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Cody and I are moving my things into his house. I place my bag in his bedroom. Cody sits next to me on the bed.

I put my things in a draw. "Do you remember how you gave me a month before I had to tell you my secret?"

He nods. "Yeah, are you going to tell me?"

"I hope your not going to hate me."

He pulls me into his side. "I could never hate you." He kisses my head.

I sigh. "I'm Ashton Martinez." I pull the wig off and remove the glasses. "My father wanted me to experience the real world." I stand and pace the room.

Cody moves over to me and holds my hips to keep me still. "Thank you for telling me. Mr Martinez was different when you walked into the office. I saw all the times you went into his office and you would lock the door and pull the blinds across."

"I had to keep Dad up-to-date with what was happening. I didn't want to ignore my father when I was at the office."

"Dick and Sandra also let your real name slip a couple of time when you stared off into space."

"I didn't know they let it slip out. At least is was upstairs and not in the mail room."

"When you collapsed at the office your Dad had tears in his eyes. It looked like he was losing someone he loves. I was going to demand an explanation from him. Do you want to know what stopped me?"

I point to myself. "Me?"

He nods. "I trust you, Ashton."

Tears stream down my face.

He wipes them away. "Your not like the rest of the girls I've dated. You are special and I see us spending forever together." He kisses me.

There's a knock on the front door. Cody touches my face. "Its mum she's here for Kendal." He walks out of the room.

I leave the unpacking and walk to the living room.

Diane looks over at me. "Your beautiful. I knew you would be stunning under that false look, Ashton."

I hug her. "Thank you. Its freeing to see you as Ashton Martinez. I feel like I was losing myself as Daniela."

She smiles. "You could never lose yourself. The kindness pours right out of. I would be worried about what happens when someone crosses you."

Cody laughs. "I've seen what happens when people cross her it's not pretty. You should've seen what she did to Margot."

I cross my arms. "Kendal doesn't need to hear it." I hear her bedroom door open.

Kendal stops in front of us. She looks at me. "Where's Aunty Daniela?"

Shoot! I forgot we have to have a little chat with her. It will have to wait until after the weekend.

Cody steps forward kneeling to her level. "This is Ashton."

"Your beautiful." she says.

I kneel to her level. "So are you little one. When you get back from Nan's we will sit and talk."

She hugs me. "I'll see you later, Ashton."

Diane and Kendal walk out the door. I wave at them from the balcony.

Cody whispers. "You are going to be a great mother one day, Ashton."

I smile. "You too, Mr Black."

"I want my own family." he sucks in my neck.

I don't know what to say about that.

Am I ready to be a Mum? If I'm honest with myself I have no clue. I'm twenty three years old and about to be a CEO for the biggest company in the world.

I melt into him.

He moves my hair aside and sucks on my earlobe.

I move my hands behind his neck. "Cody, I still need to unpack my stuff."

"We can unpack tomorrow."

I push him away. "If we don't do it today. You'll come with more excuses."

He laughs. "Fine," he moves over to the cupboard and moves his suits to one side of the cupboard."

I shake my head. "These aren't my proper clothes, Cody. What I am wearing is Daniela Waters outfits."

He stands behind me. "I can't wait to see you in your own style of clothing."

We put my stuff away in the proper places.

I move into the kitchen and look trough the cupboards for something to make for lunch.

Cody sits at the table. "What are you doing?"

"I'm looking for something to make for lunch. Im a good cook." I pull out lettuce, tomato, cucumber and chicken.

I cut the chicken into small pieces and throw them into a bowl with one tablespoon of oil. I season it with Crispy Chicken and throw it in the oven at 210.

I prepare the salad and cut bacon into small strips.

Cody pours two glasses of water and sets them on the table with the cutlery.

I pull the chicken out of the oven and throw it on top of the salad and do the same with the bacon. I place the salad in front of Cody.

"This looks amazing." he puts the chicken on his fork and takes a bite.

"Looks like you won't have to order out anymore."

He laughs. "Who said I order take-out?"

I point to the folder on the table. "It has all the numbers for all the food you want eat. I've seen folders like this on my travels."

After lunch Cody and I clean the kitchen.

The left over suds I blow them at Cody.

He shakes his head. "You are going to pay for that Miss Martinez."

I laugh. "Being it on Mr Black."

Cody cups his hand under the tap and throws water at me.

I open the freezer and get some ice cubes out. I put it down his shirt.

Cody screams.

I hold the cube in place waiting for it to melt.

I run around the counter and slip on the water. I crash into the cupboard. My shoulder got the full impact.

My shoulder is going to bruise.

Cody runs over to me. "Are you alright?"

I nod. "Yeah, we better clean the ope before someone hurts themselves."

He whispers. "Someone already has. I'll clean the kitchen." he lift me into his arms and carries me to the lounge.

Cody clean the floor with the mop. His muscles move from the movement of moping. "Are you done checking me out?"

I shake my head. "Take your shirt off."

He lifts his shirt over his head. "Do you want me to do anything else?"

I smirk. "You can finish moping the floor."

He salutes me. "Yes, Madame." He moves the mop side to side.

Cody takes the mop outside to dry. He walks over to the lounge. He pushes me back on the lounge.

I move to the side and he lies next to me.

Cody pulls me against him. He kisses me and I allow him entry into my mouth.

I drag my hands through his hair it feels spiky.

I can smell his cologne of Sandalwood.

His mouth tastes minty.

He pulls away to catch his breath.

"I need to have a shower." I move away from me.

"Can I join you?"

I shake my head. "You'll be a distraction in there for me."

I enter the bathroom and I hear Cody outside the door. "I'll get you a towel."

I strip out of my clothes and step into the shower.

Cody walks into the bathroom and places the towel on the rack. "I'll join you in the shower next time, babe."


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