Father's Day Bonus Scene

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In Australia it's Father's Day. So, I'm going to do a Father's Day special chapters for my books with the fathers in them. I hope you all enjoy this chapter ;-)

I dedicate this chapter to my Dad. I love you xxx


I hear a knock on the door and someone entering the room. The bed dips and Kendal touches my shoulder. "Aunty Ashton, I want to make Uncle Cody something for breakfast for Father's Day."

Oh, shoot! I forgot it's Father's Day and I didn't get dad anything.

I climb out of bed and leave Cody in the big warm bed by himself. "What do you want to make?"


I pull out the ingredients to make pancakes from scratch.

Kendal pours the flour into a measuring cup and it spills out of the cup and onto the table. She has flour on her face.

When the batter is finished I pour it into the frying pan and take Kendal to the bathroom to get get cleaned up. I return to the kitchen and flip the pancakes over. I make a cup of coffee for Cody.

Kendal runs over to me with a present. She gives it to me with some wrapping paper. "Can you please wrap it?"

I wrap the present for her and she places a card she made at school on top. I put Cody's breakfast on a tray and we enter the bedroom.

Kendal jumps on the bed. "Uncle Cody, wake up."

Cody bolts up in bed. "What's going on where's Ashton?"

I giggle. "I'm here. You don't need to panic."

He looks at me. "What do you have there?"

"I made breakfast for you Uncle Cody. Happy Father's Day." Kendal hugs Cody.

Cody smiles. "I love you, princess."

She gives him the Father's Day present. "This is for you."

Cody rips open the wrapping paper and he looks at the tool set. "I need more tools around the the house. Thank you." Cody sits up on the bed and I give him his breakfast. "Are you two ladies going to join me for breakfast?"

"I have to make our breakfast." I exit the room and start on Kendal and my breakfast.

I enter the room with two plates of pancakes and sit on the bed with Cody.

I want to do this every year for the rest of my life.


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