Chapter 2

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He put his hand through his hair and sighed as Chiron said, " Well..."

Percy's p.o.v.

"Well, I think you should go to Rachel." He says while waiting for my reaction. I just groaned. Another prophecy? I think.

"Well it's necessary Percy. Do you want to find her or not?" He asks me. 


"Another prophecy?"   I know you are tired of prophecies but this is important." He tells me with a very serious look on his face. I spoke out loud! God, things have changed.

I groan again and say, " I'm sorry sir but I've just been through so many and it's getting tiring." I get up to go out the door.  Yet another prophecy to go through. Suddenly I get pulled back by Chiron asking,

"Where are you going young man? As I recall you were supposed to meet with Leo before you come barging in here?"

My eyes widen as I run out of the big house yelling, "Shist!"

"LANGUAGE!" Chiron yells after me chuckling under his breath.
If only he knew, I think.


"-and that was when Chiron told me I forgot to meet you." I tell Leo who was currently eating a donut.

He leans forward biting his donut as he says, "Sho you mean tho thell me that she jusht vaporwized in thin air? No shadow or anything?"

"Well, yeah. But it was weird because the vapor or something that she left behind was kinda... purple..." I said as I gazed off remembering something. It was almost exactly the same color as Tartarus... When I was with Annabeth. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Leo is snapping his fingers in my face

" Earth to Percy, you there? Helloooooooo-"

"Yes Leo! What did you say?" I cut him off.

" I asked you what you're gonna do to find her? You need a quest or something? Gods, another prophecy. " Leo says, taking another bite of his donut.

"Well, I have a theory." I tell him. " I think that... Well... She might be a  child of a god or goddess-"

"Well duh! What do you expect her to be? A witch of some sort? Huh, that would be cool." Leo says before looking at me again. "Uh, sorry. Go on."

I glare at him before continuing , "She might be a child of a god or goddess, I guess, more powerful than the Olympians. I don't know, it's just that when we saw her Grover said that she smelled stronger than the big three and it kinda made sense-"

"Percy! Slow down! And yeah, I guess it kinda makes sense. But how are you going to find her?" Leo asks me taking the last bite of his donut.

"Chiron told me to go to Rachel." I say, standing up "See you later" and walk away towards camp.


Sucky I know...

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                               ~NOT EDITED~

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