Chapter 10

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The whole weekend I hid in my room, avoiding all social media and people. I didn't  even tell my friends what had happened. They called and texted all weekend, but I couldn't bring myself to pick up the phone.

Logan kept me company, and told Gray if he reached out to me at all, Logan would beat him to a pulp.

So for that weekend I knew I was safe from Gray, though when Monday came I was terrified. I don't have any classes with Gray but what if I saw him in the hallway? Would I be able to stay relaxed if I just saw him? Or would I start to panic and have an anxiety attack in the middle or school?

I guess I'll find out because it was a Monday morning and I was on my way to school.

The whole drive was silent, and I could tell even Logan was a little bit nervous."Hey, I'm fine. Really." I lied to him. I wasn't fine, I was a mess, but I had to put on the act for Logan. If he knew how nervous and a reck I was, he would fall apart too.

"Its okay if your not." Logan assured me. I looked down at me sweater sleeve and rolled it up a little. I looked at the marks and took a deep breath. 'Your fine.' I told myself. 'Don't worry him. Don't be a burden.' I sighed, knowing I couldn't tell him, even though I really wanted to. "I know. But really, I'm fine." I put on a fake smile and he seams to by it.

'Im fine.' Those famous words that always seem to trick everyone. The famous words that never mean what they are actually intended to mean. Though they seemed to work on Logan because he just nodded his head and kept driving.

When we finally reached the school I didn't see Gray anywhere, not even with the rest of the football players. I was shocked but so relieved. I was about to walk over to Angie, Ella and Scarlet when I was barnbarted by Ave, Sofia, Rina, Olivia, Angelica and Anna. Aka the popular cheerleaders. Also known as the bitches in my opinion.

"Riv!" Ava greeted me like we were best friends. I just gave her a weird look and tried to walk away but her army of cheerleaders blocked my path. "We are so excited to see you at cheer tryouts tomorrow."

"What?" I laughed in her face.

"We talked about this at the party on Friday." I don't remember that, but I wouldn't doubt drunk me to get myself into this situation.

"Oh, ya um I don't think I'm doing that." I told her blunty and tried to walk away but I got blocked again.

"Oh come on Riv, we have been trying to get someone to replace Layne all summer." Ava practically begged me.

"And you want me? River?" I seriously thought they were joking.

"No silly." They all laughed and I rolled my eyes at them. I knew this was a prank.

"We want Riv." She said a little more seriously.
"River is such a bore, a loser, an invisible nobody. But Riv proved herself to be worthy enough to hang with our squad."

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" I asked her, rage growing in my voice,

"Yes it is." She told me. "What I'm trying to say is we saw a different side of you, and we really like it."

"Well 'Riv' Is gone. So leave me alone," I spat at her. I mean really, did she think after years of making fun of me behind, and in front of my back I was just going to turn around and forgive her and join her squad of thots?

"If you want to be popular, if you want to be anything besides the loser you're alright now, you'll come to tryouts tomorrow." She whispered to me. "It's your choice, so make the right one." She flipped her high ponytail and her squad did the same before walking away.

I acwordlly walked over to my little group and they were all looking at me weird. "Why were the cheerleaders talking to you?" Angie asked, shock and jealous igniting on her face.

"Um, they wanted me to tryout for cheer." I said, rubbing the back of my neck and avoiding eye contact. I prayed that they just let it go. I didn't want them knowing about the party, and I wasn't going to tryout anyways, even though I kinda wanted to.

"Oh, so ever since the football party your in their click?" Angie crossed her arms as if she was accusing me or something.

"What?" I gasped. How could they have known about the party? To their knowledge I didn't go to the game, nor the party.

"We saw the pictures River." Angie snapped at me and the other two stayed quiet.

"Oh." Those damn pictures!

"So you tell us your not going to the game, and supposedly stay home, and then you go to a party with Gray Anderson and become BFFs with the cheerleaders? And then on top of that you ghost all of us all weekend! What happened to you River?" The hurt and discussed in her voice hurt, but not nearly as much as hearing Gray's name. It was a constant pit in my stomach that only grew.

All the color drained from my face and I looked at the ground. "Gray showed up at my house on Friday after the game. He convinced me to go to the party with him, and I did." My face went red and my heart started pounding as I replayed the night in my head. "I hate to say it, but I got a little drunk." I muttered. "Ya, I talked to some people I don't normally talk to, but I didn't know what I was doing. But then..." My voice broke and I couldn't find the words. I looked up at my friends, Scarlet and Ella gave sympathetic looks but Angie was clearly still mad. I knew I had to tell them, I just haven't said it out loud yet. "Me and Gray went upstairs and he wanted to do, things." I saw all their faces drop a little and I take a deep breath and continue. "I told him to stop, but he wouldn't." I felt a little embarrassed and my cheeks flushed red. "He didn't rape me!" I said quickly. "He just did other things. I would have told you guys but I didn't want to talk to anyone this weekend."
I looked back up at the and they all lunged at me and gave me a big hug.

"I'm sorry River!" Ella says.

"Me too." Scarlet joins in.

"Do you want me to sucker punch him you you?" Angie asked and I could tell she wasn't joking.

"No no no, Logan handed it." I tell them and their eyes go wide.

"Ohhhh, over protective brother!" Ella mocks.

"How sexy!" Scarlet squeals.

The mood goes light and we all laugh. I look over to where my brother is talking to some guys. I really am lucky to have him.

"You guys should come over tonight, I know it's a school night but we could study or something."

"Ya sound good."


"I'm down."

With everyone in agreement, we all head inside and I over hear a few football players talking behind me.
"We're all going over Ryan's house tonight right?" I hear one of them ask the other.

"No, it's Logan's place." The other says and my heart sinks.

All the football players are coming over to my house tonight? The same day my friends are?

Wait! What if Gray shows up?...

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