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On Monday I am in the mail room sorting the envelopes. Sandra walks into the room with a hickey on her neck and she tries to cover it up with a turtle neck shirt. "Hey, Sandy. No need to hide the bruise."

She frowns. "What are you talking about?"

I rub the side of my neck and her face turns red. "Oh, my bad, it's a hickey from Dicky,"

She blushes. "I think I'll deliver the mail upstairs today."

I pout. "I want to see, Cody."

Sandra shakes her head. "Not today."

I smirk. "Give Dicky wicky a wittle kissy-wissy from me." I make kissing noises at her.

She laughs. "If this is the type of teasing I get from you I don't want to know what you've got up your sleeves for my boyfriend."

I wink. "I'm sure, he'll tell you over lunch. Cody wants me to eat lunch with him at twelve."

Sandra grabs the mail and goes upstairs.

I deliver the rest of the mail to everyone in the office. I stop at Sasha's table. "Hey, I've got your mail."

She smiles. "Thanks. Can you get me twelve copies of each of these pages. I need them by eleven."

I nod. "Do you need anything else?"

"No, thank you."

I walk over to the photocopier and print copies for her.

A guy stands behind me. "Hey, I'm Alex."

I smile. "Daniela."

I tap my foot against the floor.

The guy keeps talking and I answer him with "hmm."

The last paper falls from the machine. I gather all the copies and take them to Sasha's desk.

I give her the copies and walk back into the mail room.

Sandra is sitting at the desk when I walk into the room. "I heard you met Alex."

I shake my head. "Yeah, he talks too much."

She laughs. "He told everyone you were hot and that he wants to take you into his cubicle."

I roll my eyes. "I have to go upstairs. Cody's waiting for lunch"

Sandra looks at me me. "What did you bring him for lunch?"

I smirk. "Curried egg sandwiches. His rooms going to smell like fart all day."

Sandra high-fives me.

I leave the room and make my up stairs to Cody's room.

Dick walks over to me. "Cody's in a meeting. He wants you to wait for him."

I nod. "Okay,"

I move over to Dick and hand him a whip.

Dick frowns. "What's this?"

I smirk. "It's a whip." I make a whip noise. "Because when it comes to Sandra you're whipped."

He chases me around the room and hitting things with the whip along the way. The door to Cody's room opens.

Cody steps out and says. "Have a nice day Mr and Mrs Jefferson." They shake his hand and walk over to the lift.

Margot looks like the older woman. I bet my entire inheritance that was her parents.

I run into Cody's room.

Cody looks at Dick. "What did she do this time,"

He holds up the whip. "She got me this and said that I'm whipped."

I laugh.

Cody blocks my frame from Dick. "I'm sorry, man. I'm not allowing you near my girlfriend."

I peek through Cody's arms and stick my tongue out at him. "My boyfriend told you off. Nah, nah, nah."

Cody places his hand over mouth.

I try to pry his hands off my mouth and it won't work.

I spit nonsense out through my covered mouth.

Ahh Choo.

I sneeze all over Cody's hand.

He pulls his hand off my mouth. "You could've told me."

I smirk. "I told you I needed to sneeze. You didn't pay attention to me."

Cody closes the door and I sit across from him in his office. "What did you bring me for lunch?"

"Curried egg sandwiches."

"Are you trying to stink my office out?"

I unwrap my sandwich and shove it into my mouth. "Yes," I spit out through my sandwich.

"Did your mother ever tell you it's rude to speak with your mouth full?"

"Yeah, I just ignored her."

Cody laughs.


After work I drive straight home. As I pull my car into the parking spot I see Dick step out of his car.

Dick and I walk into the apartment building.

"Are you here to see your girlfriend?"

He shakes his head. "I need to tell Sandra and you something. It's important."

I frown. "Okay,"

I let Dick into the apartment.

We find Sandra sitting at the kitchen table with Xavier.

What's my half brother doing here?

Sandra turns to me. "I'm sorry."

I watch Xavier flip back the safety on his gun. He puts his finger on trigger and pulls.

I close my eyes.

Bang, bang, bang.

I fall on the ground.

When I open my eyes I feel someone top of me. I look into the brown eyes of Dick. "I'll always protect you." He whispers and closes his eyes.

I sob.

Sandra has her head on the table.

Xavier smirks. "She's not dead yet. You will be before she wakes up."

I hold my hands up and crawl out from underneath Dick. "What do you want, Xavier?"

He laughs. "I want Martinez Enterprises, bitch."

I back away from him. "You can have it. I'll sign it over to you once I get it in 60 days."

He moves closer to me. "I can't wait that long I need it now. I'll kill everyone that stands in my way to Martinez Enterprises. If I get you out of the way with I will pay a visit to your boyfriend and his niece and then I'll pay daddy dearest a visit as well as his wife."

My back hits a chest. I pull the draw open with the my right hand. My hand grasps the gun my Dad ordered me to carry with me. I unclip the safety and my finger touches the safety. I aim the gun at my half brother and pull the trigger.

Bang, bang.

I fall to the ground.

Police run into the room and I'm taken to the police station. Everything happens in a blur. My father and mother wait for me.

When the police let me go I run to my parents and hug them. "I'm sorry."

Dad pulls me tighter into his arms. "Don't apologise. It was you or him."

That's when the tears fall and I fall to the ground. "H-h-how's Dick?"

Dad shakes his head. "He's not good. Debbi and her sons are there with him."

I wipe the tears away. "C-can we go see him?"

Mum, Dad and I go to the hospital.

I walk to the waiting room and Sandra is sitting with Dick's family.

Debbie runs over to me and pulls me into her arms. "I'm glad you are safe."

I start crying again. "I'm sorry, Debbie. This is all my fault."

She shakes her head. "It's not your fault sweetheart."

"Xavier came to my house to kill me. Dick jumped in front of me and took the bullets that were meant for me. How's that not my fault?" I move away from Debbie and sit on the chair.


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