The sneaky love.....

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Author's favourite singer of all time is Arijit Singh. She will be glad to know yours.

Sundays and the commotion in the Retro style Cafe, an inevitable love story. After a long hectic week of school, college or plain work, who would repudiate to chill leisurely in the beautiful cafe, hence the cafe was fairly occupied by the younger generation of the town excluding two-three adults. Now their was a brisking topic of debate in the town lately, from a kid to greybeards, all seemed to be talking about the stuff since past week. And that being, the King and Queen's arrival in the castle, but that's not all as the town's uncrowned 'Broadcasting King' Chandar, had seen the King and Queen marrying each other in the temple the other day. And than what, Chandar as expected from his gossiping self, broadcasted the whole scenario in the entire town. The amusing part was that when he couldn't find Harish, the cobbler, he blabbered the wedding scene to his 2 year old St Bernard thinking he would tell the story to Harish later but until then his mouth needs a bit of relief and thus he did that odd thing. Chandar's little truth was the reason for the fury of the young maidens all across the town, alongside the young bachelor men. Poor Shravan had a hectic time while supplying the whisky to the heartbroken youngsters.

Inside the castle and in the royal chamber was the newly wedded bride and groom. The groom lying on his tummy on the bed while the bride dressing herself up for something. And that something wasn't known to the King either. Hence silently he watched her dressing routine, waiting for a perfect opportunity to ask her why she was dressing up like this. He loved and admired her in every way, these fancy dresses won't do anything in elevating or decreasing his undying love for her, although that's another thing that his libido increases tremendously when she dresses up like that, but nothing apart from that. And he is well known that she too knows about this, than why was she dressing up like that, he was bombarded by that question. She looked at him in the mirror, catching him looking at her mildly perplexed, lying on his tummy like a kid. A big overgrown kid. She chuckled.
"What happened hm!!!!! " she asked as she slowly walked towards him. He sat up on the bed, hairs messed up and eyes staring at her.
"Are we going somewhere!!! " he asked. She chuckled as she pinched his cheeks adorably to which he grinned.
"Yes we are going to your in laws place!!! " she replied. For a second he didn't get what she said and nodded impulsively but a second later when he realised what she meant, he gaped at her. He sprang out of the bed and sat on his knees, near her.
"Don't tell me that you wanna take me to your family!!!! " he asked agape. She nodded with a smile. He looked at her dumbfounded.
"Baby listen, I am not going there!!!!! You can take me anywhere, I promise I'll come with you. But your family, no way, please!!! " he said as he stood up. She sighed as she knew he would do that drama for sure.
"You will come with me Mr Singhala!!! " she said more like ordinated. He shook his head quickly.
"Baby try to understand, your family hates me!!!! They keep on disparaging me, and when I reply them back scold me!!!!" he whined like a toddler but she wasn't going to be melted so easily.
"You are no less Mr Singhala!!!!! You too don't leave no stone unturned to humiliate and riposte them back!!!! " she said raising her brow. He whined.
"But they start!!!! " he said folding his arms. She sighed.
"You're coming, that's all I know!!! And you are not defying me right!!! " she said narrowing her lids at him, giving him some adorable threats. Although that adorable threat could do nothing of him yet he knew he wasn't authorise to defy the little angry beauty in front of him. No matter if the world bows down to him or not, he bows down to her that what mattered to him anyways. Hence he let out an exhausted sigh of defeat, raising his hands up in surrender.
"Ok fine, you know I can't say no to you ever!!!! " he said exhausted. She beamed happily, ran to him and hugged him tightly. He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her.
"Thank you so much Mr Singhala!!!! You're so sweet!!!!! " she said in his arms. He laughed as he kissed her forehead.
"Anything for you my love!!!! " he said embracing her tenderly.

When the dusk was gathering up in the town, a car halted near the tiny bijou of the Jaiswals. From the car, came out the castle queen beaming happily and an apprehensive castle king whose feet repulsively trudged towards the house he despised with all his heart. Sharanya ran towards the door and quickly rang the doorbell, behind her was her husband who stood apprehensively behind her a bit nervous and scared. A sense of fear which lingers in the heart of every man who marries a girl without her father's knowledge, the castle king wasn't untouched by that. He was a bit scared of his father's reaction after he finds out about their secret marriage. Will he ever accept him or not???? He was uncertain about that. Besides he feared if in anger his father tried some 'misadventure' and if he confronts him, than what would be his sharanya's reaction. She will get angry with him and he surely wasn't looking for that. Few seconds later the cedar door clicked open and sharanya saw her mother on the door. Once her mother caught the sight of her tears welled up in her eyes and she immediately captured her in a hug, shedding tears. Sharanya closed her eyes and smiled as she hugged her mother after days, the Dark King silently watched everything from behind because he knew her family holds him accountable for everything, even for an earthquake and he wasn't looking for a heated exchange right now.
"Oh my baby!!!!!! I missed you so much!!!! " she whispered hugging her tightly. Sharanya smiled.
"I missed you too mommy!!! " she whispered as she pulled away, looking at her mother's tear soaked face. Her mother smiled as she looked at her, howbeit looking behind her eyes caught an unwanted being. She frowned as she found her daughter's obsessed lover, standing behind her.
"What's he doing here!!! " she asked frowning. The Dark King rolled his eyes at her.
"I'm doing somersaults, Isn't it romantic!!!! Huh!!!! " he hissed through his gritted teeth to which her mother glared at him. Now sharanya's obsessive hubby wasn't going to back away so easily and hence he glared back at her. Sharanya gaped at them.
"Hey hey!!!! Stop!!!! Mr Singhala, Mom, please stop!!!! Let's go inside and not fight at the door!!!! " she said tiredly. Although both had no interest in backing down now but she was their princess, and no one goes against the princess. So reluctantly they nodded and went in.

So now, sharanya sat with her family in the parlour and her husband just behind her, apprehensive as before. Sharanya had told everything about their marriage to her family and asked them to bless her and the castle king to start a new life together. Their was a moment of silence since her revelation and the Dark King was now beyond scared, so much that he was literally chewing on the hem of his wife's dupatta since past couple of minutes.
"Sharanya although I wanna kill this man with my own hands but your happiness matters to me the most. You are my only child and you is all I have!!!! If you have chosen him as your husband willingly than I have nothing to say!!!! If you are happy than we all are happy!!! " her father said holding her tiny hands. Sharanya's eyes brimmed with tears and so did her father's. She hugged him tightly and cried, thanking God that he has blessed her with the best father in the world. The Dark King grinned in delight, now he had nothing to fear.
"Papa you are the best Dad in the world!!!! " she sniffled hugging him tightly. He chuckled.
"And you are the best daughter in the world!!! " he whispered as he cried with her, along with the entire family excluding the Dark King who was grinning for no specific reason.
"I love you!!!! " she said with tear soaked face. Her father chuckled wiping the tears from her pretty eyes.
"I love you too!!! " he said with tears. The Jaiswals smiled and cried simultaneously while the lone survivor of the Singhala Kingdom just frowned at the proximity between her father and his beauty. Therefore he decided to barge in and disrupt the moment.
"Oh so much love!!!! Well baby, he might not be a good father-in-law but a good father for sure!!!! " he grinned while deftly insulting her father in the process. Her father glared at her.
"Same to you 'Son-in-law'. You might be a good husband but trust me worst for a son-in-law!!! " he riposte and this time the king glared at him. Sharanya and her grandfather sighed exhausted.
"Oops the old man is angry!!!! " The Dark King scowled at him.
"Huh!!!! Says the one who is 10,000 years old!!!! A living fossil for sure!!! " he scorned at him.
"I am not a fossil, I'm the last of Singhala's Kingdom!!!! Do you even know how great they were!!! " the King hissed through his teeth.
"Well I saw you and realise that they weren't great but ill mannered for sure!!!! " he said. The Dark King was all set to yell but a timid though firm voice stopped the heated clash from stretching any longer.
"Oh shut up you both!!!!! You are not kids, stop fighting!!!!" sharanya yelled exasperated silencing the two immediately. And when they both went mum, Kedar decided to say something.
"Leave them sharanya!!!! They are just impossible!!!! Well, so when you both are married. I would wholeheartedly appreciate if you follow some rituals which a married couple is supposed to follow. Firstly you have come your parental home first time after your marriage, so as a custom you both will have to stay here for today!!!! Tomorrow you can leave if you like!!!! " Kedar said and sharanya nodded. The King howbeit didn't appreciate the idea.
"Well I don't want to live here!!!!! And suppose if I would want to than where would I sleep!!!! With sharanya ofcourse, but in our own private room with no disturbance whatsoever!!! Can you provide me that??? " he said with a sense of superiority which comes after realisation of you being a King comes to you. But who was the one to respect this position of his here.
"You are going to stay in our room with your father-in-law, while me and sharanya will sleep in sharanya's room!!!! " her mother said cupping her cheeks. Now both handsome males gaped at her in shock. They both under the same roof for the whole night, if it's not hell on earth than what else is.
"No way, I am not sharing a room with him!!!!! Besides I have a habit of cuddling with sharanya while I sleep and I am not risking any stuff with him!!!! " The castle king cleared it out.
"I am also not sharing a room with this guy!!!! Who knows if he just transforms into a beast and eat me in the midnight!!!!! I can't risk my life!!! " her father stated. The castle king smirked.
"Don't worry, beast don't eat trash!!!! I promise!!!! " he smirked but that smirk died down when he saw sharanya narrowing her lids at him.
"Of course, only a trash can distinguish between a trash and a good thing!!!!! " her father retort back and the castle king rolled his eyes.
"You both will have to share the same room, that's final!!!! " Granny stated firmly and nobody goes against granny, that's an unwritten rule but rule certainly which everyone has to follow nonetheless. Hence the two males nodded reluctantly, muttering incoherent curses under their breath.

In the night when it was quarter to eleven, sharanya's mother snored very softly as she slept while sharanya still was awake. She always had issues with sleeping and as a result used to be up till late nights not getting even a wink of sleep. Tonight too she seemed to be battling for sleep which wasn't coming to her at all. Howbeit a sudden thumping sound from the right caught her attention. She gasped as she looked at the right, only to find her lovesick captor standing on the balcony, dusting off the dirt from his clothes. She looked at her side to find her mother sleeping soundly, she gasped as she silently sprang out of the bed and ran to him. He immediately captured her in a hug and began littering her face with kisses. She giggled.
"Stop it!!!! And.....and what are you doing here!!!!!! If mom will see you than you don't know what will happen!!! " she whispered cupping his face. He looked at her with his puppy dog eyes.
"We married and didn't even had our wedding night!!!! That's so unfair!!! " he said like a kid. She blushed shyly as she hit his muscular arm.
"Once we are in the castle you can make your wedding night!!!! But right now, no!!!! Just go please!!! " she whispered as she looked back anxiously to make sure her mother isn't up. He shook his head like a stubborn baby.
"I can't sleep without you!!!! Besides your father is watching I don't know what, he just keeps on yelling four and six and than dances. I can't sleep!!! Please I wanna sleep with you!!! " he whined.
"He's watching cricket!!!!! Look please you go right now, we'll meet tomorrow ok!!! " she said anxiously.
"Ok fine I'll go but kiss me before that!!! C'mon kiss me!!!! " he grinned and she sighed at his stubbornness. Howbeit before she could object, her mother's voice came from behind and for a moment her breath hitched. She gasped as she turned back to meet her mother's angry face but when she turned back she found her mother still asleep and talking in her sleep. She sighed in relief and the King smirked.
"Who's it sharanya!!!!" she asked in her sleep.
" mumma!!!! It's just.......a bad puppy!!!!! " she faltered as she looked at the smirking King.
"Hm!!!!! " that's all the reply that came from her mother before she turned away and began snoring. Sharanya sighed in relief.
"I'm a good boy!!!!! C'mon gimme a kiss!!!! " he smirked and she glared at him, but he wasn't someone to back away before getting a kiss from her. She knew that and sighed before pressing her lips against his for a quick short kiss. Few seconds later she pulled away and he whined as usual.
"Now you're going!!! " she ordinated rather than saying. He looked at her disappointed but didn't say nothing for it was an order for him. He pecked her again and ran to the iron railing and jumped to the ground.
"Sharanya I love you!!!!" she heard him yell and she chuckled.
(Don't leave without following me and voting on this chapter. And next update on 275k :)

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