Chapter 10: Dublith

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You and Winry were walking back to Ed's hospital room, Winry carrying train tickets to dublith. She looked down at the small slips in her hand, looking at them a bit confused. "Why did Ed want to go here again?" she asked you, not expecting any particular answer.

You shrugged, "I tried to ask Al but he just got frightened." You laughed slightly at the memory of the big armored figure shaking in his steps.

Winry smirked, "I always thought you and Al would make a cute couple."

Her words irritated you but you ignored the sudden emotion, replying flatly "He's not my type."

"Oh then what is your type? Ed?" she asked, a bit of anger in her voice but still smiling.

You blushed of embarrassment but were also pissed off at how she was acting toward you, "I never said that." She stayed silent, making you a bit calmer. You looked to her to see her expression, it was frustrated but covered up with a faceless look. You looked away and rolled your eyes. "Brat," you mumbled, inaudible to her.

After a few minutes of awkward silence you approached the door and opened it, looking around to see Major Armstrong, Colonel Hughes, and the Elrics with confused looks plastered on their faces.

"Something wrong?" the blonde hair girl asked.

"Just a tornado passing through," Ed murmured in disbelief.

You walked to the boys with the tickets, handing them over except yours, "Well we got the tickets like you asked."

"You sure are a man on the move aren't you?" Armstrong interrupted. "You wounds haven't even healed completely." He sounded stern.

"Yeah well two days of sick people and hospital food is enough for me, thanks," he argued.

"Where are you heading off to this time?" Hughes asked. You lifted up your ticket just enough to show him as he looked over your shoulder. "What's in Dublith?"

"Well," Edward began, "Al and I talked it over and we decided to visit our teacher." He felt a shivering as he touched the back of the armor, looking up to his frightened brother.

"I think I'm too scared brother," he admitted with a shaking voice, the two gripping hands and facing each other in fear. "There's no way she isn't going to kill us."

Ed sweat a bit, "Look don't you chicken out on me now I'm scared too okay?"

You laughed a bit but WInry was extremely confused. "What exactly does this person teach?" she asked theoretically.

Armstrong observed the map on the table, "It appears you have a lengthy journey ahead."

Winry glanced to the map, "Where is Dublith?" You glanced down at the map along with her. You pointed to a little point south to your current location and she gasped.

"What?" you asked a bit concerned.

She squealed, "There! Right before Dublith!" You glanced down at the town before as she was explaining. "It's the holy land of automail, Rush Valley!"

You sighed and tuned out the rest of the conversation. You then heard more squealing from the girl, tuning back into the conversation. You quickly concluded what was going on. "Fine you can take my ticket, I'm going to catch a different train."

The three of them looked up to you, all eyes asking why. You crossed your arms, "A whole town dedicated to prosthetic limbs? I don't see how anyone would want to go unless they were missing a limb or an engineer. I'll buy a ticket to an early train and go straight to Dublith, to at least meet your teacher before she kills you two," you glanced at the Elrics.

A bit scared, they nodded as you got up. "I'll go buy my ticket." With that you ran out, Winry also going out to inform her granny about her detour.

Maes smiled to Edward, "(Y/n) will make a fine wife one day."

He glared at the officer, blushing slightly, "Don't start that again."

///Time skip to after train ride///

You walked up to a large man, remembering his name was Sid. You greeted him and he escorted you to his shop, where a middle aged woman was already inside sharpening a knife against a metal bar. Without looking up she threw the knife directly at your head, to you grabbing it instantly.

She smirked, "Just seeing if the girl who was protecting those half pints is skilled enough for her job."

You handed her the knife and smiled modestly, scratching the back of your head, "Oh no you've got it wrong I'm only a friend. Nothing special."

She didn't believe you but she didn't argue any further. You looked around at all the hanging meat, observing all the little details of the kitchen.

You were suddenly taken away from your lost thoughts when you heard Sid start to speak again,
"Knowing those two they'll be here tomorrow. Why don't you stay in our guest room?"

You nodded, "Thank you very much Mr. and Mrs. Curtis."

The two blushed a bit at the formality, "Please, just Izumi and Sid." Sid brought you up to the room, it looked as if it was meant to be for a child. Shrugging it off you set down your bags and freshened up a bit before coming back out to the two.

It was almost dinner time when you came out, and the two offered for all of you to have dinner. "Wow, thanks so much," you smiled happily. For some reason you felt close to them already.

Izumi was about to respond when she coughed up some blood, making you gasp instantly, "Mrs.Cu-I mean Izumi! Are you alright? Do you need a doctor?"

She shook her head as her husband patted her lightly on the back, cleaning up the blood. "No no, don't worry (Y/n) this happens all the time," she insisted.

Despite her reassurance you were still worried for the woman. Since you were a guest you didn't want to push her any further into annoyance. After a bit of comforting the food was ready and you got up to grab it. You turned off the stove, glancing down at the hot pot of chicken soup. You poured three bowls and brought them out for the three of you.

You sat down at the table, picking up a spoonful of the broth and blowing on it to cool it down. "So," Izumi began in between bites, "I heard my stupid pupils became dogs of the military. Any information you can give me on that?"

You responded, "Only Edward is," you were about to explain why, but then remembered that would mean having also to explain about the taboo. "They lead busy lives," you finished.

She thought about your words, asking a few more questions, "Are they safe? I know they're talented but they're also reckless."

You smiled softly, "If they're ever in danger I do my best to protect them, but to answer your question I'm not exactly sure myself." You thought about the truth beyond the truth.

Your words intrigued her, "What do you mean by that?"

You shook it off and lied, "Nothing. Anyways, they don't share a lot about their past. Could you maybe tell me about how you met the boys and became their teacher?"

She looked back on her memories, trying to remember everything. She took in a deep breath and began telling her story, "I first met the boys when I was traveling to Resembool to pick up a special order of meat. We were going to leave but then the town was flooding and no one could stop the river from over flowing. I used alchemy to seal it and the two ran up to me, asking to teach them alchemy. They were both around 5 and 6, and when I found out they were practically orphans I took them under my wing." She took a few bites of chicken in the soup, continuing her story after swallowing, "I tested them by stranding them on an island for a month with only a knife. It was how I was taught, so I thought it would be best to try the same way. Once they passed I taught them everything I could for the time they had stayed, around four years. The boys are like sons to me," you see her smile softly at the statement, making you smile as well.

"That was sweet of you to do for them," you thought her intensions were honest but in the end you knew they were used for evil. She nodded and finished the bowl, looking to Sid who was already done, listening to the story.

"Now then, how did you meet the Elrics?" Izumi asked.

You smiled at the memory, "I was running. All I remember was running everything else was blank. I eventually didn't see Ed and ran into him. I hit it off with the two and have been protecting them ever since." It was a simple way to meet them and you thought it was nice. She nodded and got up, stretching a bit. I'm going to bed, you should sleep soon.

You yawned and nodded, "Goodnight Izumi, goodnight Sid." The two went to their room and soon fell asleep, leaving you to go to your room and do the same. Eventually, slumber met up with you as well, letting you sleep peacefully.

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