Cody needs a helping hand

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^ Kendal Black


Sandra opens the front door to the house. "Dani, are you here?"

I look over the lounge. "Yeah, what's going on Sandra?"

She steps into the lounge room. "Is it alright if Dick spends the night?"

My phone rings before I can answer her. I look at the caller ID 'Cody' flashes across the screen.

Me: hey, Cody.

Cody: Can you come over? I need some help looking after Kendal. She's not feeling well and I can't get her to take a bath. She's burning up.

Me: Get a cold washcloth and put it on her. I'll be there in ten.

Cody: Thanks, Dani.

I pick up the car keys and put them in my bag with my mobile. "I'm spending the night with Cody. He needs help with Kendal."

I walk into my room and throw some clothes into my bag.

Dick and Sandra are sitting at the kitchen table when I leave my room.

"Bye," I open the front door.


I pull the car into the parking area of Cody's place. I pick up the overnight bag and walk up to the house.

The front door opens before I can knock. Cody takes my bag from me and leads me to Kendal's room.

I lift her up and carry her to the shower. I turn on the cold water and take off her clothes. I set Kendal on the seat in the shower and let the cold water run over her.

A couple minutes later I take her out of the shower and dry her off. I help her into a pair of pyjamas. "Cody." I yell.

He walks into the room. "Yeah?"

"Do you have children's penadol?"

"I'll have a look." He leaves the room.

I brush Kendal's hair out of her face. "Mummy?"

"It's Aunty Dani, sweetheart."

She opens her eyes and wraps her arms around me. "Uncle Cody's getting you some medicine."

Cody walks into the room with the cup of medicine. I give it to Kendal. She closes her eyes and falls asleep. I move the blankets to the end off bed and open a window in the bedroom.

Cody and I leave the bedroom. "Have you had dinner yet?"

I shake my head.

Cody picks up the phone and orders pizza.

I sit on the lounge and turn the news on. Cody sits next to me. I curl up next to him. He brushes my hair out of face.

My brothers face come across the screen.

Xavier Martinez the son of Martinez Enterprises CEO Jake Martinez has escaped from Jacksonvile Penitentiary Facility. If you see him please call and a number crosses the screen. Xavier has tried to kill his sister and he shot a friend.

I hold onto Cody's hand. "He's coming after me again."

Cody moves my face close to his. "I want you to move in with me. You'll be safer here than with Sandra."

"Okay, we can move my stuff in over the weekend."

Cody nods. "I'll have you moved in before we get ready for Saturday night."

I whisper. "Do we have plans for Saturday?"

"Yes, there's a Halloween party at a friends place. I want you to be my date."

"I need to go shopping for my costume."

A knock on the door brings our conversation to a stop. Cody walks over to the door and he pays for the pizza.

I find two plates and put them on the table. "Where do you keep the plastic cups?"

"Second cupboard on the right."

I fill a cup up with water and carry it to Kendal's room.

Kendal opens her eyes. "I'm cold, Aunt Daniela."

I close the window. "Is that better?"

She nods.

I move over to the bed and touch her forehead. Kendal has cooled down and I cover her with the sheet. "There's some water on the table for you. Do you want something to eat?"

"Ice cream?"

I smile. "I'll see what Uncle Cody has in his freezer."

She hugs me. "Are you going to be my new Mum?"

I shake my head. "No,"

Cody walks into the room and sits next to Kendal. "Sweetheart, Margot is your mother and no one can replace her. Daniela will be a role model in your life for as long as she wants to be with me."

"Uncle Cody, are you going to marry Aunt Daniela in the future?"

I move over to the window and look outside.

I don't want to hear his reply.

I see a guy standing outside the window. He takes a step backwards and disappears into the night.

Cody wraps his arms around me and looks out the window. "Dinner is getting cold."

I laugh. "I love cold pizza."

"I'm hungry. Let's have dinner." Cody throws me over his shoulder fire man style to the lounge room. He sits me on the lounge and places four slices of pizza on my plate.

I take a bite of the pizza and I can feel some sauce on my face.

Cody chuckles and uses his thumb to wipe away the sauce. He sticks his thumb into him mouth. "The sauce tastes better coming off you."

I roll my eyes. "I bet cream is better on me with some strawberries."

He smirks. "I'm done with the pizza. I'll get the cream and strawberries."

I laugh. "I wasn't serious, Cody."

He ignore me and pulls the stuff out of the fridge.

I watch him walk into his bedroom.

He stalks toward me and throws me over his shoulder.

I hit his back. "Stop manhandling me tonight, Cody."

Cody lies me on the bed. He moves his hands over my blouse and rips the buttons clean off. He unclips the bra and pulls it off my arms. My jeans are the next to be taken off along with my underwear. He moves to my lips and starts kissing me. He slips his tongue into my mouth and I suck on his tongue.

I move my hand to cream bottle and shake it.

Cody pushes me back onto the bed and takes the bottle from my hand. He squirts the cream on my breast. The cream is cold. Cody scoops the cream with a strawberry and pops it into his mouth. Some juice from the strawberry spills out of his mouth.

I move towards him and lick the juice from his chin.

Cody pulls another strawberry out of the container and dips it into the cream. He brings it to my mouth and I take a bite from it. Cody finishes it off for me.

Cody keeps dipping the strawberry into the cream until there's just a small amount left. He licks up the rest of the cream from my breasts. "Cody," I moan.

He sucks on a nipple and thrusts two fingers into me.

I run my fingers through his hair.

Cody removes his fingers and sticks them into his mouth. "You taste sweet."

I blush. "Fuck me, Cody."

I rips open the condom packet and rolls it on. He thrusts into me. I move my hands down his body and dig my nails into his skin. "Cody," I moan.

"Dani," he whispers.

He speeds his thrusts and I feel my orgasm coming on.

Cody and I come at the same time. He lies on top of me.

"I love you, Cody Black."

"I love you, too, Daniela Waters."

I can't wait for him to call me by my real name when I tell him who I am.


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