Chapter 15

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Her grey eyes were once again emotionless and she was wearing her school uniform.

The gut feeling came back...

Kuro knew something was wrong...terribly wrong...

Kuro: Mei....What happened to you...?


Kuro couldn't bare to see her in this state, he gestured for her to come in to which silently but gladly did.

Kuro told her that he's gonna get towels and prepare a warm bath for her.


Kuro: Would you be okay with that?

Mei:...That'll be fine...

Kuro nodded and goes towards the bathroom.

Sometime after letting Mei freshen up. He told her the bath was ready.

Reclusivity filled the girl in one setting as she felt pretty awkward taking a bath in another boy's house.

After all, they are alone...

But she trusts Kuro...

Unlike the other boys at school...

He showed her nothing but kindness...

Something that Yamada never done...

After Kuro gave her space, she begin to stripped out of her wet clothes and started to clean herself to prepare for the bath.

A/N: From what I've heard. Japanese bathrooms, or "ofuroba," are very different to bathrooms in the West, and in this day and age they also come with a whole host of cool tech. And it turns out...You gotta wash yourself before you take a bath. Both the sink, toilet, and bath are in separate rooms. The sink is usually in a small changing area connected to the bathroom that also has the washing machine, while the toilet is completely separate. What are the odds of that...


After finishing cleaning herself, she goes into the tub and let out an sigh of relief as Kuro called out to her.

Kuro: Are you okay?

Mei: I'm fine....



Kuro wasn't sure what to make of it. This whole conversation turned really awkward. He didn't know what to say to her. This was the first time he invited her into his house.

This lead him to blush for a moment.

A his house...alone with him...

If Shouta hears about this, this could go two ways.

1. The boy will relentlessly tease him about letting Mei stay there. He knew how much Kuro is fond of Mei even if the boy denies it.


2. Shouta will become jealous and tried to strangle Kuro like 'HOW DARE YOU GET A GIRLFRIEND BEFORE ME!' since everyone knows Shouta wants a girlfriend but fails miserably due to his dumb perverted personality.

Mei: Kuro...

Kuro: Ah...Yes.

Mei:....My father...

Kuro: Eh?

Mei:.... It's my father...that hurt me this time....

Kuro felt the same rage boiling inside him. He felt so angry at himself for forgetting about this. How could he forget about Mei's family whom are twice as horrible than Maki, Hinata, Kirishima, and so many others who had the nerve to make Mei a doormat.

Kuro:....What happened Mei...



Koutarou: The Aishiteru Family was never on my side the moment our Great-Grandfather became a gold digger and lied his way through every history book to make the family became the way it is today.

The family...never even knew what love is...

They made my life an living hell...

They did the her...


The sound echoed throughout the room as Mei screamed before falling to the ground.

Father: You're a disgrace to this family. Just like your good-for-nothing uncle.

Mei: What did I do....?

Father: What did you do...? You made this family look bad by letting yourself become a whore!


Father: You think I wouldn't find out about your little scandals with my brother. Honestly, I can't believe I raised such an idiotic daughter. Why can't you be like your twin brother.

Meanwhile, her twin brother was a few yards away, smirking. Watching Mei get in trouble was amusing.

Her mother was also there. Both Mei's parents had black hair like Mei did. But she inherited her mother's grey eyes and skin color. Which was pale. Her brother had black eyes and fair skin like their father did.

Father: I can't even look at you in face without feeling disgusted.

Mei flinched at her father continhed to berate her.

Father: You're nothing but a pathetic little whore. If I ever see you so much as try to abide from my rules! You will be sorry!!! Are. We. Clear?!

Mei: Yes father...

Father: Good. I have a meeting to go too. 


Father: Don't ever embarrassed me again, you shameful slut.


Her father left. Her mother also left too. She wouldn't even look at Mei in the face.

Mei was about to get ready for bed that night when all of a sudden, her brother dropped her behind.

Mei: M-Miao!

Miao: Shut up bitch!

Miao grabbed her head and held her down onto the bed.

He then begin to choke her as she lets out a small scream.

Miao: Why did you have to be born?! He never pays attention to me unless it involves! You really must be a whore! You live for attention and take it away from everyone else! Why don't you do the world a favor and die!

Her psychotic brother continued to choke Mei until he decided to physically abuse her. He punched and kick Mei everywhere from her face to her abdomen.

The rest of the night didn't end so well....

-End Flashback-

Kuro: Oh Mei....

Mei:.....Besides my uncle...Even my own family hates me...they don't care about long as it's nothing about them...but once it is...they look for the first scrape goat they could find...and I was guinea pig...


Living under the Aishiteru Family was worse than Kuro thought...

Mei was in a dysfunctional family can have lasting psychological effects that are carried into adulthood. 
Children who grow up in
dysfunctional families: Lack the carefree and childlike attitude because they are expected to take up responsibilities early in their life. They are expected to behave like an adult. Which is why Mei hardly had an childhood. Her father put a lot of pressure on her...her mother barely even looks at her and her brother abuses her daily all because he never gets the attention he wants.

None of them even cared if Mei was being bullied at school....

Heck...They probably wouldn't even care if she was gone...

Kuro had to help her... Because he knew what it was like living in a such a toxic family. Too bad, they never bother to even show up anymore...

But he's at least glad the bitch that tried to kill him years ago is six feet under and visa versa.

Kuro: would you like to stay here for the night?

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