Chapter 5: Visions

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Darth Vader
The 3 caped figures reached the monastery just before the storm got really bad. Vader didn't take notice of his surroundings and walked straight through the vast hall while Sidious and Kylo marvelled over the structure of the building. Their footsteps echoed throughout the place and the mist rising form below created a stunning visual of the statues at the end of the walkway. "Grandfather, you seem un-affected by how powerful this place is" Kylo said looking at Vader through his mask. "You do not have the right to call me grandfather" Vader said looking over his shoulder at Ren "I only speak the truth" Kylo braked back, "I can sense your not Luke's son so then why call me that" Vader spinning around to face the younger man, "I am your daughters child!" Ren snapped making them both stop. Once again Vader was left speechless and the only sound that could be heard was Vader's respirator while Sidious stood to the side smirking. Vader walked off into one of the corridors without another word.

Vader found any empty room to meditate and reflect about the news he had just been told. The room he was in looked a lot like the one he had stayed in during the clone wars but realised that all the rooms probably looked like this although he would never be sure. Usually when he mediated he got in tune with the force straight away but for some reason the force wasn't connecting with him even thought Mortis was extremely strong in the force. About to give up, something struck him and he lost consciousness.

Vader awoke in a dark lightly red-lit room with 4 doors. The room was quite small and he wondered where he was. He was about to head through one of the doors and explore but stopped in his tracks when his Mother walked through one of them. "Mum" he stated staring at her. "Anakin what have you done" she said looking at him in distress,
"You've thrown everything away for what? For darkness? For what you call peace? For your now dead wife?"
Vader force pushed her against the door which she had entered and looked away in sorrow and before he could reply, someone else came through the door he was staring at.
"She's right, you sacrificed everything just so you could kill me yourself!" Padme said angrily yet heart broken.
"No that's not true" Vader said terrified at what was going on.
"It is and you know it!"
Vader spun around to a third door where his former Jedi master Obi Wan Kenobi now stood. Hands on hips with his eyes glaring straight through into his own eyes. Vader didn't understand what was going on. He was confused and angry and sad and he didn't know what to do.
"Obi Wan, you can't talk, you betrayed me!" He shrieked
Once again the dark lord spun around to see none other than his old apprentice, Ahsoka Tano, standing at the fourth door accusing him of something he had hoped to forget.
"You all have to understand that what I did was for Padme, to protect her, to protect our child"
"And for that you kill the whole Jedi order!?!?" His mother burst in outrage
"For that you kill your unborn child!?!?" Padme screamed
"For that you destroy everything and everyone you worked so hard for!?!?" Obi Wan yelled his voice shaking
"For that you betray everyone that matters to you!?!?" Ahsoka said while crying
Vader finally cracked it and fell to the ground tears stunning in his eyes that no one would ever see because of his now mechanical body that his any human feature that was left of him away from everyone. The 4 of them walked closed and looked over the fallen man and waited for his next move.
"I'm sorry I couldn't save you mother, I should have tried harder"
And with that Shimi Skywalker disappeared
"I'm sorry I let you go Ahsoka, I should have fought harder for you"
And with that Ahsoak Tano disappeared
"I'm sorry I failed you as a student, a friend and a brother Obi Wan"
And with that Obi Wan disappeared
"I'm sorry I let you down and killed you and our child"
And with that Padme Amidalia disappeared.

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