Chapter 17

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Kuro: Shouta! YOU IDIOT!

Kuro had yelled while chasing Shouta with a paper fan as Shouta had a bra in his hand. He had just stolen the panties from a girl after caught in the female's bathroom.


Kuro: Get back hereyou dirty pervert!

Mei stopped and stared at the two with a smile on her face. Those two never change.

She then realized that Tokime was there idly standing close by with books in his hands. She greeted him.

Mei: Oh, Good Morning Shinozaki-kun.

Tokime: Good Morning, Aishiteru-san! I hope you are doing fine this morning.

Mei: Likewise.

Yamada was close by with holding some books too.

Mei: Oh...Hi Ryo-kun...

Yamada: H-Hey Mei...

There was an awkward silence between them. Tokime coughed awkwardly to get their attention.

Tokime: Yamada-kun here is helping me with stack some books up for the library.

Mei: R-Really?

Mei turned to Yamada.

Mei: I though you hated reading...

Yamada: Well...I did but...I decided to change my life around and start working hard in school...for Yuki...

Mei smiled. She was relived to hear that his brother is alright.

Yamada: are you doing, Mei?

Mei: Pleasantly Well...



Tokime: Well it's great to know that you're recovering. I hope Mirai and some counseling had been treating you well. Every student needs to be healthy in order to get a good education. I won't rest until everyone in this school is working hard.

Yamada: Yeah yeah...

Tokime: Yamada...Are you even listening.

The ex-delinquent was on his phone.

Yamada: Eh? You say something.

Tokime: Yamada?!! Do you want me to take your phone.


The two begin to argue as Mei shook her head in acknowledgement.

Mei: Well... It's good to see you two becoming close friends.

That stopped their arguing as they looked at the girl.

Tokime: Yeah...Somewhat.

Yamada: Pfft...Whatever...

Then the school bell rang as Shouta called out to her.

Shouta: Hey, Mei!

Mei: Yes?

Shouta: Let's have lunch together at the rooftop!


It was lunch time as the classes ended the brown haired boy, remained from his seat for a little while then he sat up. Then he saw Mei.

Shouta: Mei!

Mei stopped at the corner and looked at him.

Shouta: So where are you heading for lunch?

Mei: To the rooftop with some friends...


Shouta: I see, I'll be meeting my friends too at the rooftop, want to come together?

Shouta nodded and they went to the rooftop.

Shouta: It's locked.

Mei: I guess, they're not here yet. What a disappointment.

Shouta: Yeah, maybe I asked the principal if I could use the rooftop for some fresh air after the practice and he could gave me the keys.

Mei: Can you really do that?

Shouta: Yep. This is usually the spot I hang out at if I'm bored. I talk to Kuro there sometimes. Ya know, talk about our lives together, our childhood, our other friends including Chibi, our goals, our take over the planet someday. Lol.

Mei: Wow...

Shouta: Life is just too short sometimes. So it's best we all try to live our own time to the fullest before our time is up. So once I become an idol. I'm going to write a lot of songs about the adventures of life~~~!

Mei: That's cool, Shouta-kun~!



Shouta: Why are you so silent Mei...? Like really silent. Is something wrong?

Mei: Oh, it's nothing really...

"Attention Whore"


Shouta: O-okay then. How about we eat our lunch and go see Kuro later on, I guess, Natsuki and Konami will not arrive....

Mei: You know them?

Shouta: Yes, I just met up Konami yesterday and Natsuki this morning...*Crying* both girls turned down my advantage.

Mei smiled.

Mei: I see, they're my friends too.



Shouta: Oh really? The world really is small.

Shouta chuckled and Mei giggles.


The voices won't leave her alone....


Mei was sleeping in the futon next to Kuro's. He was so kind to set in down for her.

She couldn't think of the last time he had a good night sleep. She always went to bed crying after days of being either abused or bullied.

But now...all of that was over...


.....or not...

Mei's eyes sprung awake...


She gets out of bed and stares at Kuro's sleeping form in a creepily matter for two hours before going downstairs.

She walked out of the house and into the streets....

She continued walking in a daze into she found herself in a dark alleyway...

Little did she know...she was being three familiar people who lives were now miserable...

Maki: There she is...

Hinata: Finally...We're finally going to get our revenge...

Maki Urabe and Hinata Otonoki had teamed up. Thanks to Yuri Watanabe's undying loyalty. She brought the two of them together and came up with a plan to get rid of Mei...once and for all...

Maki: Good job Yuri.

Yuri: Thank you Maki-sama.

Hinata: After everything we been through, let's put that bitch in her place.

They were going to kill her tonight.


Mei walks down the quiet desolate street. It's much harder not to fall asleep when she's moving. It felt like something is pulling her. It's so magnetic. She's incredibly numb in both hands and feet. Once she reaches the end of the alleyway.

Maki, Yuri, and Hinata came up behind her.

Maki: Hey Mei~! It's been a while.


Hinata: What? Got nothing to say, Aishiteru-chan~! We got you cornered. No where to run.


Maki: Hah? You think you can ignore us! Pretty gutsy of you, whore!

Yuri: Stop ignoring Maki-sama you little bitch!


Maki got angry and pulled an gun out and aimed at Mei's head.

Maki: You're going to die and go to hell where you deserve. I'm sick of you ruining my life. I had everything. But thanks to you, I lost it.

Yuri: You still have me Maki-sama!

Maki: Shut up Yuri! It's time I finally get back what I deserve.

Hinata: Just kill her already. That way Kuro can suffer for what he done to us as well~!

Maki: Hehehehe. I can't wait to see the look on his face when Mei's ugly face is all over the news. Any last words, slut?


Maki: Alright then...Goodbye Mei~~~! See you in hell.



Yuri: Maki-sama...?

Hinata: What the....?

An heavy blow was heard as Maki looked at....what was left of her arm...nothing but a bleeding stump...


Maki screamed in immense agony before falling to the ground holding the stump.


Hinata: W-What the hell is going on?!

The three looked at Mei in horror. The soil on the ground was glowing white, with plumes of red floating upwards. The three looked upon the scene in fear.

Then, a black cloud slowly emerged from the ground, hovering far overhead the crowd. At first, it seemed to be nothing more than that: a black cloud. The cloud started to stretch and twist into a new form...

Maki: W-What the hell-?!


Maki didn't get the time to shout as her head fell into Yuri's arms.

The girl let out an bloodcurdling scream as Hinata decided to make a run for it.

Yuri: H-Hinata-Senpai....?

The dark cloud lunged for Yuri.

Her screams echoed throughout the alleyway.

Hinata continued running for dear life.

Hinata: I gotta get out of here!

He continued running blindly not even looking where he was going...

Hinata: Where's the streets! I have to escape before-


Hinata: Eh....?

Hinata falled to the ground in shock...he looked up to see the half of his body being dissolved by the black cloud.

Blood spread everywhere as Mei looked down upon Hinata's form.

The dazed look in her eyes never left.

Hinata: No...No...Please...I swear I won't no one again...Please...spare me....I don't wanna die...I don't...

Mei's hand soon all five fingers pointing at Hinata.

In a heartbeating silence...they formed into a fist...


Hinata's body was then crushed...

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