Chapter 4: Creatures of the Night

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"This competition will be over before it even begun!" The mysterious game-maker snapped at his servants which made the lower class figure tremble where he stood, "what would you like us to do my lord?" He asked hoping he wouldn't be injured due to his masters rage. The master sat back in his throne and though for a second before coming to a conclusion. "Release the Darkons"

Seventh Sister
The female inquisitor was walking through the woods when the rain started to fall. She kept on walking, not letting it bother her but then after a few minutes it started to hurt and start to smoke which is when she realised that it was acid rain. She couldn't spot anywhere to take cover so she took to the trees hoping to some across a cave or something that provided protection. Her armour could withstand some of it but she knew it wouldn't be long before it disintegrated the metal plating and made its way to her skin. It took a while but she finally sighed with relief when she caught a glimpse of a small cave up ahed, there was some sort of glowing light up ahed but it was to far and she wouldn't make it in time. She leaped down and started making her way to the cave when she heard a howl in the distance. At first she just ignored it but then it got louder and there were more and more of it and before she knew it, she was surrounded by these creatures.

The seventh sister looked al around for an opening to escape but couldn't find one. She looked straight at one of these creatures and knew that she had never seen anything like it. It's body was like some sort of dark mist that you could see through and had blood red eyes that could intimidate anyone, when a few of them opened their mouths she could see their sharp teeth that could bite through anything and their wolf like body's probably made them run extra fast. She pulled out her lightsaber and hoped she would make it out alive.

Darth Vader
The 3 cloaked men walked through the thick of the forest looking for a place to camp the night when all 3 of them were struck with some kind of energy. "The force, it..." Kylo Ren started but was interrupted by Darth Vader. "Strong here, yes but do not take it for granted, our enemies will also use it to their advantage" Vader said walking ahed of the group stopping when he saw something that he thought he had forgotten long ago. The Monastery. The tall building which had once stood high with an imposing white-glowing crystal was now in a state of total destruction with parts of it missing and huge cracks showing everywhere. He didn't realise how long he had been staring at it for until the rain had started to bucket down. "Quick, to that monastery, this rain can kill" Vader stated.

Seventh Sister
They attacked in 2's. After several attempts at killing her, the animals (if that's could you could call them) seemed to back off a little allowing an opening. She made a mad dash for it just escaping one of them who was about to bite her. She made the mistake of looking back and didn't realise that one of them had sprinted past her and was now attacking her leg. She fell to the ground and tried to shake it off but couldn't which resulted in it biting deep into her, all she could do was scream. She noticed the cave she saw earlier wasn't far off and was able to force push a few of them away. She hoped she would make it in time.

Grand Inquisitor
The Pau'an stood up facing the 2 intruders and ignited his red double bladed lightsaber that was combined by a powerful force disk in the middle. "I suppose you want to kill us" the Inquisitor asked staring at the Zabrak and the Count. "No, not yet" snarled Maul who force pulled the inquisitors lightsaber to him making the Pau'an stumble a little. "We would like to propose an alliance" Dooku stated glancing back and forth between the 2 that stood before him. The inquisitor was shocked that someone who he thought would be trying to end his life was now offering an alliance, "Why would we join you?" Asked Ventress hands on hips and giving the death stare to the Count. Before anyone could react, the seventh sister came running in, blood dripping down her leg and fell to the ground screaming and pointing outside at the creatures that had followed her

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