Chapter 31

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"Monsters,Ghosts, Vengeful Spirits...they all have many names...

"Especially if Death and Life are existing"

Chibi can't seem to find Kiyoshi anywhere. It's like the boy had just vanished off the face of the school.

Chibi: I can worry about him later. Right now...I should get to the room and get this over with.

Chibi crept up the stairs and made his way to his destination.

The Biology Lab...

The room where the female student lost her balance and hanged herself. Her body can only found hanging with the room is lit up by candlelight.

So far...He didn't see nothing...

Chibi: Luckily...I got an lighter and candle stick just in case...Should I really be doing this...

It's stupid for him to be summoning a ghost. But he has to do this in order to learn more about the Dead One...

But still...What did Mei had to do with all of this...?

It was still a mystery...

A mystery that Kuro doesn't know...

But Chibi will find out...

Chibi: Here goes nothing...

He was going to set the candle down on the table and lit it up but his phone begin to ring.

He opens it up to see it was an anonymous phone call. He didn't know who the caller was.

Chibi: Hello?

Kiyoshi: Thank God! I got to you in time before you did it!

Chibi: Kiyoshi?! Where are you?!

Kiyoshi: I'm somewhere in the school...

Chibi: That doesn't answer my question...Where did you go?

Kiyoshi: I'll tell you later. Right're in the science lab right?

Chibi: Yes...

Kiyoshi: Okay...I must warned you...The Hanged Girl...Whatever you do...Once you light up the room with the candle...


Chibi: W-Why?

Kiyoshi: Because... That's how she kills people...By luring them to the noose and forced them to commit suicide.


Kiyoshi: Good luck...You'll need it...

The boy hanged up after that.

Chibi: Thanks for the tip.....

He wasn't sure if what Kiyoshi said was going to help him or not. But...If he can live after this... It's worth a try.

Chibi then got started...He put out a lighter and lit the candle...

The room illuminated with light and he turns away from the noose...

The room goes silent and a chilly atmosphere takes place...

A body soon is seen hanging from the noose...

Chibi: (She's here....)

Chibi can feel it...

Suddenly, something dropped to the floor. He had the urge to look but remain still.

He heard whatever fell to the ground, begin to move...

Chibi: (I-Is she...heading towards me?! Fuck! I should so something!)

He wanted to move! Scream! Run! Anything...

But his body couldn't move...almost as if the ghost girl has him parilyzed the moment he had lit the candle...

She was coming...

Closer...and closer...


Everything stopped...

Chibi begin to feel the urge to look until...


Chibi closed his eyes. She was right in front of him.

Staring at him...

With this cold eyes that could rip into your soul and pull it out!

Chibi: (I-Is this where I die...?)

However...The girl spoke...

Girl: You're....Not...Ready....

What does she mean by that...

The Dead girl let out a giggle before she vanished. The room went back to the way it was...

Chibi sighed in relief until he recoiled away in horror when he noticed what was left behind.

A girl with green hair tied to pigtails was now seen hanging from the noose...Cracks were in her pink eyes with left over tears falling down her face and it looked like she urinated on herself as some drops were seen falling from her stained dress.

Chibi: Holy shit...Is that Natsuki...?

Natsuki was one of his classmates. He had not sure what was her relationship with Mei besides that they used to be friends. Judging, from her body, it was still intact...meaning...
That she died not too long ago...

Her death was recent...

Chibi: I'm sorry Natsuki-chan...For not being able to save you in time...

Natsuki wasn't the only one left behind...

There was a something shiny on the ground. Chibi went to pick it up to discover it was a kind of spiritual tag. He's not sure why...but it feels like it was important...

Chibi: Now what in the world could this be...?

Spell Tag collected 1/7....

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