Chapter 8: The Fifth Laboratory

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(fyi, this is based off the brotherhood version of this scene, don't get too confused)

The walk was cold, you tugged on your coat a bit. It was winter time at this point, you just felt lucky that it wasn't snowing. After a while you noticed the laboratory, pointing to it. "Is that it up there?" you asked in a quiet voice.

Edward looked down at the map, "Yeah, let's find a way in." You and Al followed Edward closely, trying to stay quiet. Ed motioned you stay where you were and peeked ahead, seeing a guard. He looked to you both, "We'll have to hop over the fence." He pointed to a fence with sharp coil around the top of it.

"I don't know if I'll be able to get over," you explained in a sad voice.

"It's okay, it might be better you stay out here," Al reassured you.

You got a bit irritated at him, "B-but I want to help!"

"There's a good chance that Lieutenants Ross and Sergeant Brosh will notice we're gone and come here looking for us, just warn us if they're here and try to stall them," Al told you flatly, giving Ed a boost up over the fence. They both made it over before you had a choice to respond.

"Don't worry (Y/n), we'll be back soon," Ed told you through the fence smiling.

You rolled your eyes and mumbled, "Yeah yeah."

///time skip///

It had been about thirty minutes since the boys jumped over the gate and left you there. You hoped that they were okay but worrying wouldn't help you in that situation. You leaned against the fence, resting your eyes for a second. Your eyes didn't stay closed for long though, they shoot open as you heard your name being called by Brosh. You looked to them and panicked a bit, stall them? How? What excuse could you possibly make? How could you signal the brothers? You were cornered in your own mind.

"(Y/n)! Where are the Elrics?" they asked, panting. You turned away, refusing to answer. Maria Ross glared at you, "As a military authority and their body guards, I need to know where they are," she demanded.

You sighed, "They're inside, but there's a guard in front of the building. He'll probably shoot you on sight."

The two pulled out their guns, moving toward the front of the entrance. You followed behind quietly, pulling a knife out from your boot that you always had on you just in case. (Y/n), we need you to stay out here in case anyone tries to leave," the sergeant demanded. You obeyed and stood outside the entrance, noticing the guard had left.

You waited for a bit longer, but then you heard an explosion coming from inside the building. You panicked and screamed, panting at the thought of either of them being hurt. "Edward, Alphonse, Maria, Brosh, I'm sorry but I can't wait."

You began to rush in but then you saw a short and big hunk of armor running toward you. You knew you couldn't let him get away but there was something familiar about him. You noticed it quickly, the armor was empty. You could tell by his eyes.

He kept running and held up a knife to you. You realized what he was trying to do and smirked, he couldn't lay a finger on you. You let him continue to approach you, and at the last minute jumped over him, grabbing the butcher knife from him. "Hey!" he whined, making you annoyed.

You threw the knife at him, making it throw off his head. Just as you expected, he was hollow. You ran to him and jumped inside his armor, making him freak out a bit. After a few seconds sergeant Brosh came running, seeing the situation was taken care of. He was handcuffed and you set his head back on, handing the knife to Brosh. You ran over to the collapsing building, seeing Al carrying Edward covered in blood.

"E-ED!" you cried out, holding back tears. He was unconscious but Al noticed you, running to you quickly.

"Go get a car, quickly," Al demanded. You nodded and used all your might running for a car. You found one and borrowed it, quickly driving back to the lab. You rushed Edward in alone, you didn't need any extra weight. You quickly drove him to hospital and got him help immediately. You had to wait outside of the room, and soon everyone else showed up.

You sat next to his door, falling asleep in front of it, praying he would be okay.

///time skip///

You walked into the room where Edward was recovering, smiling. However, your curved lips were soon interrupted by a slap from the face. "Ow, what the hell?" You whimpered, holding the stinging spot. You regretted asking due to the answer being a lecture by the two military escorts.

"You're lucky to be alive, you put both of the boys lives in danger." Maria scolded. Those words hit you coldly, far worse than any hit to the face could. Was it your fault for sneaking them out that they got this hurt? Edward or Alphonse could have died and you would be to blame.

You looked to the ground, holding back tears. "I'm sorry," you told the two of them in a whisper with a trembling voice. You looked to Edward, letting a single tear roll down your cheek, "I'm so sorry." You ran out of the room and tried to calm yourself down, taking a walk around the hospital floor. Once your sobs stopped you started to look for a place to sit. You looked over to a near by bench in the dark and saw Al sitting on it

"Oh hey Al," you greeted him, walking in his direction.

His eyes didn't move, "Hey (Y/n)."

"Did you get lectured too?" you asked him, wondering why he sounded so down. He nodded his head slowly.

"Is there something bothering you?" you pondered.

He looked up to you, "You wouldn't lie to me right? I don't know what to believe anymore."

You hugged Al lightly, him surprised. It was the first hug he had gotten since being in that body. "What a silly question Alphonse, I would never..." you were about to finish you sentence, but then realized that you had been lying, about almost everything. "...hurt you."

You let go of the boy, "I'm going back to the room, you should come too."

"Maybe later," he told you. You nodded and went to the room.

///at the room///

"Sorry for leaving like that, I just needed a breather," you explained to Brosh and Ross. They nodded and exited the room, leaving you and Ed alone. You sat down on the hospital bed next to him, observing all of his bandages. It made you cringe, "Find out any interesting information?"

He smiled and explained everything to you about what had happened, excluding little things here and there. "The most interesting thing I discovered was this," he told you, drawing a symbol onto a piece of paper. You were shocked at what he drew. "It's an Ouroboros tattoo, I saw it on two people, they seemed to be running the place." He hesitated for a moment when he observed your shock, but then finished up his story, "They called me an important sacrifice, but they didn't explain anything else."

Sacrifice? It was worse than you thought. You needed to tell him the truth soon. "Are you going to report this back to the military?" you asked him.

He nodded, "I don't have a choice honestly."

You looked to him, smirking, "How's that brand new arm of yours?"

His eyes widened because he would have to call Winry out to Central for repairs. He whimpered and looked at you a bit scared, "She's going to kill me."

"Stay here and eat, I'll call her," you told him, making him a bit relived. You called Winry and told her to come as soon as possible, her agreeing to, although a bit pissed off. With that, you remembered that Edward's birthday was tomorrow.

You decided to go get him a present, wondering what to get him. You walked to the store with a bit of money. You picked out a soft blanket, knowing he liked fuzzy things, and wrapped it up.

When you made your way back to the hospital room you put it under his bed, knowing no one would look under there anyways. You sat in the chair next to his bed and fell asleep in it, dreaming of a perfect life.

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