Epilogue - (4/4)

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A/N: The final chapter...

Kuro opens his eyes and looked around to see Shouta, Chibi, & Saya all waiting for him...

Shouta: Kuro! Did you do it?!

Saya: Is it...over?

Kuro:...Yeah. I took care of it. I found the other me and...I ended him before he could make another timeline. 

Chibi: So...He's Gone?

Kuro: Yes...He finally let go of the past that held on for thousands of years...and moved on. 

Shouta: Man...Thousands of years. He been doing all this time loop business for that long. That's just crazy. 

Saya: Yeah...I would've found it hard to believe but these things do happen...Seems things are just best left unnoticeable...

Chibi: So, this means Mei can finally move on to the afterlife.

Kuro: Yes. For good this time. She is freed from doubt and sin. Everyone who had been caught in the crossfire...Tokime...Natsuki...Yamada...Konami...They will also be send to the afterlife...but however, those who done Mei harm...Maki, Erika, Yuri, Hinata....They will suffer for their crimes for all eternity in HELL. 

Saya: Couldn't have said it any better myself.

Shouta: Whoo...All of this crazy shit going on...getting trap in a labyrinth...me dying and coming back to life... time loop...This is all just too much for my head...

Chibi: Same dude...

Saya: I'm just glad all of this is over...

Shouta: What about you Kuro? How do you feel about all this?

Kuro:...Like a weight was lifted off my chest... But...I'm just glad to know Mei & the others will be good hands...As they finally found a place where they will be loved.

Shouta/Saya/Chibi: Yeah...

Kuro:....Oh well...Time to go back to boring old school life...

Chibi: Yep...

Shouta: Well it ain't too bad! I mean come on guys! We can still have fun! After all...

He pulled Chibi the arm.

Shouta: We got Chibi, there's so many adventures await! Life doesn't have to be depressing! We can make the most of it...together!

Saya:...Heh. I hate to agree with the pervert. But he does make a point. I think I'll stay a little while at Yonedgu. 

Chibi: Y-Yeah! I'll go anywhere with you guys! 

Shouta: Then that settles it! Let's go do something fun! Like hiking in the mountains! Going to the arcade! Karoke! What do you say Kuro?


A genuine smile came on Kuro's face. He was given this second chance. Mei may be gone. But for her sake, It was best to enjoy the little things in life. 

Nothing last forever. Make sure to cherish what you have.

Kuro: Of course Shouta.

Shouta grinned ear from ear. 

Saya: Alright then. Sounds like a party! Let's invite Airi-chan to come hang out with us. She deserves it after all that scumbag senpai put her through.

Chibi: *Friends* This is nice...hanging out with friends...

Shouta: That's right Chibi! Let's check up like old times! Let's be jolly and silly together!

Saya: Better not do something perverted Shouta.

Shouta: *Pouts* Yes Ma'am...

Chibi: Let's you have fun...for Mei?

The three turned their heads to Kuro as if waiting for confirmation to which he agreed.

Kuro: *Smiles* Yeah...For Mei...

-20 Years Later-


Man: Ahhhhhh!!! Stop!!!


???: Oh? But isn't that what that woman in your bed who you had beaten senselessly was saying a few minutes ago...?


Man: S-Stop It! You'll hear from my lawyer for this! I have you arrested for assault! Do you know how I am?!


The man dressed in red and black glared down at the other half naked male who he had severely beaten his face. His red eyes beamed through the dark staring down at the scared worthless man like an hungry predator eyeing their prey.

Man: I heard so much about you. Takagi Tamashiro. Age: 34. Son of the previous chairman to an large company who recently died from an car accident. So he offered all his heritage to his son...but sadly...his son seems to care about abusing and hitting women to submit to him instead of taking care of the company. In fact, you were waiting to day your father die in order to make sure you have all the money in the world.

Takagi: W-What's it to you?!

Man: You like punching, don't you?
When people don't give you what you want. You resort to violence like an angry dog who can't get his chew toy. So...let's try this again...

"Let's see how you like it?"


Takagi: AHHHHHHHHH!!! My face! My beautiful face!!!

Man: Urusai...




Takagi: Mah...teeh...I-It hrtts...P-Peasse...Sop...(My Teeth...It hurts...Please...Stop...)

Man: Oh...? But isn't that what the woman also but did you stop? No...I don't think so!





Man: Don't bother calling for help...Wanna know how I gotten into your home? Well...

The man leveled himself to Takagi's destroyed face.

Man: Let's just say your guards are no longer in a position to help you no more...they are either dead or unconscious...

Takagi: Ah...Ah...Ah....

Man: Is this really how people live their lives? What an horrible sight...

He looked down at the woman who was in bed only wearing a bra but her lower parts were showing. But her face no longer looked recognizable..
Blood was pouring down her face from the beatings Takagi gave her...

Man: You're a sick little man...me beating you is wrong? Try being in that woman's shoes. Is she one of your maids? Co-workers? Secretary? She probably had a family to go home too. But do you care? No. Because none of those things ever crossed your mind. The only things in your brain that you set upon is money, power, and sex. That's how it always been in society...assholes like you only care about politics. Your liberal smugness is the reason why it's to blame for our political climate.

Takagi: Ah...ah...Ah...

Man: I think I've done my part here...Now it's time to take out the trash...scum like you are unworthy to live.

Takagi: W-Wait...What is it that you want? Do you want money! I can give you all the money you want? I could make my personal bodyguard! Or woman...I can give you all the woman you desire! Even my sister! I never liked her anyway!

Man: You make me sick...Pitiful creature you are...lost in the darkness...bring horrid pain to others...Let hell carry this damned for soul wallowing in his sins...

The red eyes glowed...

Takagi: *Whimpers* No...No...

Man: Perhaps...It's Time To Die.

The man sent a powerful punch into Takagi's heart. A large part of his body exploded upon impact. Blood spilled everywhere as Takagi fallen to the ground, writhed in lots of pain while he lie there in his dying breath.


Man: Laid there and suffer...

The man looked down at his dress shoe. It had blood and drool on it.

Man: Great...I got his filth on me...

He pulled out an small cloth before cleaning his shoe. Then he heard his phone ring. He looked at the caller ID and scoffed.

Man: What do you want Shouta? I'm busy...

Shouta: Hmph! Is that how you answer my phone calls?! I had a schedule meeting to discuss the management of the idol department...after that meeting, I'm bored and utterly exhausted so I decided to call my best friend because I'm worried about him and what does he do...he scoffs at me for worrying? You sir, are a complete dickward.

The man rolled his eyes.

Shouta: I'm just wanted to see how you were doing... It's been a while since we talked...

Kuro: I know...I'm doing fine...Just mandatory work...

Shouta: How's the kids doing?

Kuro: Ah... they're doing fine...

Despite over his loss of Mei, Kuro was able to finally settle down. 

Shouta: Nice~~~!

Kuro: Oh and the kids...They wouldn't shut up about wanting to see you onstage.

Shouta: Yes~! Well, my next debut is in Kyoto.

Shouta: Looks like the whole family is doing fine. 

Kuro: Yeah...but what about you? I heard you & Saya are finally dating.

Shouta: Yes! And I'm happy~~~! I'm so glad she was the one who ASKED me out! Did you heard what she did to Miao.

Mei's brother? Oh he heard alright. The fucker didn't stand a chance when Saya learned he paid Hinata to get rid of her back in the Labyrinth. 

Yep. That's right. He was the culprit behind the whole thing. Let's just say the Aishiteru Family will be out of business for a very very long time...after all...he had helped.


*Kuro's Pov*

???: YOU!

My dress tie has been grabbed by a hand of someone I despised. I knew exactly who it was. Miao Aishiteru...


Me: What are you talking about? Quit spitting in my face!

Miao: I know it was you! You're the one who rat me out! You're gonna regret that Mirai!

I sighed in annoyance. I knew what he was talking about. This little bug got pissy because everyone now knows he's responsible for the Moon Tower Fire Incident.

Since Akuno Honda and Imori Kagura, the other culprits, are gone. He's the only one that can be held accountable for his crimes!


Kuro: False sense? Is that how you see my work?

Miao: Shut up! You...! Just like my dead sister! I hate you so much! How dare you throw away all good money for some petty sense of justice?!

Kuro: Oh? Is that what you think this is all about? Sorry to break it to you but I wasn't the one who ratted you out. Someone else did. BTW, last time I checked...you and your rotten family disowned Mei and Koutarou-Sensei...No...let me scratch that...

"They disowned you guys so you can't control us..."

Miao: Grrr...

This arrogant man gritted his teeth and his fist clenched.

How cute. It looks like he wants to punch me. Even if he showing anger. I can see his body shaking a little...

He's scared of me.

Kuro: Also...Based on your accusations. I've never intended to make you guilty. To you guys, money and power is everything. But take a good look around Miao Aishiteru...

"Everyone knows what you done..."

Miao: H-Huh? Nani?!

This man...even after 20 years...he's so fucking stupid. I swear his arrogance and superiority complex towards his own sister is probably what made him stupid.

Me: At least I can agree with you. Money is everything. With the way the world is now. People can't live without money. It is the source of greed. However, you can lose all that money if you commit a crime. Even the most richest family in the world wouldn't be able to get away with murder as long as I'm around...

Plus...I can thank Saya for giving me the evidence.

Me: Take a good look on the internet. Your stock prices at your business will soon be pummeled down the drain.

Miao: You...You...!

Me: The jurors in court have spread the rumors everywhere.

"Miao Aishiteru- The head of Moon Tower Cooperation turned out to be one responsible for the Moon Tower Massacre".

Imagine the scandals that will be held aganist him...

Me: Fufufu~! Your family's position won't be able to save you now~! I hope you enjoy living on the streets....a man your age in that condition would be pretty pathetic or maybe they'll give you a nice cell to sleep in~!

Now that his crimes came to board daylight. He most likely brought shame to his family and now no one would help him.

Miao: You...Bastard...!

Oh...here it comes~!

He gonna try and punch me out of frustration. I stopped his hand and crushed it. He let's out a soul-shattering scream.

I licked my lips as my red eyes stared down at the pathetic man who was crying while holding his wrist. He looked at me in fear.

Miao: M-Monster!!!

Monster, huh? It's been a while since I've heard that name. It's either that or demon.

My eyes glowed red once again as I out him through an illusion. He begin to scream like he was being tortured.

After a couple of seconds, Miao Aishiteru blacked out.

Me:...Well that wasn't any fun. I'll just let the police deal with you.

I called the police and gave them the street where me and Miao are at. They'll be here any minute. Saya, whose now in charge of the federal bureau of investigation would love to have some words for hi.....


~Third's Pov~

Kuro: Now that he's out of the picture. I'm sure maybe someone will take over at Moon Tower for him. Tbh, a lot of people Miao Aishiteru gone anyway. I wonder if prison is the right punishment for him...

Shouta: Yeah...If Mei was here...I wonder what she would've thought of her brother getting sent to prison...

Kuro: She probably would've thought he deserved it... Oh wow...can't believe twenty years have changed...

Shouta: I know right...and look at our friends. I heard Chibi became a mangaka. I didn't think he were gay til I found out he had a boyfriend...

Kuro: (Chibi used to have feelings for me though...at least this boyfriend of his will keep him company despite his mangaka career.)

Shouta: Airi-chan is now in charge of her Yakuza Clan. Lars-kun is became her bodyguard and finally, Koutarou-Sensei and Nora-san also settled down. I didn't think those two would become a pairing. 

Kuro: Same...

Shouta: So what are your plans now, Mr. Principal~~~!

Despite being a part-time assassin, Kuro was now the Principal at Yongedu High. Now that Onizuka had made Kuro the successor. This was Kuro's chance to make sure the same tragedy wouldn't happen again.

Kuro: Right now...I got plans to come home later...my family needs me...

Shouta: Of course dude! And I got plans to make for my next song. I went from teen idol to successful idol in under ten years. Once I've retire, I'll soon start taking over as Idol Manager to inspire others to be idols too.

Kuro: Yeah yeah. You do that Shouta. Have fun.

Shouta: Thanks you too bud. Let's try to have some fun on the weekend together. Probably go out for drinks or talk about our day at the parlor. Like we always do.

Kuro: Alright...see you soon...

Kuro hunged up on Shouta after that...

Kuro: At least everyone is doing fine...but for me...the business I have is personal...that only Mei and a few others know...

Kuro looks at all the contacts he needed to see...these people...all these corrupted people...the stain of society...

A good question is...

Are you right or self-righteous?

Kuro: Hmm...As usual, terrible things can still happen. Children abducted at a young age, people losing their jobs to negative influence, crooks, killers, and people who act like monsters everywhere....







All wrapped up in violence...

Nightmares turned into reality...

And swallowed up into hell...

Reality is no different from the labyrinth.

Humans all love to hate...

Nobody Needs A Reason...

Kuro's eye turned red again...

Kuro: Even if I die trying...like a parasite, the other Kuros will take over for me...

The World Was Now...At The Palm Of His Hand...

Kuro: In order to make society a better place... It's get I best get rid of the 'filth' in this reality. I may have done my part...but now...

It's Your Turn...



Somewhere...at another school...

There stood a classroom...a girl with fair skin, long black hair, & wearing a girl sailor fuku outfit sat in her seat minding her own business while looking her phone without a care in the world...

She felt like her life at school was just plain, dull, & boring...

???: Oi! Kurome!


Her black eyes turned to attention of two students.

Male Student: Hey...Do you remember that kid Ibuki...

Kurome: You mean the one kid that sit in the back...the one who been bullied since the start of the school year. That Ibuki?

Female Student: Yeah...for some reason he's been missing for over two months...

Kurome: Really?!

Male Student: Yeah...His parents called the school notifying that he never came back home on Friday, the day he vanished...

Female Student: I think I last saw him being taken away from one co the bullies earlier that day....you don't think they...

Male Student: Shhhh. We're not supposed to talk about that...Do you want to get bullied too? What if they hear you?

Female Student: Yeah... You're right... do you think he ran away...?


Male Student: I would too if I was in his shoes...the only thing that's left of him is the horrible words on his desk...

Kurome looked over at the empty desk containing horrible words carved on the wood.




We're Coming For You...

We Hate You...

Nobody Likes You...

It's Better That You Just Die Already...

Go KILL Yourself...

Kurome: How horrible...(Disgusting Behavior...)

Male Student: Yeah it sucks... it's better that we don't say anything. Not even the teachers would do anything to help... Let's just go...Just forget about him...

Female Student: ...Okay....


She watched as her classmates go back to their own desks...she couldn't help but shake her head. Forget about him? Ignore the problem? Really? 

Kurome: (As usual...Father was right. He's alwaydps right. People will never change. Year after year, humanity starts to sunk to the lowest of the low. Bullies. Victims. Bystanders. The world is full of grey. They're just lucky it ain't happening to them...but that doesn't mean their problems are over...Because after all...)

"I'm never deserve this..."

"I thought you were my friends...You promised to help...you cowards..."

"I hAtE yOu....I wIlL KIlL yOu ALL!!!!!"

Kurome: One Story Closes...Another One Opens...The Dead One Will Come Back...

Her eyes glowed red and demonic smirk came on her face.


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