Chapter 9: Ed and Elicia's Birthday

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(Sorry for the wait, I've got bad writers block. I'm working on getting my motivation back, so here's a bit longer of a chapter for now.)

You awoke to a blonde haired girl lecturing Edward about not drinking his milk. You groggily smiled at the two bickering, yawing slightly. They looked to you, noticing you had awoken.

"Oh, morning (Y/n)," Winry greeted.

"Hey, uh where's Alphonse? Last I saw him he was acting weird," You asked everyone in the room.

They all shrugged, Winry setting up a place for Ed to rest his arm. She pulled it gently out, unpacking some tools and screws. You watched as the girl repaired his arm, noticing how Ed acted around her. You could definitely tell she liked him a bit even if she didn't know it yet, as well as he did too. You tried not to care but you felt a bit jealous honestly.

After a while she finished up, letting Ed move his arm around. "Thanks Winry," he smiled. A light pink tinted her cheeks and she nodded, smiling sweetly. He scratched the back of his head with his automail just when Maes Hughes came in. You had only talked to him a few times, so you waved to him.

"Elric! Is it true you hired two beautiful women to come to your room and service you?" He called to Edward, bursting through the doors. You and Winry looked at each other, a bit paralyzed.

"W-What?! NO! This is just a friend and my mechanic!" He yelled to the man.

"Oh I see, so you seduced them?" he asked.

"That isn't what I said at all!" He argued.

Winry got up and sighed, "Well, I need to find a place to stay tonight."

Maes smiled widely and offered to have her spend the night, as well as you. "N-No I have the hotel, I don't need a place to sta-" he cut you off immediately.

"No no, I insist, it's settled you two are staying with me!!" and with that dragged both of you out of the door.

///timer skip///

You and Winry looked at each other with confused faces as a happy birthday song was sung to Hughes' daughter.

"Uh, sir? What is this?" you asked him quietly.

"Why it's my daughter, little Elicia's, birthday," he replied pretty excited.

"How old are you Elicia?" Winry asked the young girl who was surrounded by food.

"I'm two!" she paused, "No wait! Three!" Everyone else awed but you only smiled, it was pretty much the first happy interaction you had with a child. You weren't even sure how you were supposed to act.

You and Winry talked quite a bit and also entertained the children the best you could. You decided to get started on making a card for Ed and walked into the room, noticing that Winry was deep in conversation with Hughes anyways.

You pulled out some paper and folded the creases to make a card like shape. You began to write,

'Dear Edward,

Thank you for always being there for me, I hope I'm as much help for you as you have been for me. Whatever you need, I'll always be here for you because you mean so much to me. When you look at the stars in the night sky always know that we look at the same stars and I always think of you'

You stopped writing, shaking your head. "This sounds so cheesy, but I guess it'll have to do," you sighed, looking out the window. You really did think of him when you looked at the night sky filled with stars. They twinkled just like his eyes when he was happy and determined. You smiled softly and closed the card, leaving it on the table.

You got changed into some warm pajamas and slid under the covers. They were a bit cold but you knew they would warm up soon enough. You closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep.

///time skip///

Winry walked into the room, tired from cleaning up. She looked over at you and smiled lightly. You looked so peaceful in her eyes. She looked over to the desk at the folded up card, walking over and picking it up. She read it in her head, making her smile disappear. "Could she make her little crush on him any more obvious?" she sighed.

She felt a sudden irritation at the thought of Edward and you together. She wasn't sure why but she wanted to keep him to herself. She shrugged it away and decided to go to sleep to avoid the thought.

///time skip to morning///

You awoke slowly, noticing that it was dawn. You got up and stretched, looking to Winry and seeing she was still sleeping. You looked to the note and saw it was moved. You caught on quickly that she had read it an felt your stomach drop a bit. It was personal and you didn't want her reading it.

You glared over to the sleeping girl and got dressed quickly, heading out to visit Ed. The air was cold and you wanted to hurry, so you ran a bit of the way there. Once you made it to the hospital you went to his room, still panting a bit from the run.

He was still asleep and you sat down in a chair nearby. Brosh and Ross weren't outside the door, must have been taking a short break for coffee or something. You tried to catch up with your breathe when Sergeant Brosh peeked in curiously.

"Oh sorry Sergeant, I let myself in," you smiled.

He looked relieved, "Sorry (Y/n) I just heard panting and I thought you two were..." he wasn't done with his sentence but he stopped there.

You were confused but then after a few seconds you got it and blushed furiously. "P-Perv, I wouldn't do that with him!" you argued.

In the commotion Ed woke up, looking to see you. "Oh hey (Y/n), what's going on?" he asked you sleepily.

You looked away still a bit red, "Just your escort being an idiot.."

///another time skip, also skipping over that dramatic Al scene///

Ed was laying in his bed, Al was sitting near him and Winry was sitting in another chair. You were sitting at the foot of Ed's bed and looked around, remembering the present under the bed you were sitting on.

"Oh uh, I got you something for your birthday," you told Ed.

He looked up at you surprised you remembered. Winry quickly added in, "And I got you a cake."

You reached under the bed and handed him the card and the box. He opened it and hugged the blanket, thanking you. You smiled and remembered the card and how embarrassing it would be to have that read aloud. "You can read the card later, I want some cake," you lied, faking a smile. He shrugged and set down the card, Winry pulling out a slice for everyone. You all ate some and saved a few pieces for others.

///time skip///

It was night time and you were sitting on the roof of the building, looking up at the sky. You heard some soft footsteps coming up behind you. You didn't bother looking since you already knew it was Ed. He sat next to you with the card in his hand, opening it.

"So for what reason didn't you want me to open this in front of them?" he asked before skimming across the words.

You held back any emotion, "I told you, I wanted cake." You smiled lightly.

He rolled his eyes, "I know you better than you think." He started to read the card.

After a few seconds he closed the card. You felt a knot in your stomach and he wrapped an arm around you for a second, patting your back. You blushed and avoided eye contact. "What a sap," he joked.

"Shut up," you demanded quietly. You awkwardly rested your head on his flesh shoulder, it was warm. You knew this didn't mean that he liked you but you really hoped he did.

After a while he got up, "I'm going off to bed, goodnight."

You nodded to him, "Night."

Before walking in, he told you something else, "I do think of you when I look at the stars. They remind me of your eyes." With that said he went off to bed, leaving you a bright red.

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