Chapter 33

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A/N: Continuation from the Floating Head.

Yukime and Kiyoshi watched the Floating Head sprawn within the hallways nearby one of the senior classrooms.

Chibi: What do we do?

Kiyoshi: Avoid all conflict with her. Let's go!

The two boys went down the halls.

Chibi heard a voice coming from behind which sends another shiver down his spine.

"You won't ESCAPE from me..."

Chibi: How do we get rid of her?!

Kiyoshi: ......We can't...

Chibi: What?!

Kiyoshi: She only sprawn in the hallways in her own. Then desprawnz away somewhere else. According to the rumors, she only appears in this building and in the main building. So we have to go somewhere else so she won't follow us!

Chibi:....So we have to split up again.

Kiyoshi:....Most likely.

Way to make things more complicated...

Chibi: (Great...)

He looks back to see the Floating Head coming close.

The two boys stopped to see a open space with two entries ahead.

Chibi: Looks like this is where we split up again.

Kiyoshi: Uh-huh...You go left. I'll take right!

With that, they ran in different directions as the Floating Head goes after Chibi.

Chibi: (Why Me?!)

A/N: Stop complaining. You're the main character. Of course, they'll come after you instead of side characters.

The white hair male went down the halls towards the stairs and took a leap down onto the next floor. Finding himself on the second floor, he saw a room close by. He then chose to hide in there.

The scratching noises were soon heard.

Chibi: (She still following me...)

He open the door to see that it was empty before shutting it. Inside the empty classroomwas nothing but a locker.

Chibi:...What do I got to lose?

He went in the locker and shut it.


Everything went quiet...

At first, Chibi thought he gave her the slip.

Chibi: (Maybe she gone-?!)

"Where are you....?"

Chibi: (H-Her voice-! It's close by!!)

He took a peek outside the locker to see the Floating Head looking around the room. But then she stopped and looked at the locker.

Chibi quickly hold his mouth with his hand to keep him from making any sudden noises. He hoped he could avoid getting seen by her as far away as possible.

It felt silly playing hide n seek with a ghost if only your life wasn't endangered.

All had went silent once again and the feeling of dread wouldn't leave. The thought of being seen follow by a chance of death is just enough to take your breath away.

After a few minutes, he decided to be brave and took a look outside the locker.


She wasn't there no more.

Chibi: Phew....

Chibi exited the locker and took a breath of relief.

He was safe...


Chibi felt his breath hitched and his stomach curled.

Spoke too soon...

The scracthing noises were still heard...

Which means...

Chibi: (She's right behind me isn't she...)

She was still inside the room...

She was waiting for him to come out of the locker. She knew he was there.

Chibi quickly turned his head to find himself staring at the ghost in front of him.

She made a sickening smile.


Then she charged at him and made the most terrifying face that shock him inside and out. Her hair become disorganized and eyes turn red while opening her mouth to let out a menacingly shriek.


Chibi: AAAAAAAAAAH?!!!!!

Chibi closed his eyes and covered himself from whatever was about to come.


Nothing happened...

The attack didn't come...

Chibi open his eyes to see the Floating Head was gone.

Chibi:......So was she just there to scare me...?

Chibi looked around for anything out of the ordinary on his body.

Chibi: Arrgh!

There was a few scratches on his arms.

Chibi: So she did intended to harm me...At least she gone...For now...

Chibi decided it be best he don't stay here any longer. Because he had a feeling if he does. The Floating Head will return.

Spell Tag Acquired-2/7

Chibi exited the hall and stopped when he heard whimpering coming a few spaces away.

???: H-Hello? Is someone there?! Please help!

Someone was in trouble!!!

A/N: New Character.

Chibi followed the source of the voice.

Whoever was crying out for help had led him to a classroom. It was completely different to the other classrooms that he was in a few minutes ago. The floor was wooden, worn, and littered with holes of varying sizes. The aged walls were rotted yellow with decay.

Chibi squinted around for the voice once again before crying out to them.

Chibi: Hey! Are you here?!

At first, he received no answer until the voice spoke close by.

Voice: O-Over here....

As he got closer, he noticed the person  hiding underneath one of the desks. It was fairly dark, but he could make out the person's face.

It was a girl with fair skin, light short pink hair and glasses. She wore the same uniform as the other girls. Her expression was devoid of any horror but her red eyes were wide.

Chibi: A-Are you okay?

Girl: I-I'm fine. I was just hiding...

Chibi wondered who was she hiding from...One of the ghosts here in the school? Mei? Anything that could possibly pose as a threat?

He grimaced at the thought before looking back at the girl.

Chibi: W-Why would you calling out for help a minute ago?

The girl whimpered and pointed to another direction towards a corner.

There was someone else there.

Girl: M-My friend...

Chibi walks to the corner. He used his flashlight to get a better view of the other girl.

The young girl was lying motionless on the floor in front of them. She was much younger than the two, and had short, grey hair. But the thing that had Yukime's attention was her wrenched, twisted neck. She's been strangled as her neck was twist until her face was rendered onto her back. She died seemingly a few minutes, or even seconds ago....

Had the pink hair girl witnessed something and wasn't able to save her friend? Seems like it...

Chibi: W-What Happened?

Girl: *Sobs* M-Mei...S-She did this...She killed her...


The Dead One was the one who killed this girl?

Chibi felt sorry for her. Maybe. It be best if he takes her with him.

Staying here all alone isn't a good idea.

Chibi: How about you come with me...You'll be safer if we'll be together.

The girl looks at him a bit awestruck by his offering but nods.

Girl: O-Okay. Thank you.

Chibi: I'm Yukime Shirosaki...From Class 2-C.

Girl: I'm Yuri Watanabe from
Class 2-B. Nice to meet you too.

Chibi: Likewise.


After introductions, they both went back outside to observe their surroundings for ghosts.

Then they were soon called out by a familiar voice.

Kiyoshi: There you are! I'm been looking for you.

The eyepatch boy came running towards them. He send a suspicious glance at Yuri before looking back at Chibi.

Yuri: Umm...Hi?

Kiyoshi: Whose this?

Chibi: Kiyoshi, This is Yuri. I met her a few minutes ago...S-She's been through a lot...

Yuri: -Nods-

Kiyoshi: Hmmm...Alright then. But she's going to have to be careful for now on...Anything in this school could tear us to pieces the moment our guard is down.

Chibi: Gotcha.

Yuri: Y-Yeah...I'll be careful for now on.

Kiyoshi: So...The Floating Head. I see you made it out of her territory.

Chibi: Yes...Turns out. She does commit harm towards others but doesn't kill them.

Kiyoshi: Hmm...Some ghost do that to torment others. It's a way of just messing with people to make them lose their minds.

Chibi: (I almost lost mines the moment I saw her face up close...)

He still was traumatized from the jumpscare.

Kiyoshi: It is still a tragedy of what happened to her. Kids can sure be cruel. Especially to adults. Alright then. Without further ado. Let's get back to business. Yuri-san...Are you familiar with the seven mysteries?

The girl made a frown at that but nods.

Yuri: I heard stories about that but I never thought they be actually real. Just rumors...

Kiyoshi: Oh. They're real alright. Not just rumors. But no matter what the human eye would see. Most chose to remain stubborn when the supernatural is involved. They would ignore it. But no matter how hard they try...that really won't make anything better.

He has a point there...

Chibi: So...What's the next mystery?

Kiyoshi went quiet until he looks at the duo with a creepy grin that was most unpleasant to look at.

Kiyoshi: We're going to check out...the third mystery of Yongedu High...

Kuchisake Shonen:

The Slit Mouth Boy.


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