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Today is my first day as CEO at Martinez Enterprises. My hands become sweaty from gripping the steering wheel tight. My knuckles turn white as I pull my red convertible BMW into the parking spot of CEO. I let go of the steering wheel and wipe my sweaty hands on the black dress I wearing for my first day.

I step out of the car and wait for Cody to show up. He had to drop Kendal off at school.

A hear a car pull into the parking lot and I wait for it. I see Cody's car come around the corner and he parks his mini van next to mine. He steps out of the car. "Hello, Miss Martinez." He kisses my cheek.

I half smile. "I'm scared."

Cody pulls me into his arms. "Don't be. Your going to rock at this job. Don't forget you have a few people to talk to today about their manners."

"Oh, I forgot about that."

He kisses my cheek. "If you have any problems you can call me."

Cody holds my hand and we enter Martinez Enterprises.

I take the lift to the top floor.

Cody kisses me before he walks into his office.

Dick is at his desk. "Good morning Miss Martinez."

"Good morning, can you send up Sasha and Marley. I would like to talk to them, please."

Dick picks up his phone.

I open the door to my office and find a cup steaming on my desk.

Sandra's good.

I walk over to the desk and lean into the leather seat. I place my plaque on the table. I turn the chair to the window that over looks the City. Everything looks smaller from up here.

There's a knock on the door. "Come in."

I turn to the person.

"Mis Martinez, is there anything else I can get you?" Sandra asks.

I shake my head. "I'm fine, Sandra. Please, call me Ashton."

"Okay, Sasha and Marley are outside."

"Let them in."

The two blonde, blue eyed Beauty Queens step into the room. They sit across from me.

Sasha folds her arms. "You wanted to see us?"

"Yes, the next time there's a new worker in this building I want you to treat them better than you have me when I started in the mail room. I want my workers to feel safe in this environment. If I have any complaints about your behaviour I won't have a problem firing you."

Marley stands. "I understand. I have a phone call to get back to. May I be excused?"

"You are dismissed."

Sasha and Marley leave the room.

My phone rings. "Hello?"

"Ashley is here for you."

"Send her in."

Ashley opens the door to the office. "Hey, Ashton. I'm sorry I didn't call you. Is that job offer still available."

I nod. "It is. When can you start?"

"Today?" She asks.

"Okay, I'll have Sandra show you around. If you have any problems come to me."

"Thank you, Miss Martinez."

Sandra walks into the room. "Do you need me to show her around?"

"Yes, show her to the mail room."


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I would like to personally thank the following readers who followed this book from the beginning


I can't believe this is the end of this book. It took just over a month to complete this book. I hope you all enjoyed The Deal.

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