Chapter 4

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As sabby and the Strike Force was with her as sabby had raven's lightsaber in her hands. Why did he turn to the dark side? Said sabby as kanan walked out of the cell as kanan said he didn't have a chance to join the dark side, Vader force him to join him said kanan. Can we still save him? Said sabby. I don't think so sabby said kanan as he walked away from the strike force. There's got to be a way to help him said sabby. We can help him said prime as he look at sabby. We can all help him said Luna(manlgo) as they all walked into the cell room as raven was locked up as he saw them. So? You here to kill me this time? Said raven, no we are here to help you cal said sabby. Help me? How can you help me sabby? Vader is in my head said raven (me) we can help you with the bendu said prime. The bendu? Why him? Said sabby. He can try to help him from Vader said Luna(manlgo) okay we will do it said sabby as they unlock raven. Come quickly cal said sabby. I told you before your friend cal is dead I killed him there's only raven said raven. Then I will being back cal said sabby. You may try said raven. Let's just take him to the bendu said prime as the strike force took raven to the bendu.

Later as the strike force got to the place where bendu is at.

Ah sabby we meet again, maybe for more talk? haha said bendu. Sorry bendu but I'm not here to talk said sabby. Then why are you here for? Said bendu. I'm here with someone to see if you can help him said sabby. Prime and Luna(manlgo) walked to the bendu with raven. Bendu looked at raven as he said hmm? Him, yes I can help him said bendu. You can? Said sabby. I've done this before many many years ago before you where alive said bendu. You mean before I was born? Said sabby. Yes said bendu. Now being him too me said bendu. Okay said sabby. Bendu looked into raven's eyes as raven looked back into his eyes back. As the bendu made is eyes even more whiter as raven want partly in the air as the bendu was using the force as dark air come out of raven as the sky want dark as sabby and prime and Luna couldn't see the bendu and raven. Then the sky was how it should be as bendu let raven down. Sabby ran to raven as she said is he okay? Said sabby. We'll see said bendu as he put his finger on top of ravens helmet as he wake up raven. GASP!!! Said raven as he got back up. Sabby walked up to raven, Cal? Are you okay sabby tried to say but she was hug by raven. Ah cal? Said sabby as I let her go. Your eye?!? It's back green said sabby as she smiled at me. Okay fine you can take off the helmet I said. Sabby put her hands onto my helmet as she took it off as sabby looked into the green eyes as I looked back into hers. So what now I said. Here's your old lightsaber cal said sabby as she gave it to me, I grabbed it as I put it away. Thanks for helping and saving me sabby I said. Your welcome cal said sabby. But you too bendu I tried to say but he was gone. Where did he go? I said. I don't know said sabby. GUYS!!! HE'S HERE!!! Said prime as he looked at me and sabby. Who? I said, Vader! He's here for you cal said prime. He's here for me because I'm not back to him I said. Then he will fight us. Probably would kill us said Luna (manlgo) he'll probably would but I can stop him I said. How? Said sabby, by fighting together but I have to make Vader think I'll kill you all I said, WHAT!!! Said all four of my friends. I won't I'll put my lightsaber to safety I said as I did, okay said sabby. You guys have to give me your lightsabers I said as sabby have her lightsaber and prime did too as did Luna(manlgo) okay you guys ready I said as sabby gave me my helmet back as I put it back on. Yes we are said sabby as we walked to Vader as he was waiting for us all.

I kneed down to Vader as I said master I have the strike force I said. Very good my student said Vader as he walked up too sabby as he put his hand on her chen and made her look at him. Your hatred is strong with you, you would make a good student too said Vader. I'll never join you! I'm a Jedi! Said sabby. So be it jedi said Vader as he walked up to prime. You are strong in the force too you too would make a good student said Vader. I'll die before it happens said prime. So be it said Vader as he walked up to Luna(manlgo) you too are strong said Vader. I'll never join you said Luna (manlgo) then you will die too said Vader. Raven come said Vader. Yes my master I said as I walked to him. What is my bedding my master? I said. Kill them said Vader as I walked to sabby as I nodded slowly to her as Vader didn't know what's going to happen. I turned on my red lightsaber as I swan it at sabby as she fell down as I looked at prime. I walked up to him as I did the something to him. Then I did it too Luna(manlgo) I walked up too Vader as he said very good my student now their lightsabers said Vader I gave him their lightsabers as he turn on sabby's lightsaber. Good very good said Vader as he turned it off. Now come time to go said Vader, yes my master I said as I looked at my friends as sabby opened one of her eyes as she nodded at me. Vader stop walking to the ship as he said I feel like your hiding something from me raven said Vader as he turned around and looked at me. No I'm not hiding anything from you master I said. Vader then looked at the dead strike force but noticed that one of them was alive Vader turn on his lightsaber as he moved me away as he walked up to sabby and said your not dead how is this possible? Said Vader. It's a trap said sabby as she used the force to grab her lightsaber as she turned it on as prime and Luna(manlgo) did too as they turned on their lightsabers. Vader turned around at me as he said raven you betray me?!? Said Vader. Yes my master I said as I took off my helmet as I turned on my lightsaber as I and the strike force attack Vader. He used the force to push my friends away from him as they hit a wall knocking them out. Vader turned around as he said you have one chance raven join me or die said Vader, I made my choice Vader I'm with the strike force and they need me I said as I turned on my lightsaber as I grabbed the other one that Vader gave me as I turned both of them on as my green lightsaber was on as the red one was too. You then will die said Vader as we got into a saber lock as I kicked him away from me but he had the upper hand as we where hitting each other's lightsabers as as again we got into a saber lock as Vader made me go on one of my knees as he was going to kill me but I heard a lightsaber turn on as it was sabby's lightsaber that turned on. She jumped into the air as she swan her lightsaber onto Vader's helmet making it damaged. Vader fell down onto the ground as I got back up and ran to sabby. You okay cal? Said sabby, yes I am I said. Agh said Vader as he got back up and looked at us both. You will die said Vader as he used the force to pull sabby to him but I grabbed sabby's hands as she hold onto mine. I GOT YOU!!! I said but a death trooper had a Electric staff as he hit me from behide me as I let sabby go as I fell down onto the ground as I saw Vader grab sabby by her neak as he looked at me as he said you will see her die raven said Vader as he stabbed sabby in her gut with his lightsaber. NOOOOOO!!! I yelled out as Vader let sabby go as she fell down onto the ground as she put her hand out to me as I tried to get up but the death trooper hit me from behide me. Then I saw Vader walk away with sabby. NO!!! I said as I used the dark side of the force as I killed the trooper as I got back up and ran to Vader as he turned around as he turned on his lightsaber as we got into a saber lock again. YOU WONT TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME!!! I yelled out as sabby saw me mad and angry as my eyes turned red again as Vader said yes use the dark side raven kill me and you will become a true Sith Lord said Vader. I realized what was happening I stop using the dark side as I and Vader was still in a saber lock, weak said Vader as he used the force to grab Sabby's lightsaber as he cut off my robot hand as it had my lightsaber in it. He then cut my chest with the lifesupport that was helping me breathe. I fell down onto the ground as Vader told a stormtroopers to take sabby with him as Vader felt me. The ship that had sabby in it was gone. Prime and Luna(manlgo) ran too help me as prime called for rebels to help me. They got me into a med bay as they saved me. Then fixed my hand with a new robotic hand as they gave me a new lifesupport. They felt me alone as I wake up by myself as I got back up. Luna? Prime? I said as my friends walked into the room I was in. Where's sabby? Is she okay? Is she safe? I said, no Vader took her said prime, no! We have to save her I said as I got back up but fell down onto my knees as Luna(manlgo) helped me back up. You need to rest cal said Luna(manlgo) I can't Luna, help me see the Bendu I said as my friends took me to the bendu.

Later as we got to where the bendu was at.

Ah good you are here, maybe for more talk? Haha said bendu. I'm sorry bendu but we are not here to talk said prime. What is it then? Said bendu. They took sabby I said, who took sabby? Said Bendu, Vader the Sith Lord said Luna(manlgo) I know this dark side but not his kind, okay tell me I said. He will make her his new Studentt said Bendu. No I said, but he will he has now said Bendu. I started to cry as I said it was my fault what happened to sabby. Prime walked up to me as he said no it not your fault cal it's Vader's fault said prime. Then what should we do? I said being back sabby home said Luna(manlgo) okay I know where he's going too take her I said. Where? Said prime, to his planet mucifer I said. Where he had you at said Luna(manlgo) yes I said. Let's go then said prime. We all run to the ship as we got in as we took off to mucifer.

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