Chapter 25

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             Playing: 🎶Special Moments by Tatiana Montana🎶
                     -Have You Seen My Date?-

Xander's POV

"Why didn't you invite me?" She counters, head tilted upwards, her boobs nearly popping out of the too revealing silver dress that halts below her butt.

"Technically there was a reason for that," I scoff.

"And what reason will that be?" She questions, folding her arms.

"You aren't that significant," I answer, praying she leaves my face this instant.

"Then you should have proven it by inviting me," she argues.

"Look Layla, I don't have time for this," I sigh, getting impatient by the second.

"Babe I'm sorry," she lets out in a whiny voice that has me lifting a brow at her change in demeanor.

"I hear you," I mutter, wanting to get this over with.

"I know I wronged you, and to be honest I don't know what got into me, I'm sorry," she speaks, her mouth trembling and eyes watering.

"Cut the act Layla," I hiss, rubbing my nose in irritation. "We both know you were with me because of my status."

"Where did that idea come from," she pouts, reaching for my shoulder. I can't resist but glare at her palm once it touches my jacket.

"First off, get your hands off me," I grit in disgust, prompting her to do that hastily as if burned. "Secondly, I hate it when people lie to themselves."

"Why the fuck are you acting this way?" She picks offense, the tears in her eyes disappearing like magic. "We had a good time together so why throw it away?"

"You, had a good time Layla, you." I assert, granting her a hard stare as I continue. "I was tired of your fake ass from the very beginning."

"So that's how it is," she growls, stepping an inch closer.

"Yes, now get out from my sight before I forget there's a huge audience and haul you out of this building myself," I grumble, clenching my fists at my side.

"Before I do that, there's just one message I'll like to put across," she voices, her lips curling into a smirk.

"I don't care to know what it is, get out this instant, or I---

The words die the moment her lips meet mine harshly. My whole body stills in shock as her right-hand curls behind my neck in a bid to force me to respond.

My mouth remains unmoving below hers. She groans on my lips and luckily that snaps me out of whatever trance I'm in as I use the opportunity to bite hard on her lower lip, causing her to hiss and retreat.

"What the fuck!" She clamors, her palm going to her mouth as I taste blood on mine.

"That'll teach you never to mess with me," I sneer and lift a finger to signal the bodyguards. "I don't want to see you within ten feet of me ever again, if not the consequences will be more deadly."

"That won't be a problem," she surprises me by grinning. "My work here is done."

"Escort her out," I command to the two buff men who appear at either side of her.

With a wink, she flips her hair and saunters between them. I don't give her the luxury of requesting what she meant by that and instead watch her leave. The hatred I have for her multiplying ten folds.

Turning sideways, I see that nobody noticed what went on, much to my relief, as the party is in full swing. Wizkid, Justin Bieber, and Tems singing the remix to Essence.

I proceed with my earlier plan of going in search of Helena. Weaving through the multitude I check every nook, disappointment weighing on me by the minute as I don't spot her anywhere.

"Hey Charles, you seen my date recently?" I ask coming within hearing range of my bestfriend.

"I thought she was heading your way," he replies, offering me a perplexing glimpse.

"What do you mean?" I implore, not getting his drift.

"I noticed her striding in your direction once you got off stage," he explains, squinting his eyes. "You didn't see her?"

"Oh shit," I blurt in realization. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

"What's the problem?" He interrogates in confusion.

"I was with Layla," I confess, my fingers going into my hair in frustration.

"Layla was here?" He queries, eyes going wide. "What the fuck were you doing with her?"

"Oh my God," I breathe, the gravity of the situation settling in my brain. "She just came up to me on my way returning to my date and she started letting out all this nonsense of how she's sorry and all."

"Hold up, do you think?" He quizzes.

"Of course, what else," I groan. "No wonder Layla said something about her work here being done."

"Shit!" He exclaims.

"My reaction exactly." I nod. "Wait, she must have come up when Layla kissed me."

"That motherfucker," Charles grunts, and I can't help but agree more. "Did you kiss her back?"

"Hell no, I was in shock," I respond, shutting my eyes for a moment. Unraveling them, I speak. "I need to go find Helena, she mustn't have gone far."

Abandoning him there, I drift towards the exit doors, my feet moving speedily as my eyes dart left and right in the hopes of catching a flash of pink braids.

The bouncers let me through and now I'm back on the red carpet. Cameras snap in my face as reporters surround me, obstructing my movement.

"Mr. Miles, we just saw your date leave in a hurry, we hope no problem? Can you enlighten us on the situation? She looked flustered and unhappy," A female with blonde hair and a big microphone frantically questions.

"Mr. Miles, we saw bodyguards escort a certain female out of the building, any reason for that?" This time it's from a brunette-haired male as I sidestep the first female.

"Mr. Miles, are you leaving already? The party seems to be in full swing," Another male shows up just when I push the previous out of the way.

"Mr. Miles! Mr. Miles!" They chase after me as I rush forward. My feet come to a screeching halt when I don't see Helena.

Damn! We finally did it!
I thought we won't pull it off hence our busy schedules but I'm thankful we were able to deliver.

So here's a new chapter beautiful people. I hope you enjoy.

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