Day 30

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I hear a tray being place on a table and I feel somebody's weight on top of me. A kiss is placed on my nose, forehead and lips. I open my eyes and see Cody on top of me. "Wake up, beautiful. I don't want breakfast to get cold." He places the tray on the bed.

Cody made me pancakes, tea and orange juice for breakfast.

I look at him. "Thank you, this looks amazing." I pour the maple syrup on the pancakes.

Cody moves closer to me and he wraps a strand of my brown hair around his finger. "What are you doing today?"

I shrug. "Whatever you want."

He smiles. "I was hoping you would say that. Mum and Dad have a meeting they need to go and I have to pick Kendal up at eleven."

I eat my breakfast and I help Noah clean the kitchen. "Can we stop at he shops before we pick Kendal up."

Cody smiles. "Sure, are you going to tell me what you need from the shops?"

"I need a couple of toys for today and something for work tomorrow."

"Do I want to know what you have planned for work?"

I smirk. "Nah, if you know ahead of time I won't have fun."

When I take over the company I'm going to bring in a couple pot plants for upstairs and put magazines on the table for our clients while they wait to see us, a coffee/tea machine and a water cooler.

Cody pulls into the parking lot of the shopping centre.

I run inside the centre and head straight for the water guns. I find a whip.

Ah, just what I need.

I hide it behind my back.

Cody finds me with the water guns. "What are they for?"

"It's hot out there and I want to cool down. What better way than with this."

Cody laughs. "Do I get one?"

I shake my head. "They only had two. One for Kendal and one for me."

At the counter I pay the items.


Cody pulls the car into the parking lot of the park.

I fill the water guns and give one to Kendal. "Lets attack Cody."

Kendal lets out a battle cry and she sprays Cody.

Cody moves towards me and I spray him.

Kendal and I are running around the park. Cody lunges at me and I fall to the ground. He moves so I'm on top of him.

Cody moves towards my lips. He kisses me and I drop the gun. Cody picks the gun up and squirts me with the water.

I pout. "That's not fair. You distracted me."

"Uncle Cody." Kendal yells.

He looks over at is niece and she sprays him with the water.

"Aunty Daniela, you can use this." she gives me the water gun.

I stand up and spray water at his jeans. "Aw, did wittle Cody wody wet his wittle pants."

Cody's face turns a bit red and he chases me. "I'm going to get you, Dani."

I run to the female toilets. I climb out through the window and sneak to the entrance of the toilets. Cody is standing there.

A woman starts hitting Cody. "There's no one in there. Why are you hanging around you pervert?"

I spray Cody with the water and run away laughing.

Cody catches up to me and we roll down the small hill. We don't stop in time and we land in the pond.

Kendal runs over to us. "You stink." she blocks her nose.

I laugh. "Blame, Uncle Cody."

Cody climbs out of the pond.

I scream.

Cody looks at me. "What?"

"There's something touching my leg. Help me out."

Cody pulls me out of the pond.

I hit him. "I told you I wanted to cool down. Not literally cool down in some stinking pond ducks crap in."

Kendal laughs.

I walk to the female toilets and jump into the shower fully clothed and rinse the pond off me the best I can.

When I exit the restrooms Kendal is waiting for me with a towel. I take it from her. "Thank you."

"Uncle Cody is in the car." Kendal and I walk to the car.

I place the towel on the seat and climb inside.

Cody drives us to his place since it's close than mine.

At his place he shows me to the bathroom and I strip out of my clothes in front of him. "I'm going to put these in the washer. I'll be back with something for you to wear after your shower." he picks up my clothes and exits the bathroom.

I'm in the middle lathering my body with soap when Cody walks in. He strips out of clothes and enters the shower with me.

I raise an eyebrow.

He smirks. "I don't want to waste water."

I snort. "What's Kendal doing?"

"She's watching cartoons."

I step out of the shower. "I'm going to keep her company." I dry myself and get dressed into his boxers and t-shirt. "Thanks for the clothes, Mr Black." I shut the bathroom door.

Kendal turns away from the television. "Why are you wearing Uncle Cody's clothes?"

I sit next to her on the lounge. "I don't have anything else to wear while my clothes go through the washing machine."

The bell rings and I open the door. The pizza delivery guy tells me how much I owe him. I give him the money and close the door.

I pull out plastic plates and put some pizza on Kendal and my plates. Cody walks out of his bedroom wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt that shows off his muscled arms.

Kendal takes her plate and sits in front of the television.

Cody and I sit next to each other on the lounge. Cody feeds me the pizza. I do the same to him. Cody nibbles on my earlobe and it send shivers through my body.

I slap him. "We have a child in the room."

He shrugs. "She's watching television." He pulls me onto him and I straddle him.

I suck on his neck.

He starts to moan and I feel his erection. "Don't stop." I slip my hand into his jeans and take care of him. My hand moves expertly up and down his shaft.

I kiss him.

"Gross!" Kendal says. "Mummy never kisses in front of me."

I chuckle.

Cody releases himself on my hand.

"I have to use the bathroom." I climb off him and walk to the bathroom.

I wash my hands.

As I exit the bathroom I crash into what I think is a wall. I move my hands up the wall and I look into the blue eyes of my boyfriend. "I want to take you to the bedroom."

I shake my head. "I have to go soon. How long until my clothes are ready?"

Cody and I walk into the laundry. "It'll be an hour and a half in the dryer."

Kendal walks to the door. "Aunty Daniela can we make a cake?"

I smile at her. "Let's see what Cody has in the cupboard."

I find ingredient to make scones. Kendal and I make a dozen.


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