The car accident

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Cody pulls his car into the parking of Martinez Enterprises. He parks the car close to the door. I step out of the car and wait for Cody. Cody places his arm around my shoulder. I have my arm around his back.

Cody's phone rings and he answer it.

I drop my hand from around him and start to walk inside the building.

"Ashton," he whispers/yells.

I turn to him and put my finger to my lips. "Shhh,"

"Sorry," he mouths.

He hangs up the phone and walks over to me. He kisses my cheek.

"Who was that?"

"Margot, she got a job in New York and she told me she was seeing a councillor. She will continue to see someone while she's there and Kendal will be moving with her."

"I'm going to miss that kid."

"We can have the house to ourselves without kids running around." He spins me around twice and then put me back on the ground.

"Do you want to have kids?"

He nods. "I've thought about it a lot. With you I want the marriage and kids. Do you think you can wait a couple years before we have kids though?"

I smile. "Yes, I'll wait."

Cody walks me to the mail room.

I enter the room and find Dick and Sandra making out on the desk.

I clear my throat. "I hope you are going to clean that desk. It's got something white on it." I have a serious look on my face.

Sandra's face turns red. "Are you serious?"

I burst out laughing.

She buries her face in Dick's shoulder.

Cody has a grin on his face and I can see his dimples. "Good one, baby. I'll you upstairs later?"

"Sure," he leans into me and kisses me.

My knees go weak and he catches me. He deepens the kiss. I run my fingers through his hair shaggy blonde hair.

He pulls away. "Bye," he leaves the mail room.

Dick leaves with Cody.

Sandra slaps my arm. "That was embarrassing."

I laugh. "Well you shouldn't be making out on the desk we use to sort out the mail. I'm pretty sure most of the guys here won't mind their deliveries covered in..."

Sandra cover her ears. "La la la la la,"

I laugh.

She unblocks her ears. "Are you done?"

I smirk. "For now. Let's get these to our workmates and then head upstairs and annoy the boys."

"Your father hasn't pushed you away from going upstairs. Why is that?"

"I think he wants me to see how it is up there. It's serious all the time. Since, I'm stuck in a stuffy room I thought I'd lighten up the moods of those boys." I pick up the first box and throw the mail onto the table.

I put them in order and throw it in the trolley

The ten boxes are sorted and I make my way around the building. I make coffees and photo copy things for a couple of people.

Sandra walks over to me. "Are you ready to go upstairs?"

I shake my head. "I have to drop off something to Sasha. I'll meet you up there." I move toward Sasha's desk.

Sasha steps away from her desk and crashes into me. She spills her coffee onto the paper I just copied for her. "Damn it! Are you blind?"

"No, but you are. Here's the stuff you wanted copied. Since these have coffee on it you can do it yourself." I throw the paper on her desk.

She puts her hands on her hips. "You work for me. Now get me more copies."

"No," I walk away.

She yells. "I'm going to your supervisor."

I shrug. "Go ahead."

I wheel the trolley into the mail room. I take Cody's mail off the trolley and head upstairs.

Cody waits for me by the lift. He pulls me into his arms. "Sasha called about you."

I laugh. "Are you going to fire me, Mr Black?"

"I can't fire our soon to be CEO that wouldn't be right."

I give him his mail. "These are for you."

He takes them from me. "Thank you."

"We need to leave early to pick up Kendal. Margot will be at my place at five to get her."



On the way home from picking up Kendal we are stuck in traffic. There's been a car accident ahead. I can see ambulance, police, fire trucks and a tow truck.

Over the radio an announcement comes over about the car accident on the road we are travelling on.

The car creeps forward. I look outside the window. "Shit, I know that car." I pull the car over to the side of the road.

I walk over the police.

An officer looks at me. "Stop there."

"Is she alive?" I ask.

The white car I'm looking at has flipped over I can see brown hair hanging outside the driver window.


"Do you know the woman in the White car?"

I nod. "She's my sister in law."

"I'm sorry sir. She didn't make it.

I can't believe my sister in law is dead.

I sit on the ground with my head in my hands.

"Cody?" a sweet voice says.

I can't look up at Ashton.

Ashton touches my arm. "Cody, let's go home. You need to call her parents and yours."

"This is my fault. If I didn't have Kendal she'd still be here."

She helps me up. "It's not your fault, Cody. This accident could have happened anytime anywhere. Kendal could have been in the car too."
I wipe my face. "How am I going to tell Kendal?"

"She already knows that it was her Mum's car. Sit in the backseat and tell her. I'll drive to your Mum's."

I open the door and climb in.

Kendal throws herself into my arms. "Is Mummy dead?"

I nod. "Yes, sweetheart."

She starts sobbing.

I hug her.

"What's going to happen to me Uncle Cody?"

I kiss her head. "You aren't going anywhere. You will be living with me. I'm not letting you go anywhere."

"Thank you."

I hug Kendal all the way to my parent's house.

"Cody," Ashton shakes me. "We're at your parents place."

My niece is fast asleep in my arms. I pick her up and carry her into the house. I put her in the spare bedroom and join my parent's in the lounge room.

Mum looks at me. "Cody, what happened? Kendal and you look like crap."

I sit next to Ashton on the lounge and I take her hand gathering some of her strength. "On the way home we were caught in traffic and when I drove past the accident it was..." I start crying. I can't finish off the sentence.

"It was Margot's car. She's died at the scene." Ashton finishes.

Mum falls into the seat and she cries.

My niece has no parents now.

Ashton's arms are wrapped around me.

I hear screaming from the bedroom and I run in there.

Kendal sits up in the bed and cries.

I walk over to her. "Did you have a bad dream?"

She nods. "Mummy was there and she said 'goodbye.' I miss her."


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