Family time

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Cody and I walk up to the front door of his parent's brick mansion. There's a porch that wraps around the house, a swinging chair, table and chairs, four step to climb to get the porch, purple flowers planted in the garden.

The front door opens and Diane steps outside. "Welcome to the Black house."

I laugh.

I step onto the porch and hug Diane. "This place is beautiful."

She steps away from me. "You have to meet my husband."

I walk into the house and a guy with blonde hair, blue eyes and tanned skin is crawling on the ground.

The man looks up from the ground and his face turns red.

Someone's embarrassed.

"Ashton," Kendal says. "Poppy's giving me a piggy back ride." She hits her grandfather on the back. "Giddy up, poppy."

I laugh.

Mr Black shakes his head. "This isn't the way I pictured meeting my son's girlfriend." He continues to crawl around the floor with Kendal on him.

Kendal climbs off Mr Black.

"What are you doing here, Ashton?"

"You're Uncle and I need to talk to you."

"Are you Aunt Daniela too?"

I laugh. "How did you know?"

"I've walked in on you taking a shower and the brown wig is left on the counter.

I hug her. "Are you sure you seven?"

She shakes her head. "I'm eight."

Mr Black stands up and walks over to me. "Hi, I'm Kyle Black. You must be the Ashton Martinez my son keeps talking about."

I smile. "That would be me. It's nice to meet you, Sir."

Mr Martinez leads me over to the dining table. "Will you join us for lunch before you take Kendal with you?"

I turn to Cody.

He nods.


Cody, Kendal and Diane walk out of the room leaving me with James.

James leans towards me. "What's your intentions with my son?"

"What do you?"
"Are you with my son because of his money?"

I laugh.

This man is an idiot.

He frowns. "What's so damn funny?" he hits the table with his hand.

"You have no idea who I am do you?"

He shakes his head.

"I'm the daughter of the Multi-Billionaire Dean Martinez."

"The company my son is the VP of?"

I nod. "Yes, I'll be the CEO soon of Martinez Enterprises. I am not using your son. If tour relationship doesn't work out I'm not going to demand anything from you."

Mr Black leans back in his chair. "Do you know why I'm strict with the girls that come into my son's life?"

I whisper. "You don't want another girl like Margot to walk through you door."

He nods. "I'm glad we had this talk. Do you want a tour of this place?"

I smile. "Okay,"

Mr Black shows me around the house. The first room we stop at a library. The walls are full of shelves with books covering every inch, a chandelier hanging from the wall, table and chairs, a laptop sitting on the table.

I move around the room taking in all the books. "This is a great library, Sir. Do you have a book?"

He shakes his head. "This is my wife's collection. She has encyclopaedias." He points out the brown leathered book with gold pages at the top and bottom.

I look at the dates of the books. There's books from the 90's to 2005.

I'll have to look at these books one day. 

Diane walks into the room. "You've found the library?"

"This was the first room Kyle showed me."


After lunch Cody, Kendal and I leave the Black house.

Kendal looks at Cody. "Where are we going, Uncle Cody?"

He smiles. "I've hired a couple of bikes."

"Are we going for a bike ride?"


I haven't been on a bike since I was twelve. I hope I don't fall off it.

Cody pulls into a parking spot at the beach. We climb out of the car and walk over to the bike hire place.

I pick up a purple helmet and put it on my head.

Kendal picks up a pink one. "Can you put this on me, Ashton?"

I take the helmet from her and place it on her head. I snap the lock into place under her chin. I pull the string and tighten it for me. Three bikes are brought out to us.

Kendal wheels her bike outside the shop.

Cody looks at me. "Are you alright?"

I shake my head. "I'm afraid of this bike. I haven't ridden one since I was twelve."

Cody lifts his leg over the bike and sits on the seat. "It's not hard. Swing your leg over the bar and sit on the seat.

I swing my leg over the bar and the bar is between my legs. I move back a little more and sit on the seat. The seat it hard on my butt. I put my feel on the pedal and start riding along the beach.

Kendal and Cody follow behind me.

I can feel the wind whipping my face. The smell of the salt water hits me. The birds are chirping, kids are screaming and running from the water.

A guy on his skateboard soars past me and I start to wobble on the bike. The bike tips to the side and I fall off it. My arm hits the concrete and the bike lands on top of me. I push off the ground and roll up my sleeve. My arm is scraped and bleeding.

The jeans I'm wearing has a hole in them. I pull the legs up on my jeans and my knee is also scraped.

Stupid bloody skateboarder.

Cody and Kendal climb of their bikes.

"Ashton?" Cody asks.

"I have a scrapped knee and arm. Other than that I'm fine, Cody." I push the bike off me.

The bike has a scratch on it.

I stand bike the upright and climb back on to it. I look at Cody and Kendal. "Are we going to finish this bike ride or do you want to go back to the shop and I can look after my injuries?"

Cody shrugs. "It's up to you."

I ride the bike to the end of the beach. An ice cream truck is parked close by. I climb off and wait in line to get one.

Cody and Kendal put their bikes next to mine. They look at the different types of ice cream the truck has.

Cody looks at me. "What one are you going to get?"

"Choc dip flake."

"I want the same," Kendal says.

The line moves and Cody orders three choc dip flakes. The guy grabs a cone and fills it with the ice cream, puts a flake in it and then dips it on the chocolate. He does the same for the other two.

Cody pays and then gives Kendal and I ours. The chocolate goes hard and I bite into the chocolate and I can taste the creaminess of it.

Kendal looks at Cody and I. "This is good." She has chocolate around her mouth.

We sit on the bench and eat.

I wash my hands under the shower head and we climb on our bikes and make our way back to the shop.


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