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Before we start the story, I'm sorry for the wait and all that and we will be dedicating chapters to the first voter. Enjoy.......


The trees swayed and the bushes rustled as a ginger tom bounded through the overgrown forest. He stopped by the river. "Frostleaf? Frostleaf?" he meawed. He tensed his muscles, ready to jump into the rippling river. He bent down and leapt into the cold water. As he swam, a white she-cat appeared through some cattails with two kits scuttling around her paws. The kits were small, only 2 moons old, and weak. "Honeygaze," she purred ," we've been waiting." Honeygaze saw a glint of worry in his mates eyes. "What's wrong?" he asked," Stay here you two, OK?" The two kits nodded as  Frostleaf and Honeygaze walked over to a clump of bracken.

"Everyone agreed that the kits shall leave windclan. They, they're going to.... throw them in the river." Honeygaze stared in astonishment at his mate. How could windclan be so cruel to the two young, half-clan kits? He stared over his shoulder at the two kits batting each other with small, dainty paws. Honeygaze flexed his claws on the muddy leaves as he looked at his beloved kits. He turned back to Frostleaf ," Why would you let them do it?!" He shrieked as he raked his claws across her flank. Frostleaf collapsed as Honeygaze injured her more. Meanwhile, Bearkit and Robinkit had snuck into the bushes. To their surprise, their father stood there with blood stained paws and their mother's dead body. The kits gasped in horror as their beloved father threw their mother in the rushing water. "C'mon you two," Honeygaze hissed as he pushed the quivering kits to the stream. He picked them up by the scruffs then threw them into the blood filled brook. "Goodbye," he whispered sadly as he ran away into the forest.


This chapter will be dedicated to two people actually.
SpudsterJSM  and Kittywarrior13579

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