The sealed bond.....

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Author's favourite Disney character is Moana. She will be glad to hear yours.

In the early morn of Saturday, the royal couple was back in the castle. The slaves welcomed the castle king and his queen warmly. This particular scenario was observed by Mahir, the confectionery owner and he being the broadcaster of spicy town gossip, broadcasted the entire scenario in front of the town ladies who had gathered in the grocery store for groceries. And that what, the ladies as expected and renowned, made sure that the homecoming of the royal couple shouldn't stay as a confidential affair and should be in the ears of the entire town. Following that the low murmurs and tattles were inevitable in this small town of orthodoxs. Every single townie had formed their own perspective on the morn business. The men on a whole concur in pondering that the couple just needed some time alone and hence their private business needs to be respected and not be pried into. But ladies, well they are a unique creatures, had varied opinions on the incident. Chandar's better half asserted that the King is mustering some troops to conquer the world, Kamal's wife objected that the couple ne'er disappeared but were inside the castle and in the twilight must've gone for a walk, the list of the variety of opinions were never ending.

Inside the royal chamber were the royals. The King was lying on his tummy on the bed, one arm carelessly touching the floor while the other on his side, eyes fixedly staring at his queen. She was getting dressed up for some occasion about which he had no knowledge about. Yet he didn't ask her perhaps he was waiting her to finish dressing up and than he would ask her why she was dolling up like this. Howbeit she saw him through the mirror in the front to find him staring at her in perplexity, she smiled as she turned around.
"What happened!!!! " she asked him with a chuckle. He looked at her through his adorable eyes. Currently he looked pretty adorable, lying on the bed like a toddler, a toddler who'd accidentally grown up.
"Why are you dressing up like this!!! " he asked gazing at her. She chuckled as she strode to him and sat near him on the bed. He grinned at the proximity and made sure to drape his arm round her waist.
"We are going to temple!! " she stated ruffling his hairs. He sat up instantly.
"But why!!!! " he sounded astonished.
"You know when the townsfolk came to attack you, I was so scared. I asked God to save you and me and in the meantime your brother came and save us. I am visiting the temple to thank God!!! " she said placing her hand on his cheek. He was at loss of words after hearing her. All he could do was tilt his head and gaze at her with love and admiration.
"You care for me so much!!!! " he whispered as he leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers. She smiled in between the kiss and kissed him back. It was a matter of few seconds before she pulled away, he whined as usual at the sudden loss of her lips. She laughed at his silliness.
"C'mon get ready!!!! We have to leave for the temple!!!! " she said as she stood up. He sighed as he sprang out of the bed.
"Well, even if I want to, I can't!!!! " he told her. She furrowed her brows.
"Why so!!! " she asked folding her arms. He breathed a sigh as he looked at her.
"Um, Gods don't like me!!!! I mean, you know what I did 10,000 years ago, I literally was a headache for them. You know they tried to kill me many times but couldn't because the Trinity Gods gave me a boon of immortality, well I am a prince of hell so I'm immortal anyway. And when they couldn't kill me, nor they could stop me from doing 'bad things' they simply cursed me to a deep sleep. And I tried a couple of times stepping inside the temple 10,000 years back, but everytime Gods just threw me away from their home. So I opine, I am helpless right now!!!! " he apprise her. She smiled.
"Come with me. God won't throw you away with me, I promise!!! " she stated with so much confidence that he couldn't object further. Gods and him, ne'er got along very well. Besides for the most part they disliked each other but when she says to do something, he will do that irrespective of what might become of him after that. Nonetheless Gods weren't so cruel to him or anyone after all.
"As you say!!! " he whispered as he looked at her lovingly.

Half an hour later, they both were in front of the temple. The temple whose construction he saw with his own eyes, 10,000 years back. It was still the same, omitting a few ruined structures here and there. Other than that, the temple was exactly the same, the temple did took him back to the era when he was the ruler of the earth. He still is, it's just that he no longer fancies to kill people and be the conqueror, he knows he is the most powerful and that's enough. Besides he has his sharanya, nothing apart from her matters to him. Not even the title of The Dark King.
"Shall we!!! " sharanya asked breaking his sort of trance, he shook his head and looked at her. He smiled as he nodded his head. And than they began mounting the stairs. He was a bit scared as he still had the flashes of him being thrown away from the temple, going in his head. Present day howbeit he was able to climb up the stairs to the temple, it was pretty bizarre for him as by now he should've been flying in the air and then flunged to the ground, but surprisingly nothing like that happened. Not that he was complaining about it. After climbing up the stairs, they reached the temple. He could see the idol of Lord Shiva in front of him. He gulped, he knew him, after all he was one of the Trinity Gods who gave him a boon of immortality. Nonetheless as expected, they both ne'er got along. He had seen him once, thankfully he wasn't angry that day, but it didn't turn out to be a good rendezvous for he was way too obstinate in those days and he being a God didn't felt to argue with him.
"Mr Singhala, hold my hand!!! " she said softly and he did that with no scruple or objection. And with his hand in hers, they both went inside the temple. For the first time in his entire existence, he saw a temple interior. Even though he was a hell prince yet he felt that it was the most peaceful place he had ever seen. The most pure and peaceful, just like anyone want. But he wouldn't confess it in front of any God after all he too has his ego and he ain't letting Gods get the better of him. On the other hand, sharanya saw fire burning briskly in a small hawankund. She smiled as she joined her hands in front of God and than looked at him. He was just staring about like a lost puppy. She giggled as she grabbed his hand and began moving ahead. At first he couldn't figure out what she was doing, but when he saw her taking circles around the fire he slowly started to get the thing. Howbeit his perplexity was inevitable at the moment for he still needed certain answers, clear cut if possible. He was mum, all he did was silently following her in the circle and patiently waiting for her explanation. She had a smile as she did so.
"You always say that you're afraid of losing me right!!! " she asked with a smile. He nodded as his eyes on their own began to well up with tears. The conversation stretched as they took circles around the fire which burned briskly. Even after the strong gales outside the fire didn't seem to blow away, perhaps even God wanted this to happen.
"Mom says, even God can't undo the holy bond of marriage. If a girl marries a boy, than they are together not for one but all lives.!!! " she said smiling and all he could was silently hear her, tears brimming in his eyes and needless to say the tears weren't a sign of anxiety or bother but of happiness and love.
"Mr Singhala, from today, sharanya belongs to you forever and you belong to me forever!!!! " she stated with not even a slightest of scruple in her voice. His tears finally left their scared spot and slipped down his soft turquoise orbs. For all his life he'd been feared and despised by the world, no one even tried to accept him but her. She was accepting him, not out of fear but love, and that meant the world to him. He was already hers and with this sacred bond, they'll be together forever.
"You know Lord Shiva married Goddess Parvati in this way!!!!! And you know how pure and true their bond is!!!!! " she said as they took the sixth circle, he wasn't counting the circles but she was. He knew about that, his father attended their wedding and he recited the episode with great enthusiasm to him and his brother whenever they are on earth, howbeit that's pretty rare. Nonetheless the King of darkness, was the happiest man right now. Werewolves don't marry in this manner, they don't marry at all but it's also true that marriage is the sole bond which even God can't deny. And these were not just seven circles, but his life. He was still shedding happy tears, gazing at her with love when the 7 circles were over. She halted and looked at her to find him still gazing at her with love and endearment, apparently lost into her eyes. She smiled as she looked at her newly made husband.
"Oops, I forgot the vermilion, the marriage is incomplete without that!!! " she gasped as she completely forgot about the vermilion. The wedding was incomplete without that and it was an absolute necessity. Contrastingly her husband wasn't anxious as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to him with a jerk, she gasped while being pulled in this sudden fashion. She lifted her head up, staring into his tear filled turquoise eyes that held so much passion and obsession in them. It was not surprising to opine that she was pretty puzzled after his abrupt pull and didn't had even the slightest idea of what was going in his head. And before she could ask him, she saw him extending his left arm stopping it in front of the spiked spear in the left, she furrowed her brows at him and than gasped as she saw him slitting the edge of his thumb with the pricked spear. She parted her mouth to say something but had to shut up when she saw him filling his own blood in the middle line of her head. She closed her eyes at that as the ritual completed.
"I claimed you with my own blood!!!! Now you are mine forever!!! " he whispered as his eyes still stare at his beauty who was now his wife. This love between them had a name now, and that being of a husband and wife. She opened her eyes and looked at her husband whose eyes held so much love for her that she couldn't stare away from them. Those eyes made her want to lose herself in them for they were so deep and lovely.
"Forever yours!!!! " she whispered wrapping her arms around his neck. He smiled as he scooped her up in his muscular arms which in her opinion were the most safest place for her in the entire world.
"Forever mine!!! " he declared, kissing her forehead while she closed her eyes as her lips formed into a smile.
(Do not leave without voting and following me. And the next update will be on 265k. Love you :)

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