Day with Kendal

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^ Indoor Playground

I pull my car into the driveway of Mr and Mrs Black's mansion. Kendal is waiting in front of the house. She runs over to my car before I put it in park.

I park the car and climb out. "Kendal, never run to a moving car. It could hit you."

She looks at the ground. "I'm sorry,"

I pull her into my arms. "That's alright, just be careful."

"Okay, Aunty Ashton."

Mrs black walks out of the mansion and crosses her arms. "Your not going to say hello to me?"

I look at her. "I didn't want to disturb you."

She walks down the stairs and hugs me. "Ashton, your always welcomed here, sweetheart. I know things aren't going well with my son since he left. Can you give him a chance when you see him next?"

I pull away from her. "I don't know if I can. He hurt me when he left me outside the church during the funeral and then when he ran away with Kendal." I feel the tears fall down my face and I swipe at them. "I have to go. What time do you want me to drop Kendal off?"

"Our meeting finishes at twelve. You should join us for lunch at one at the Country Club?"

I smile. "I'll see you then." I walk over to the car and climb in.

"Where are we going, Aunty Ashton?"

I turn to her. "Where do you want to go?"

She smiles. "I want to go to Monkey Mania."

I pull out of the driveway and head towards the arcade.


Kendal runs over to the jumping castle.

I place my bag on the table and watch her bounce around with the other kids.

Kendal waves me. "Aunty Ashton, can you join me?"

I step onto the jumping castle and bounce around. A couple children climb off and leave Kendal and I on it. I push Kendal over and she bounces.

Kendal laughs. "Do it again."

I land on my butt, bouncing a couple of times.

Kendal climbs off the castle and looks at me. "I'll race you to the top."

Kendal and I run up the ramp and at the top of the ramp is a step. I crawl onto it and make my way to the next area. I have to crawl up the next part of the equipment.

Kendal stops at the slides. "I want go down this."

She waits for me to sit on the slide.

I turn to to her. "One... Two... Three." Kendal and I slide down.

My jeans are slippery and I move quickly down the slide and land hard on my butt. I stand up and rub it.

That's going to leave a bruise.

Kendal and I race each other to the top of the equipment. I stop at the guns they have.

Kendal picks up a ball and puts it in the gun. She fires it at the kids below.

A ball ricochets off a wall and hits a kid in the face.

Kendal raises her hand and backs away from the gun. "I didn't do it."

I laugh. "They know you didn't mean it."

Kendal and I've been here for three hours and it's nearly time we go to the country club to meet up with Mr and Mrs Black.

Kendal and I crawl to the slippery dip and we go down it. I climb to my feet and put my shoes on.

Kendal looks over at me. "Do we have to go?"

I nod. "I'm afraid so. We are going to have lunch with Grandma and Grandpa."

Kendal crosses her arms. "I don't want to have lunch with them." She starts crying.

I pick her up. "I'll buy you ice cream if you behave yourself?"

She smiles. "Okay,"

I put her on the ground. "Put your shoes on."

Kendal puts her shoes on and picks up her small handbag placing it over her shoulder. "I'm ready to go Aunty Ashton."

Kendal and I walk to the car. I unlock the door and Kendal climbs inside. She puts her seatbelt on. I shut the door and climb into the drivers seat. A Taylor swift songs comes on the radio. Kendal and I sing along. There's heaps of traffic on the road and we head towards the Country Club.

Kendal looks at me. "What's with all the traffic?"

I turn to her. "A break down." I can see a tow truck on the side of the road.

The traffic moves at a snail's pace.

My phone rings.

When the traffic stops I pull it out of my handbag. 'Cody's' name flashes on the screen. I give the phone to Kendal. "Can you answer the phone?"

Kendal nods. "Hello, this is Kendal."

"Do you see the speaker on the phone click on that?"

Kendal hits the button. "Uncle Cody?"

"I'm still here" I can hear static. "Ashton, How long until you get here? Mum and Dad are worried."

I roll my eyes. "We are stuck in traffic. The country club is about ten minutes away from where we are."

"Okay, babe. I'll see you soon." He hangs up.

The traffic moves at a steady pace. We drive past the car that broke down on the road. I can see steam coming from the engine.

I pull in front of the Country Club. 

Mrs Black run over to the car and she hugs Kendal. She turns to me. "If you're going to be late in the future please give me a call."

I step out of the car. "I will. I didn't mean to worry you."

She hugs me. "My daughter-in-law and son died in car accidents. Every time I think of anyone in my family behind the wheel I start to freak out. I think my family is cursed when it comes to driving."

I start crying. "I'm sorry,"

Kendal, Mrs Black and I enter the Country Club.

There are photos of the club from when it started in 1856 to now. They have made improvement to the club.

I wish I could have seen it in the olden days.

I look over the menu. "Can you order me a burger and fries? I need to use the rest room." I excuse myself and walk to the bathroom.

I look in the mirror and I look like a racoon with my mascara running from when I was crying outside. I dab at the mascara and wash my hands.

I take a deep breath and head back out to the table.

You can do this Ashton.

I sit at the table and take a sip of water.

Cody watches me from his seat.

He is starting to annoy me with the staring.

I sigh. "What?"

He shakes his head. "Never mind. I don't think you'll listen to me today."

I shake my head. "I have to go." I place some money on the table. I kiss Kendal. "I'll see you on Thursday."

Kendal holds onto me. "Don't go."

Cody stands. "I'll leave." He walks to the door. He turns towards me with tears in his eyes and then walks out the door.

My heart breaks a bit.


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