Chapter 32

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A/N: The Floating Head...

Chibi finds himself back in the dark hallways of the cursed school.

The howling winds inside were enough to make him shiver at the sight.

???: Are you ready?

He turned to the right to see Kiyoshi waiting for him while playing a game on a flip phone.

Chibi: How long have you been there?

Kiyoshi: For a little bit...

Chibi: (I still wonder where he goes often everytime Kuro is around. Also...Why is he actually helping me? What is the purpose in all this? Kiyoshi sure is mysterious...What are true his motives for these mysteries and his connection with Onizuka?)

Kiyoshi: Now. We shouldn't waste time anymore...

Chibi: Yeah...

Kiyoshi noticed the sad tone in his voice and softens up.

Kiyoshi: Sorry about your friend....

Chibi: It's okay.. I don't want to talk about it.

Kiyoshi only nods before gesturing him to follow him to the north wing of the school.

Kiyoshi: Come on now. We better solve that second mystery.

Chibi: Oh right. I almost forgot about that...(The Floating Head...)

Kiyoshi: We better go to that storage closet. But be careful...

Chibi: Okay. (Taking risks would be fifty percent of me living and dying... Let's do it...)


At some point, the two boys managed to find the storage closet. They both were now wary of this eerily situation they brought upon themselves.

Kiyoshi: I wonder though...Is she still in there...She usually is seen in this point of the hallways and would sprawn close by...

Chibi: When will that be...?

Kiyoshi: Her presence indicates by a scratching sound. The louder the noise, the closer she is...

Chibi: So...what now?

Kiyoshi:....We have to see if the door is locked...or unlocked...

Chibi felt the fear residing in his chest and took a step closer to the brown door.

With a extended hand, he reach for the door knob to turn the handle.


It was open...

When he gently pushed the door let out a large sound...


Chibi: (Fuck...Way to go creating more loud noises Chibi, thanks a lot for waking the dead!)


The storage closet was empty...

Kiyoshi:....She's not inside...

Chibi:.....That's bad right...?


Suddenly, they heard a chime sound and looked close by to see a clock striking towards the hour twelve.

But that's the strangest part....

Time has seem to elapsed to 1 hour. Which is supposed to 11pm, if you check the various clocks strategically placed around the school.

So now it struck twelve instead of eleven.

Chibi don't know if that was just random or not...

But now he felt like the dark atmosphere grew thicker.

Kiyoshi: She's here...

Chibi looked around the area of the north building but stopped when he noticed something close by...floating in the hallway...long black hair with a ghastly pale face. Eyes with no pupils in them. An creepy emotionless expression body...

She was right there in front of their faces...

Chibi: (The Floating Head of the deceased female janitor.)


Chibi invited his friends over to play. However the snuck away until he realizes they're in his parents' room.

Chibi: You're trepassing in my parents' bedroom! Leave now or I'm gonna call an attorney!

Kuro: Yuki-kun!

Chibi: O_O?!

Kuro was now pretending to be Chibi's mom as he wore an wig.

Kuro: Must your father and I remind you to finish your homework?!

Kuro was trying not to laugh as Shouta pretended to be the Dad as he spoke. To add a more comedically expression, he was wearing big dorky glasses.

Shouta: That's right, young man! The mind is a terrible organ to shovel.

Chibi grabs him by his shirt but the grin on Shouta's face never wavered.


Shouta: Maybe~! XD

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