Chapter 5

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As me and prime and Luna(manlgo) was going to save sabby as I was upset with myself it was my fault what happened to sabby what Vader has done. I care for sabby so what I'm going to do is save her with the strike force as we finally got where Vader took her. The blast boor opened from the ship where we where in as we saw death troopers with red lightsabers as I grabbed mine as I turned it on as did prime and Luna(manlgo) did too. No you two go find sabby, I'll fight them I said as prime nodded as they ran to find sabby. You betrayed our master said one of them, you will die for what you done said the other one. I died onec I said as I grabbed my second lightsaber and turned it on as the death troopers attack me as we all got into a saber luck.

Later as I was finished fighting them

I ran into a room as I saw prime and Luna(manlgo) on their knees as I saw Vader was about to kill them both NO!!! I yelled out as I turned on my lightsaber as I was going to attack Vader but I was stopped by someone using the force as I couldn't move on the ground as Vader looked at me. Hello again Raven said Vader, that's not my name anymore Vader, my real name is cal and I'm here to save sabby I said. Oh about that said Vader as a blast boor opened as I saw a female walking to me as I didn't know who she was but she took off her helmet as it was sabby. Sabby? No I said, oh but it is cal you betrayed me said sabby as she grabbed my helmet as she raip it off my face as I couldn't breathe that will. As sabby laughed at me saying I'll kill you for what you did too me said sabby. Good my student use your anger and hate said Vader. Sabby please listen to me this isn't you, you know I won't hurt you or never leave you I said to her. Sabby thought about what I said as I looked into her eyes as she did to mine. Please sabby don't do this I said. KILL HIM NOW! OR I WELL! Said Vader. Sabby grabbed her lightsaber as she turned it on as I close my eyes as she stabbed me in the chest with her lightsaber as I opened my eyes wide. Sabby turned off her lightsaber as I fell down onto the ground dying, then I felt her grabbed me as she knelt down as she put my head onto her lap. Cal I'm...sobbing...sorry said sabby. I just smiled at her and said I forgive you I said as I closed my eyes as I dead into Sabby's lap as prime saw what happened as Luna(manlgo) did too. No said prime. Sabby let me down as she got back up as she grabbed her helmet and put it back on. Well done my new student said Vader. I CANT BELIEVE YOU KILLED HIM! Said Luna(manlgo) I'm sorry said sabby. If you where sorry sabby you wouldn't ace joined Vader said prime. PUT THEM IN A CELL!!! Said Vader as more of his students took prime and Luna(manlgo) then sabby walked up to Vader as he said you must kill the Jedi named kanan said Vader, yes my master said sabby as she walked to the ship of the strike force.

Cal's pov
I woke up into a weight place as I got back up as I saw the Bendu looking at me. Bendu? I said, ahh good you can see me said bendu. See I can see you I said as I sit down on the ground. What's wrong? Said the bendu. I've failed sabby, she turned to the dark side of the force I said. Hmm you did too but sabby saved you from the dark side of the force said bendu, i know but how can I save her? I said, by saving her said bendu as he was gone as I woke up back alive as I looked to my chest as there was no hole in my chest at all. The pain I had was gone too but still I feel like I need to have my helmet back on as I saw it. I walked up to it as I grabbed it and put it on me, I grabbed my lightsabers as I want to find my friends, I found them as I opened the cell blast boor. Hello there I said as I walked into the room. Cal? But sabby killed you? Said Luna(manlgo) yes but The Bendu saved me I said as I helped prime down and then Luna(manlgo) I gave them their lightsabers back as I said we have to go before sabby kills kanan I said. Your right said prime as we all ran to a ship as we got into it and took off to chopper base.

Later as we got to chopper base

Prime landed the ship down as the blast boor opened as me and Luna and prime saw smoke and fire coming from the base as we saw tie fighters and bombers too as their where at-at's too as I looked at my friends prime and Luna(manlgo) we need big help I said. What do you mean? Said prime, yeah said Luna(manlgo) the bendu can help us I said as I ran where he was at. BENDU! BENDU! Where are you! I yelled out as the bendu showed himself to me and Luna and prime. Cal Jedi knight you being the empirer here to my world said bendu, what? No I did, I said, the bendu got mad at he flyed into the air as he then attacked the empirer. Well we should go save the ghost crew I said as I ran to the base as I ran to see sabby killing rebel troopers as I yelled out her name SABBY!!! I said, she turned around as she saw me alive. Cal? How are you alive? Said sabby, bendu saved me I said. Vader then walked up to sabby and said you failed me said Vader but he said I'll give you a second chance kill him and kill the rest of your friends said Vader as he was gone. I know you can hear him in your head like me sabby but I can save you like you saved me I said as I put my hand out to her. Take my hand sabby, please do it for the crew and me I said. Sabby thought about it but said to me your lieing said sabby as she turned on her lightsaber as she attacked me but I dodged  her attack as I turned on to my lightsaber as I and sabby got into a saber lock. I CAN SAVE YOU SABBY! I said. YOU ARE LIEING! TO ME! Said sabby. I'm sorry you feel like that I said as I used the force to stop her from moving I made her drop her lightsaber as I picked it up. Then the bendu showed himself to us both. You still can save me cal! Said sabby, your probably right sabby but he can I said as the bendu can save you I said. NOOO!!! Said sabby as she used the force to push me away from her as then did it to bendu. He was gone again, agh why bendu I said as i tried to get up but sabby kick me as I fell down onto the ground as I moad in pain as she kicked me again two times. I spent out blood as I looked at sabby. If you're going to kill me again do it I said as sabby turned on her lightsaber. I used the force to grab mine as I turned it on as we got into a saber lock with sabby as i looked into her eyes. I got back up as I looked at her again. Sabby and I looked at each other as I said sabby Vader is in both of our heads we can together stop it and kill him together I said as sabby then thought about it as she backed up away from me. She turned off her lightsaber and said how? Join me I said as I put my hand out again to her as I put my lightsaber away. Sabby then walked up to me as she grabbed my hand as she said we will together kill Vader said sabby. Good I said as I let go of sabby's hand.

Later as the attack ended.

I and sabby got ready to kill Vader as I turned back to the dark side of the force as sabby didn't know.

I got up and walked to the door of my room as it opened as I saw sabby looking at me but she didn't see my eyes as I had my helmet on me. Cal? Are you okay? Said sabby, I'm fine sabby, are you ready for this mission I said. Yes I am said sabby, good I said as I walked out as I and sabby walked to the ship as we took off to find Vader and his master. As we got to the Death Star we had stormtroopers armour as we put them on, you realize we could die from doing this cal said sabby. I know but it won't happen I said as the ships blast door opened as me and sabby walked out as we want to find Vader and his master.

Later as we did.

A student of Vader's walked up to us as he said do I know you? He said as he grabbed my arm. No you don't I said as I turned on my lightsaber and I cut off his hand that was on my arm. He scared out of pain as I used the force to push him away from me and sabby. Then death troopers walked up to us as they turned on their lightsabers as I took off the stormtroopers helmet and though it at one of them as turned on my lightsaber as I attacked them as did sabby we got into a saber lock. Sabby then got hit by one of them as I cut off one of their heads as I ran up to sabby but got electrified by someone as I fell down onto my knees as I dropped my lightsaber. Oh raven you come back home to me said Vader's master. I did come back I said as I got back up on one knee. For what? Said Vader's master (what's his name again?) I looked at sabby as she was hurt as I tried to get back up but got hit by electricfied again AGH!!! I yelled out. You forgot our ways raven said Vader's master. I...choose what...I I said as I got back up as I walk to sabby. I knee down as I pick up sabby and put her on my lap. Sabby I'm sorry I said as Vader walked up to me and sabby. Last chance raven join me or she dies this time said Vader. I looked up to Vader as I put sabby back down as I got up and kneelt down to Vader and said "what is my bidding my master?" I said. Good very good said Vader. I see you have your student back said Vader's master. Yes my master said Vader. Then I got upset with Vader as Vader's master said too me "oh what hatred you have for Vader" said Vader's master. Vader turned around as he look at me. I grabbed one of my lightsabers as I turned it on. Vader then turned on his lightsaber as we got into a saber lock. Yes good very good said Vader's master as he sit down and watch Vader and I fight against each other. I then kicked Vader as he dropped his lightsaber as I cut off his robotic hand as I grabbed his lightsaber and put mine and his to his neck as he fell down onto the ground and looked at me. Good good very good, said Vader's master as he got up, Kill him he was weak but you are more powerful then any of my students like Vader said Vader's master. Sabby saw what was going to happen as I looked at her. What are you waiting for raven? Kill him and you can take his side by mine said Vader's master. I thought about it as I looked at sabby. She nodded at me as I looked back at Vader's master, if I kill him I'll be your new student? I said. Yes you will be raven said Vader's master. I will join your side but one more thing I said, and that is? Said Vader's master. Let sabby be my student by my side by yours too I said. Vader's master thought about it and he said sure she can join you by my side said Vader's master. I looked back at sabby as she smiled at me. Now raven what are you waiting for? Kill Vader now and take his place by mine said Vader's master. I then cut off Vader's head off from his body as his head fell down onto the ground as did his body. Good very good said my new master, I help sabby back up as she said are you sure you want this? Said sabby, yes I said as we both walked up to our new master as he smiled evilly at us. He put up his hands at both of us as he used the force to electriccyed  us both as he said you really thought you would join me, he said as he stopped using the force as he walked up to both of us as he said I have more students that's more powerful then both of you two he said. I got back up and turned on my lightsabers and though them both at him as they cut off his head as he dropped down dead as I saw sabby hurt and I walked to sabby. Our mission is over I said as I helped sabby back up as she saw what I did. You killed him? Said sabby. Yes the war is over now I said. Yeah it is now but what are we going to do? Said sabby I don't know but I just want to be sure no one takes his place I said. What do you mean? Said sabby. I looked at sabby, what I mean is we can end this war together with the strike force and the ghost crew and the rebellion I said. Okay said sabby as we both walked to the ship but I noticed something. Vader's masters wasn't dead it was a clone of him, he walked up of our ship as he laughed at us both. You really thought you could kill me? He said. How? I said, I can show you he said as he used the force to grab me as he used the force to Electric me as I scared out of pain. NOOO!!! Yelled out sabby as she turned on her lightsaber as she attacked him as he dropped me. I was in very bad pain as I moad out of pain as I looked up to see sabby on her knees. No I said, but yes said sabby as I looked into her eyes as they turned red yellow golden. No sabby, I said. She walked up to me as I looked at her. She turned on her lightsaber as I turned on mine as we got into a saber lock, sabby stop! Think what you are doing! I said, I know what I'm doing! I'm going to kill you! Said sabby as she cut my lightsaber in half as she cut my robotic hand off to as i fell down onto the ground. Agh I said as sabby's new master said good very good, kill him, he was weak too like Vader. Sabby put her lightsaber close to my neck. You will die this time she said but I heard a lightsaber turned on as it was kanan and Ezra was here to save me. SABBY!!! Stop this! Yelled out Luna(manlgo) sabby did stop as her new master said your weak he said as he was going to kill sabby with his lightsaber but I jumped into his lightsaber as it stabbed me into my chest as I grabbed a blaster and shot him in his face killing him. He turn off the lightsaber as we both fell down onto the ground. Sabby then noticed what happened as she grabbed me before I could fell down onto the ground. Cal? No said sabby as she looked into my eyes as they where close. Luna and prime walked up to sabby as prime said we should go now said prime, what about cal? Said sabby as she was crying holding me. Sis he's gone we have to leave said Luna. Sabby put me on the ground as they ran to the ship and took off as the death star was destroyed with me in it.

To be continued..............

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