Epilogue - (3/4)

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A/N: A familiar timeline...

Kuro: Mei...

Mei Aishiteru...

Another lost soul to this horrible wretched world.

Another victim for those to take advantage of.

She's been bullied...





So many things had happened to her that the human mind couldn't even imagine...

Even in death, the girl still suffered.

Funny how Kuro thought he could be able to save her.

He was wrong.

Not only Mei's actions had caused those who wronged her to suffer.

But Kuro's actions had made things worse for everyone.

He couldn't recalled the many times he had to see Shouta died.

The many times Chibi was ripped away from existence.

The many times Yamada was blamed for the rape of Mei...even if he was part of it.

The many times Konami was crushed and eaten by the school.

The many times where Maki was tortured and dismembered.

The many times Erika became lost in the school.

The many times Tokime had blamed himself and became loss in guilt.

So on and so on.

The cycle of hatred had caused many lives to be ruined and destroyed. Violence so often begets violence. Victims respond with revenge only to inspire seemingly endless cycles of retaliation. Conflicts between nations, between ethnic groups, between strangers, and between family members differ in so many ways and yet often share this dynamic.

Another ironic scenario.

It could happened to anyone and affect their lifestyle around them. It can affect you deeply and ruined everything for you. Even transform you into a monster.

Kuro became one the day he killed his mother.

Mei became one after she was killed.

In reality...Everyone...is their own monster...

We are either fighting those demons inside us...or we are actually letting them out...

For the world to see our true colors...


Kuro then heard footsteps...

He couldn't believe it...

In all this chaos in the school...

Someone besides him is still alive...

He looked up from the infirmary room to see Koutarou-Sensei, Mei's uncle, appear from the door.

No words were exchanged between the two...

Because Kuro could see the distraught and broken expression on the man's face...

But.... Where's Nora-san... isn't she with him...?

.....Unless she's.....

Kuro: (Shit...)

Koutarou:.....Ahhhh...Is there...really nothing...We can do now...?

The man ignores Kuro as he softly puts his head to the wall...even from a distance, Kuro could tell he looked ready to cry...

He don't blame him...

After all they been through...

Koutarou let's his legs give in before collapsing to the ground. He then sits up before...much to Kuro's horror...

He pulls out a gun.

Koutarou: We're all doomed...Mei
...Mei is...

He puts the gun to his mouth....

And pulls the trigger.


After blowing his brains out, Koutarou-Sensei fell to the ground once more.

Blood was once again sprayed everywhere...

Some was even on Kuro...

Who didn't even flinched when the man killed himself.


Everything was once again in silence as Kuro got up.

Kuro: There's no hope for this world either...

???: There's no hope for you either...

Kuro: Eh?

Kuro turned to head to see...Another boy behind him...holding a gun and pointing it towards his head.

Kuro:.....Who are you? No wait a minute...you looked familiar...ah...I see...you're me...

The Second Kuro...The one with glasses and messy hair was the one who held the original Kuro had gunpoint.

Kuro: That's Right. It's nice to meet you, Kuro. Or should I say...Black Future.

Black Future.

The original name that Onizuka, their father, had gave them...

The One Who Created The Dimensional Timelines In The Labyrinth.

The One Who Turned Yongedu High Into A Murderous Cycle Of War.

Black Future: You caught on pretty quickly. So you're aware that I'm the one who created the timelines.

Kuro: All because for Mei...

Black Future: Yes...so you must understand why I have to do this-?!

Kuro: Actually. I do. But I can't do allow you to do this anymore.

The Original Kuro glared at him making the room the temperature freeze below zero. The Second Kuro didn't back down at glared back.

Killer intent raised everywhere.

Ideals vs Morals.

Black Future: Mei has to be saved!

Kuro: By putting other people in danger? It's time to let things go!

Black Future: You don't understand nor could you.

Kuro: Yeah...But I know you better because you are me.

Black Future: You're an anonymity from an alternate universe.

Kuro: But yet I do. Don't you understand the consequences of your actions. You put yourself in a time loop. An endless cycle of blood, murder, & revenge that is not needed.

Black Future: Weren't you like that too. The demon blood runs deep in your veins. Just like it does with mine. The blood thirst...the carvings...it will never end...Mei was the only look one who was able to abolished that thirst....

She made us feel whole...

She made us feel safe...

She made us feel...HUMAN.

Kuro: We don't have to be this way...

Black Future: You may say that...but here's the thing. You wish to save your world. But you must understand. Without Mei by your side, you will become unhappy. Unsatisfied...unfulfilled...


Black Future: Do you really want a future like that? When I can create a timeline for you...where Mei is alive. Healthy. Well-Nutured. Don't you want that...Surrounded by the people we care about. The ones we went through hell and back to try save but to no avail. A wonderland where she's happy and existing?

Kuro:.....Wonderland? A wonderland where she exist?

Black Future: Yes...Wouldn't that sound fascinating...?

Kuro: Bullshit!

Black Future: ?!

Kuro: I don't need it...My Mei has already passed on to the afterlife...she is freed from her suffering...and I am okay with that. Tell me...once you actually create a timeline where she is still alive...wouldn't she just suffer more?

Black Future:....

Kuro: Besides...Wonderland? Seriously? There's one thing we both should remember... Wonderland is nothing more but a fairytale. A fairytale where all things innocent and beautiful...Is not always what it seems...

Because they both saw it all...

How others become their own monsters just to fight for their own dreams.

Is this really wonderland?

A world where dreams do come true...? Sounds like something out a fantasy...Then that means won't the nightmares come true as well?

A wonderland where nothing as it seems? A place where dreams & nightmares toss you up and smash you down to smithereens.

Thousands or even millions of souls screaming in pain, hatred, anguish, & despair.

Flesh ripping apart...Limbs torn apart...

blood pouring down everywhere like fine wine in a glass...

Gore & organs shown in display for all to see...

He can already picture it...

Because example...Mei.

Mei was a victim in all that. She had a dream too. A dream where she could be freed from her lifestyle. A life where people control you.

That's why you should stop hesitating...

Because you should chase your dreams before they lose them...

Kuro: Not everyone dreams can come true...it's time to face reality...for Mei...don't you want to make her happy?

Black Future:....But I love Mei...I want to be with her...

Kuro:....Your love for her...was obsession...

Black Future: ?!

Kuro: I hate to admit it but I guess we are no different from Kirishima-Sensei. She killed Mei for her "love" for Koutarou-Sensei. We killed other students and made them suffer. No matter how much we want to wash away the horror...even if Mei is no longer getting bullied...

The cycle of bullying will NEVER end.

Someone will always start it back up...

There will always be bullies like Maki, Erika, Hinata, Yuri, & others out there.

And there will be victims like Mei, Chibi, Lars, & others out there...hesitanting to break free from that cycld.

Kuro: Again? You call all this suffering WONDERLAND? That sounds like a false paradise created in our image. We been playing "GOD" for far too long...Mei deserves to be happy...so it's time things go...

Black Future:....

Shadows of past versions of Kuro all appeared around the dark void. They all look sad...

Black Future: I see...even though I want to cling onto hope that there could be a way to be by her side...To keep her alive...There isn't...

Kuro: There is a way...but this isn't it...

The Second Kuro point the gun towards the original's head.

Kuro: I can assure you... Even if she's dead. She'll always remain alive in our memories...

Black Future didn't say anything else...but smiled...

Kuro: Sayonara...Black Future...



Kuro: The Time Loop Has Been Stopped...It's Finally Over, Mei...

While Kuro begin to shut his eyes, he heard Onizuka nearby whom watched the whole thing with a lovely yet sinsiter smile.

Onizuka: You have exceeded my expectations, my son. For now, you will carve on your own path. I'll leave everything to you.

Before Kuro could even muster what he meant by those words. The elder demon vanished without a trace.






Onizuka: My work here is done.

Kuro: *Glares* You didn't even do anything, Fuzzy Fucker.

Onizuka: *Disappears and leaves*

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