Chapter 16

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It's been a week since Kuro allowed Mei to stay with him. Anything to keep her away from her abusive family.

He talked to Koutarou-Sensei about it and the man was furious. He told Kuro that the next time he sees his brother, he's going to have words.

Shouta had recently heard and he was jealous.

Shouta: You jerk! You have a girl to go with you at home! No fair!

Kuro rolled his eyes.

Kuro: We'll see you at school.

Shouta: Hey! Don't hang up on me!

*Hangs up*

Shouta: And he hangs up....

Although, Shouta couldn't help but smile. Kuro and Mei together. He definitely saw that coming. That's why he shipped them together.

Shouta: Took him long enough though. Told ya I was the best wingman ever~!

-The Dead One-

Kuro: Mei...? Are you sure you'll be okay cooking breakfast.

Mei: Hehehe. Of course silly! You should get some good food in your belly.

Mei's cooking was delicious to Kuro. Shouta kept exclaiming how lucky he was to have a housewife.

Kuro blushed. Mei did seem like 'Wife Material' or in Shouta's case: 'Waifu Material'.

Over the past week. Mei has shown waifu material. She is educated, can hold her own in a conversation (sometimes). She has put Kuro's needs first.

The boy actually felt lucky to have someone like her.

She cooks, cleans, and handles money really well. (Due to being rich has it's perks.)

So yes, she was waifu material.

Kuro watched as Mei sat down with pancakes, sasuages, bacon, and grits.

Mei: Hope you enjoy~~!

Kuro did felt really hungry staring at the food.

Kuro: The food looks delicious, Mei. You did a splendid job.

Mei: *Smiles*... You're welcome.

Kuro: Itadakimasu.


Kuro: ???

Mei: Kuro...I...wanted to ask you something?

Kuro: Umm...Yeah. What is it?

Mei's lip was quivering as she puts her palm to her chest and let's out a small shout.

Mei: D-Do you see me as a woman?!!


That question caught Kuro off guard.

Does he...see Mei as a woman?

It was a good question...He wasn't sure how to answer that. Kuro was never good at showing his emotions. Unless it involved Shouta. When he around others,he shows constructive criticism.

But...Mei was different. Once he's around her. He lowers his boundaries and softens up.

He had no choice but to repeat back what she said in his own words...

Kuro: Are...Are you asking what do I think of you...?


Kuro: *Blushes* W-Well....(Oh Fuck...I'm stuttering...I never...did that before...)


Kuro: I...I think you're really pretty Mei...and yes I see you as a woman.

There...He said it...

Mei: Kuro...

Kuro: A-Also...I think you're more than just pretty. I think you're kind, loving, intellectual, loyal, and considerate and I'm lucky to have someone like you around.


Kuro: I-I'm sorry. Was it something I said...?

Mei: *Smiles* No. I'm glad. I'm so happy. Because...No one has ever said that about me...

Kuro:....Not even Yamada?

Mei shook her head. When they were dating, she was pretty sure Yamada only cared about her looks and her body. That's why he went for Konami. Because he thought she was sexier than Mei and he wanted girls that were more prettier than the last.

That's what most guys and some girls would always do nowadays...

If they get tired of you. They move onto someone else and that's just cheating...

But it wasn't like Mei was talking in some code. She just wanted him to understand.

Like Kuro, Mei also had trust issues due to the fact that everyone she meets just verbally, physically, or mentally abused her in order to make her submit.

Kuro is definitely aware because of what he saw back the other worlds...He still don't want to tell Mei yet. In fact...He didn't want to tell her at all.

It's best you don't know won't hurt you...right?

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Kuro went over to it to see it was just Koutarou-Sensei.

Koutarou: Ah. Kuro-kun.

Kuro: Hi Koutarou-Sensei.

Mei: Oji-san...?

Koutarou: Hi Mei. Just came to check up on you. I'm glad to see that Kuro's been treating you well.

Kuro clicked his tongue in annoyance as Mei giggled.

Mei: Would you like some tea Oji-san?

Koutarou: Yes. That would be lovely, Mei.

The girl skips lightly to the kitchen as the two men begin to talk.

Koutarou: It's great to see she's looking lively again.

Kuro: Yeah...

Koutarou:....Have you told her yet?

Kuro: No...

Koutarou: She needs to know, Kuro-kun....

Kuro:....I don't want her to get hurt again....

Koutarou: But keeping the truth from her will hurt you both in the future. Telling her now would make it easier.

Kuro: I just...don't know...I'm just scared of losing her and everyone else again...

Koutarou made a small smile. He can tell Kuro was a good person despite what his classmates used to say about him.

Koutarou: You're a good kid Kuro-kun, but your still young. It's really painful to see someone your age forced to grow up and become so mature. You need a time to relax and who knows...maybe have a little freedom.

Kuro: Eh?

Koutarou: Don't forget that you're human. intense anxiety and self doubt can make a person feel like they are losing their mind, but it does not mean a person is actually losing their mind. In many cases, it just means they are human.


Koutarou: Both you and Mei have gone through a lot. When a person survives emotional or physical pain, they are better able to empathize with others who are feeling similar shame, pain, and loss. Stick together. Depth and intensity of emotion is a gift. Survive the painful emotions, use them to understand and help others, and remind the superficial souls that deep thought stems from deep feeling, and it is what the world needs most. So... in a sense...You and Mei need each other...

Kuro: I see...

Koutarou: Tell Me...Do you really love Mei? Please be honest.

Kuro:....I do. Like Shouta, She...was one of the few people that saved me from myself. I'm... returning the favor.

The doctor stayed quiet for a moment before smiling. From that moment, he can tell Mei was in good hands.

Mei came out with the tea and Koutarou glady took it. Kuro had excused himself for a moment and walked outside.

Mei: ???

Koutarou: He such a good boy. You really must have your hands full, Mei.

Mei: Eh? What do you mean by that, Oji-san.

Koutarou took a sip from his tea before looking at his niece.

Koutarou: What I'm saying is... It's a dark world out there Mei. Stay by Kuro's side at all times.



Kuro was blushing red. He openly admitted to the doctor that he loved Mei.

Steam was blowing out from his ears and nose from embarrassment as his face turned bright red like an shounen anime character.

Kuro: I...what...why did I... actually said it...shit...fuck...what should I...crap!

Even though Kuro felt obligated to have Mei close to him...

But still...With him in denial...there was something sinster going on about Mei....


So where not too far...

???: So we meet again...

???: Tch...I can't believe I managed to get out of that mess...

???: Whatever. I can't believe we're going to work together. But thanks to her bailing me out. I was able to escape that hellhole.

???: I guess your parents didn't bail you out because they didn't want to the public to know what a shameful daughter they have~!

???: Shut your bitch ass up! Anyway. I owe the girl for helping me...even if she is annoying.

???: How did she even find the money to bail you out?

???: Don't Know... Don't Care...

???: So...we're sticking to the plan.

???: Yep...We lost everything because of her. Now it's time we get our revenge.

???: Excellent...

???: That little bitch won't know what hurt her~!

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