and she had no issues with it.

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