Chapter 6

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As the Death Star was gone cal want with it as Sabby and Luna(manglo) and prime and Spartan knew he was gone for good but Sabby had a feeling that cal was still alive.

We have to go back said Sabby, are you crazy Sabby? There's nothing left of the Death Star said Spartan, you know he's right said prime, no I can feel him still he's alive we have to go back said Sabby as she turned the ship around as they want back to the rest of the Death Star as prime said I still don't see what's left of it or him said prime. No he's here I know it said Sabby. Then they saw something, they saw dead bodies of troopers as one of them was Vader's bodie. Jeez just seeing Vader dead makes me freeze up said Spartan. Oh come on Spartan said Luna( manglo) hmm said Spartan. Prime was with Sabby still looking for me as they saw where I was. THERE! Said Sabby as she stopped the ship as she ran to put a space suit on. Wait for me sis said Luna(manglo) she too put a space suit on as they both walked out of the ship as prime and Spartan stayed within the ship.

Where do you think where he's at? Said Luna(manglo) I don't know but I know he's still alive said Sabby as she saw part of a helmet of Vader's as she turned around to see Vader's dead body was right behind Sabby, JEEZ!!! Said Sabby. What is it sis? Said Luna(manglo) okay know thats crapy said Luna, I know said Sabby as they both heard someone moun in pain as they saw blood in the air from outer space air as Sabby followed where the blood was coming from. Then she saw cal still alive as he had a blaster mark on him as his lightsaber hit Sabby's back of her helmet as Sabby grabbed cals lightsaber as she walked up to him. Cal? Said Sabby, I grab her by her chest by her space suit as my helmet was charked as she looked into one of my eyes as she said cal it's me Sabby, Sab...Sabby? You...come back...for me? I said, yes I did cal said Sabby. Come on sis we have to go now said Luna. Help me with cal said Sabby as Luna help Sabby with me as they helped me walk back to the ship as they and me got into the ship. GET US OUT OF HERE PRIME!!! Yelled out Luna. Prime drove the ship off the the Death Star as the strike force was back together. Sabby took off her helmet as she put it down and helped me take off mine as I was having trouble talking to Sabby. Sabby...I said as I grab her shoulder as Sabby gasped as i made her look into my green eyes as she looked into them as I looked into hers eyes too. Are you okay cal? Said Sabby, yes thanks to you I said as I got back up as I saw my other friends looking at me in shock. How are you still alive? Said prime, yeah how are you? Said Spartan. I don't know I said to them both as I looked at Sabby, I told you guys he was still alive said Sabby. You really thought I was dead? I said to them both. No they both said, yeah they thought you where dead said Luna. I was upset at my friends as I looked at them as my eyes turned back red yellow golden as Sabby saw them change, CAL NO!!! Said Sabby as she pushed me away from prime and Spartan, cal what are you doing said Sabby as she looked at me. My eyes change back too green, what...happened? I said. You got mad at them said Luna as she was helping Sabby push me away. Okay you two can let me go now I said. Okay said Sabby as she stopped pushing me with Luna(manglo) okay we are back at chooper base said Luna as the ship landed down onto the ground as the blast door opened. As we walked all out of the ship. I was going to see the Bendu as Sabby followed me.

Ah hello again cal Jedi knight said Bendu, I sit down on the ground in front of the Bendu, so? Why are you here for? Said Bendu. I want to show you this I said as I showed him the helmet of Vader's in half. Ahh the dark lord said Bendu as he used the force to grab the half of the helmet as he looked at it. Hmm said Bendu, what's wrong? I said, you sure you killed him? Said Bendu, yes I did, why? I said. Because he's right behind you said the Bendu as I turned around to see Vader alive as I said what should I do? I said as I turned around back to the Bendu but he was gone. Oh great I said. I turned around as I saw Vader using the force as he showed me Sabby, bowl down to me or she dies raven said Vader. Cal help me said Sabby. Okay okay fine I said as I was grabbing my lightsaber as I put my hand out as I used the force to push Vader away from Sabby, Vader dropped Sabby by using the force as I grab Sabby. Cal? Said Sabby, I put Sabby back down onto the ground as I said get out of here I said, no said Sabby, GO!NOW! I yelled out at Sabby as she ran away, as Vader walked up to me as he turned on his lightsaber, I turned on mine as I got ready to fight him but Bendu come back as he grab Vader, I looked up to see the Bendu is back and was holding Vader. You have to much demons in you dark lord said Bendu. Then the Bendu ended Vader by putting him on fire as he finished Vader killing him. All that was left from Vader was his ash's as I turned off my lightsaber as I looked at the Bendu. Thanks for the help I said. Hmm next time a dark lord comes here is going to be like him said the Bendu, yeah I guess I said as I kicked Vader's helmet away from me. Then I saw his lightsaber as I picked it up, I looked at it as I put it onto my belt with my lightsaber. Karan is going to like this I said as I walked back to the base. CAL? Yelled out Sabby, Sabby I said as she hugged me, I'm okay I said as I hugged her back. We both stopped hugging as I said where's kanan? He's by the base said Sabby, okay good I have this for him I said as I showed Sabby Vader's lightsaber. Vader's lightsaber? How? Bendu killed him I said. Good because I don't want to see him again said Sabby, me too I said as me and Sabby walked to the base as I showed kanan Vader's lightsaber. That's good that's he's dead know we can restore the Jedi older said kanan. Okay I said but we heard a voice saying I think that's mine, I turned around to she a man as he walked up to us. Why do you want Vader's lightsaber for? I said. Because I'm his son said luke, your luke skywalker said Sabby and Luna at the sometime.

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